Daring In The City. Jo Leigh

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Daring In The City - Jo Leigh Mills & Boon Blaze

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Luca had the last two years of his required internship lined up at a prestigious firm, after which he’d be eligible for his professional license. His family was counting on him.


      Luca hadn’t seen his brother walk up to him. “What’s up?”

      “That’s what I was gonna ask you,” Tony said. “You seem distracted. Everything okay?”

      “Yeah, sure. Everything’s fine. Just, uh... I’ve asked a couple of guys from the Sanders project to come help me move some stuff to the Mercury Building.”

      “What stuff?”

      “Mostly equipment and tools, but some of my personal stuff, as well. I’m moving into the apartment while I do the renovations.”

      Tony’s eyebrows rose pretty damn high. “Now?”

      “Yeah, now. Angelo finished putting in the new pipes, the electrical is done and I’ve started busting down walls. So I’ll live upstairs while I work on the downstairs.” In accordance with the Paladino Trust—the one that decreed no one but the immediate family could know that the Paladinos owned a great deal of real estate in the Little Italy area and kept the old timers’ rents ridiculously low—Luca had claimed one of the two-story apartments on the top floor of the family-owned building.

      Tony shook his head. “What about your internship?”

      “The offer’s open-ended,” Luca said. “It’ll still be there when I’m ready.”

      Tony frowned. “When you’re ready? You’ve been ready for years.”

      “I didn’t mean it like that.” Except he kind of did, and that was the problem. Tony knew about his side job. But Luca doubted either of his brothers understood just how much he loved working with his hands. And his parents? Forget about it. They’d short-circuit. Tell him he was wasting his smarts and his education.

      The thing was they wouldn’t be wrong. Damn, he felt bad about spending all that money for an Ivy League education. He really did. Ironically, it had taken all those years of school to make him realize that being an architect wasn’t what he wanted to do with his life.

      “You realize I can handle things without you, right? The company won’t fold while you step back.” Tony bumped his shoulder. “Besides, you know how much government work we’re missing out on while we wait for you?”

      “Look, I don’t want to get into a big discussion about this.” Now who couldn’t take a joke? He knew Tony was teasing but he’d hit a sore spot. “I can’t live with the folks anymore, okay? Now that Dad’s home all the time, they’re always bickering. It’s not even that, though. I haven’t lived on my own for a long time. I barely date, because I’m not about to bring a woman back to their place. I’m feeling pressure to get married already, and I just need some room to breathe. I mean, how am I supposed to ever hook up? Keep a room at the Marriott?”

      Tony nodded. “Yeah, that’s true. You only had, what, two years of living on your own at college? I was all caught up in trying to patch things up with Angie when you moved back home. You really stepped up, man. Took care of the folks. Helped out more than your share with the company.”

      “Yeah, well, I’m not complaining.”

      “I know.” Tony shook his head. “You seeing anyone now?”

      “You mean other than the women Mom and Nonna keep shoving at me?”

      “Wait. Are you getting laid at all?”

      “Do I look like a guy who’s getting laid?” he said, realizing he should’ve kept his voice down. “That’s why I have to get out of there. I have a date next week, one I arranged, so hopefully...”

      “All right, I see your point. A year after I got divorced they started harassing me about getting married again.”

      “I remember. And now that you have Catherine they’ve started going after me. So, yeah, thanks for that.”

      Tony laughed. “Look, if you want to take some time off to get situated, we’ll be fine. I’m ready to get out of the office more so I can step in, and Dom’s doing great.”

      Luca knew his contribution to the company wasn’t exactly crucial. The employees and subcontractors they had were top-notch. His brothers could easily carry his load. The only thing that would actually make a difference in their collective future was his becoming licensed.

      If only being an architect was what he really wanted.

      “And after that,” Tony said, “think about taking a step back from the company and pouring yourself into that internship at Willingham. We all had to regroup when Dad got sick, but it’s not fair to hold you back when all you’ve got is two more years of interning before you start your dream career.”

      Dream career? Luca kept his expression neutral, not wanting to worry his brother. But why the hell couldn’t he have figured this stuff out before he’d returned to school?

      Deep down he’d probably known then he was on the wrong track. But by that time Tony was in the middle of his divorce and understandably distracted. It had fallen to Luca to take his dad to all his doctors’ visits. Interpret what the doctor was saying. His mom had been worried sick and sometimes she got things confused.

      Add to that the responsibility of managing the Paladino Trust when so many of their tenants had been hit hard by the downturn in the economy, and his life hadn’t been his own. The rest of his family had done what they could but it hadn’t been easy.

      It certainly wasn’t how he’d imagined his college years being. Not that he would do anything different if he had to do it over again. Family was family.

      But this was going to be his time. He’d act crazy if he wanted. Bring home a different woman every night, although that wasn’t like him. The point was the apartment would be all his and he could do whatever he pleased.

      Still, the fact remained that everyone was counting on him to get his license and expand the business, but his true passion lay elsewhere.

      “I don’t mean to tell you what to do,” Tony said, his dark brows furrowed. “I’m just—”

      “Good. You can stop talking. What part of ‘I don’t want to get into a big discussion about this’ did you not hear?”

      “Wiseass.” Tony chuckled. “You better be careful. Once you start fixing up your apartment, the matchmaking will get even worse. And now Pop’s on his ‘wanting grandkids’ kick.”

      “I know. At least I won’t have to listen to them anymore every morning over coffee.”

      “I get it.” Tony nodded. “I don’t know what to tell you. It’s the fate of all Paladino sons. I heard Nonna has started in on Dominic. Can you imagine?”

      “As if he doesn’t already have a parade of women knocking at his door.”

      Tony nodded. “Face it, Luca. You’re screwed.”

      Tony didn’t know the half of it.

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