Lone Star Secrets. Cat Schield

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Lone Star Secrets - Cat Schield Texas Cattleman's Club: The Impostor

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it tomorrow at 2.

      Megan read the text and heaved a disappointed sigh. Between Dani’s work schedule at the Glass House, her new relationship with Cole and her active role as a parent to twins, her free time was slim. In anticipation of enticing her friend to take a little time for herself, Megan had recently gifted Dani a pair of shoes, hoping it would inspire her to come dress shopping for something to wear to the engagement party for Megan’s older brother Aaron and Kasey Monroe, Will’s former assistant turned nanny to seven-year-old Savannah.

      Megan had been a little surprised at how fast the brilliant, driven Aaron had adapted to being solely responsible for his brother’s child. Of course, it was quite possible that Kasey had been the driving force behind his abrupt domestication.

      She gave a little sigh as she pondered the recent spate of romances spawned surrounding the shake-up in their community thanks to Rich Lowell’s impersonation of Will. In fact, Megan and Will were the only two who’d proved immune to love in the months since his return. Not that she was interested in having a love life after what Rich had put her through. Plus, it was a little challenging for either of them to succumb to a new romance when she and Will had been asked by the authorities to maintain the appearance of being married.

      As soon as she responded to Dani, explaining that she understood and soliciting other times later in the week, Megan opened the text she’d received earlier from Will. Her pulse gave a familiar start as she read the simple message.

      Cora Lee planning BBQ at the ranch next Saturday. We’d love to see you there.

      Megan stared at the words for several minutes, wishing she knew how to respond to what appeared to be a casual invitation. Obviously he was being polite and it infuriated her that it annoyed her. She didn’t want to recognize that what she wanted was for him to indicate his interest in resurrecting their passionate encounter from a week earlier. As electric as that night had been, Megan had become self-conscious around him, making their interaction seem overly polite and awkward.

      Or maybe she was just imagining things. Will wasn’t behaving differently. He was the same solicitous man he’d been since discovering he had a wife. He recognized that she’d been duped by Richard Lowell and, although neither of them understood the legal ramifications of their sticky situation, he’d understood that she was as much a victim as he was.

      With a heavy sigh, Megan stood and gathered her purse and briefcase. It was late and she needed to go home. She hated returning to her big empty house on the edge of town. What had once felt like a symbol of her success now reminded her of the biggest mistake she’d ever made. Some days she wanted to set a torch to the place and burn it to the ground, but the memories of her marriage to a man who’d lied and manipulated her were deeply embedded in her psyche and there was no escape.

      After setting the alarm, Megan let herself out the front door. Since the building was accessed by electronic locks, she could sail through the door without pausing to secure it. Before her, the small parking lot lay in deepening shadows. Near the far edge sat her Porsche, its carmine red darkened to a maroon blob. She loved the sporty car and drove with the top down as often as possible. Tonight, however, she wasn’t in the mood to let the hot Texas wind blow her long brown hair into knots.

      A sudden wave of weariness assailed her, brought on by a dip in her blood sugar. She’d neglected to eat dinner again and had not had anything since breakfast fourteen hours ago. No wonder she was feeling tired.

      Her steps slowed as she dug into her purse for her keys. The damned things were always getting lost in the bottom of her bag. Finally her fingers closed around them and she eased a relieved sigh from her lungs. A second later her breath hitched.


      Her head swung toward the familiar voice. Rich. Heart hammering, she stopped in her tracks and rotated her gaze in his direction. He was dressed in dark tones, gray or perhaps black, the color making him barely distinguishable from the shadows filling the parking lot. From the way his clothes fit his powerful physique, she guessed he wore one of the expensive suits he favored. Leave it to Richard Lowell to be impeccably tailored while on the run.

      She was struck once again how much his features matched Will’s. Yet after getting to know the real Will Sanders these past few months, Megan couldn’t believe she’d ever been taken in by this monster. And yet the proof that she had occupied her finger. How could she have been so stupid?

      Shame flared, attacking her confidence even as her “husband” advanced from her right, moving to get between her and the Porsche. Too late she realized her danger. Terror blazed. What a fool she’d been to stay so late and then leave on her own.

      “What are you doing here?” Despite her bone-chilling fear, she was proud of her strong tone. “What do you want?”

      “I want you. The only reason I came back is to convince you to come away with me.”

      His words sent a spasm of revulsion through her. She rocked back, knowing there was nowhere to run. In her five-inch heels she’d never make it back to the building before he overtook her.

      She stood her ground and made sure he couldn’t see her fear. “What do you mean?”

      “You’re my wife. We belong together.”

      The deepening twilight made his expression hard to read, so Megan wasn’t sure if he actually believed this or if he was enacting some twisted game to terrorize her.

      “I’m not your wife.”

      Yet as bravely as she declared the words, she wasn’t sure that was true. She’d married him. Richard Lowell. She might have sworn to love, honor and cherish Will Sanders, but she’d stood before this man, looked him in the eye and pledged to be with him forever. The reality had crippled Megan’s confidence these last few months.

      “You are,” Rich countered, his tone harsh. “You love me.”

      “I fell in love with Will Sanders.”

      Was she imagining the rage transforming Rich or had she picked up on subtle body language, clues that made her brace for an act of violence. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d put his hands on her.

      Looking back over their time together, Megan wondered how she’d ever believed he could be Will. The two men were nothing alike. Yet she’d made one excuse for another for his mood swings and quick temper. She’d been a fool to avoid looking past the surface resemblance and not recognizing that this man’s soul was tainted with poison.

      “You fell in love with me. I was the man in your bed. The one you couldn’t get enough of.” He took several menacing steps in her direction. “Do you remember how you gasped my name as you came?”

      Summoning her waning bravado, Megan declared, “I called Will’s name. Not yours.”

      “I was Will. Your Will.” His right hand balled into a fist but his arm remained rigid at his side. “The only Will Sanders who would have you.”

      Even as she absorbed Rich’s verbal blow, Megan’s instincts warned her to keep her attention on Rich’s hands in case he made any sudden moves in her direction. She carefully shifted her stance and put her feet shoulder width apart for better balance. If he tried to grab her, she wanted to make sure she was ready to dodge.

      “But you aren’t Will Sanders,” she declared, standing her ground. “And you’re nothing like him.”

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