Sins Of The Flesh. J. Margot Critch

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Sins Of The Flesh - J. Margot Critch Sin City Brotherhood

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to get on a stage...or a hot guy, she mused, letting her thoughts flitter and linger on her opponent, Rafael Martinez, and his dark, supermodel good looks.

      She shook her head; neither was an option at the moment. Certainly not within the city limits of Las Vegas, and definitely not while she was campaigning to be its mayor.

      And certainly never with Rafael Martinez.

      When she won, she knew she’d have to say goodbye to the stage. She would be under the microscope, and there was no way she’d be able to keep her other career a secret. So, as much as it pained her, and no matter how much she loved dancing, she had to stop.

      Despite her ambitions, the prospect of a new life left her frustrated and tense. With no way to dance or have sex, to have a physical release tonight, a glass, or a bottle, of wine and her trusty vibrator would have to do. Jessica walked to the kitchen and dug out a bottle of wine from the cupboard. She poured a glass and brought it to the living room, then flopped down on the couch, turning on the TV to the news program that had just aired her live interview. But the first thing she saw was Rafael Martinez’s face. Frustrated, she groaned. She just couldn’t escape him.

      Rafael was tall, dark and handsome, sexy, muscular, smart—just how she liked her men. It was a fact she’d tried to ignore in the past, but it was harder now in the throes of the campaign, seeing his face, hearing his name, at every turn. But she couldn’t entertain thoughts of being attracted to the man. He was the enemy. He stood for everything she was against, and she needed to get him out of her head in order to concentrate on the job in front of her.

      Despite herself, Jessica grabbed the remote, and instead of turning the TV off, she increased the volume. Even so, she could barely hear his words through the lust that clouded her senses. Essentially, she knew what he was saying, the same things politicians always talked about—growth, industry, lowering crime yada yada yada, the things that would gain him favor with his friends in the business community. Rafael talked a good game, though, she had to admit. He was smart, passionate, smug...gorgeous, drop-dead sexy, with his muscles that bulged and tensed through his dress shirts, his dark eyes that bore into those of whoever he was talking to, the full lips that parted to reveal straight, white teeth. His firm jawline, his nose straight, cheekbones high. It all combined to make him one irresistible man. If only he wasn’t so egotistical, stubborn, condescending, sexy...

      The front door opened and closed, the noise startling her, forcing her to jerk back from the television. Fumbling for the remote to turn off the TV, she dropped it, but in the process, she’d paused it.

      “Girl, you will not believe the date I just had,” her roommate and best friend, Ben, told her as he walked into the living room. He stopped and looked at Jessica, taking in her flushed complexion and jagged breaths. Cocking his head to the side, he laughed. “What are you doing? You look like I just caught you in the middle of a little downstairs DJ.” He moved his fingers in small circles, mimicking the movements of working a turntable, but making a not-so-innocent implication.

      Jessica tossed a throw pillow at him and leaned back on the couch. “Oh, shut up,” she muttered, before she laughed. “Okay, what happened on your date? Was he cute?” She hoped to change the topic.

      “He was extremely cute, a fireman, but dumb as a post. He thought that alfresco was the name of the guy who owned the restaurant,” he answered, grabbing her glass from the coffee table and taking a sip of her wine. Then he nodded at the television, where the picture of Rafael, his perfect white smile, and those deep dimples, were frozen on the screen. “But, baby girl, I want to know what’s got you looking so flushed here alone on the couch. Is it Mr. Martinez? He is certainly tasty.”

      “No,” she said too quickly. “It’s not him. You know, Ben, I’m not like you, I can control myself even around the most marginally good-looking guy.” She stood.

      Ben gestured to the TV. “Marginally good-looking? Look at this guy. I just wish he played for my team.”

      “Well, maybe you should sleep with him, then. But I’m going to bed. I’ve got to pack, I have to be on an early flight to San Francisco tomorrow morning.”

      “Aww, you’re heading there again?”

      “Yeah. Why?”

      “I get so lonely on the weekends when you’re gone. Why go to San Fran every weekend? There are strip clubs in Vegas, you know. That way I wouldn’t have to miss you all the time.”

      “You know I can’t risk dancing here. I can see the headlines now, Las Vegas City Councillor and Mayoral Hopeful Bares All Onstage!” She took her glass back from Ben. “And with the way the media have been following Rafael and me around, it would definitely get out.”

      “But what about when you get closer to the election? I assume you’ll be hanging up the clear heels and the G-string for the glamour of the mayor’s sash, or are you going to be America’s first mayor-slash-exotic dancer?”

      She laughed. “You know I don’t own any clear heels. I’m not embarrassed of my career. I love absolutely every moment onstage. I’ll miss it when it’s over. But you know this city as well as I do.” To tourists, Las Vegas could be considered more of a risqué city, but she knew that outside the famed Strip, the desert city more or less leaned conservative, and voters would not approve of her side job. She knew it was a risk to dance even now, but going out of state helped, and the money she earned helped with her campaign expenses. “So, it’s time to leave it all behind. I knew that I couldn’t dance forever. And there are things I need to do. It’s time to focus my attention on helping people, and making the city better. I’ve got to be the change I want to see in the world.”

      “Trade the pole for a podium.”

      “Exactly. I’ll miss the money, though,” she said. But that wasn’t it. Early on, stripping had been a way for her to make money and pay for college. But eventually, she realized she had a great flair for it. After a lot of hard work, she became well-known around the country for her skills with the pole. Being onstage was an empowering, fun, great exercise and she was extremely good at it, and high in demand. “You want to come with?”

      “Nah, I’ve got another date with Mr. Cute-but-Dumb-as-a-Post. I just might invite him over, take advantage of having an empty house.”

      “Remember the pants-on-in-the-kitchen rule,” she reminded him.

      “That’s your rule, not mine. But seriously, though, what’s your plan for how you’re going to beat him?”

      “I’m going to beat him by being the best candidate.”

      Her roommate looked at her skeptically. “Is that going to be good enough? Why don’t you let me talk to some people...see if we can dig up a little dirt on him.”

      “What people do you know?”

      “I know people who know people.”

      She shook her head. “I don’t think so. I don’t want to win with underhanded tricks.”

      “You think Rafael Martinez doesn’t know any underhanded tricks? I’m just saying that maybe you’ll find out something interesting about him.”

      “I don’t know,” Jessica said, leaning in to give her friend a kiss on the cheek. “Sounds sketchy. I’ve really got to get ready now, though. I’ll see you on Sunday.”


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