Drury. Delores Fossen

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Drury - Delores Fossen Mills & Boon Intrigue

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By then Grant and I were separated. That’s why I was a suspect at first, but I was cleared, too, because it was ruled an accident. Added to that, I had an alibi.”

      “A ruptured appendix,” Drury mumbled.

      Caitlyn’s gaze raced to his, and she looked a little surprised that he knew that. When it came to her, Drury always seemed to know a little too much. Like that she’d nearly died herself that night and was in emergency surgery at the same time her estranged husband swerved off the road and hit a tree. Since there’d been other skid marks nearby, the cops had first thought someone had run him off the road, but the CSIs hadn’t been able to prove that the marks were made the exact same time as the accident.

      “I just want to know as much about Melanie as possible before I question her,” Grayson went on. “Does she have any hot buttons?”

      “Me,” Caitlyn answered. “Until I filed for divorce, she was harassing me. She hates me. That’s why I told Drury that I didn’t think she had anything to do with the baby or Conceptions Clinic.”

      Grayson made a sound to indicate he was withholding judgment on that. “I’ll let you know if I find out anything from her, and I’ll have Lucas give you a call once he’s on his way there. By the way, Lucas didn’t tell me exactly where you were on the ranch, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

      So would Drury. The fewer people who knew, the better.

      Drury ended the call, and since Caitlyn had said she wanted to use his laptop, he turned it in her direction. She glanced at the baby. Then at him.

      “I’ll get the carrier from the bedroom,” she said, not giving him a chance to decline to hold the baby. Not that he would have. But Caitlyn must have realized that it wasn’t something he wanted to do.

      Several moments later, she came back into the kitchen, the baby already snuggled into the carrier, and she set the carrier on the table next to the laptop.

      “For a bodyguard search, try starting with Sencor Agency in San Antonio,” he suggested.

      She muttered a thanks and got started on that just as Drury’s phone buzzed again. Not Grayson this time but rather his brother Mason, who lived at the main house on the ranch.

      “We have a visitor,” Mason growled the moment Drury answered. “She’s at the security gate pitching a fit. I didn’t tell her either of you were here, but she’s insisting on seeing Caitlyn.”

      Even though Drury didn’t have the phone on speaker, either Caitlyn heard or else she noticed the alarm on Drury’s face because she slowly got to her feet.

      “Who is it? Melanie?” Drury asked.

      “No. It’s Caitlyn’s mother-in-law, Helen. And along with demanding to see Caitlyn, she says she wants her grandbaby right now.”

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