Surprise Twins For The Surgeon. Sue MacKay

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Surprise Twins For The Surgeon - Sue MacKay Mills & Boon Medical

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was angry.’ She was still angry. ‘This is supposed to be the perfect holiday for me and my partner in a gorgeous location.’ Bile rose, bitter and ghastly. Jumping up, she stomped to the roadside and peered through the gloom in both directions looking for Karolina.

      ‘He’s been held up?’ came the logical question.

      Spinning around, Alesha lost balance. It took some quick steps to stay upright. ‘He’s had a better offer.’ Sex, kisses, laughter, fun. All of which he could’ve had with her.

      ‘That’s the pits.’

      Give the man credit. He hadn’t spewed sympathy when he knew nothing of the circumstances. ‘It sucks.’ She huffed out the air stalled in her lungs. ‘I’ll look on the bright side. I’m here and there’s a whole town to explore out there.’ She waved her hand in the general direction of the harbour, knowing full well a lot more of the city was behind the hill she was on.

      ‘This is your first visit to Dubrovnik? I hope you have a wonderful time despite your setback. There’s so much to see and do if you put your mind to it.’

      A setback? Kristof didn’t have a clue, or had the heart of a cold fish. But he’d already proven that particular organ was at least warm by going out of his way to help her. ‘I’m sure I’ll manage,’ she snapped just as a car pulled into the parking bay beside them. The woman getting out of the car was Karolina. Phew. She shot across to her. ‘I’m so sorry for being a nuisance. I fell asleep by the pool and the wind came up, blew my door shut.’

      ‘It’s okay. Now you’ll be careful to take your keys and phone everywhere, eh?’ At least her smile was friendly, as was the arm she threw around Alesha’s shoulder. ‘I’m glad Kristof found you.’

      Ignoring how her burned skin stung under that arm, she smiled at Kristof. ‘He couldn’t avoid me when I attacked him in the street like a woman possessed.’

      Kristof gathered up his bags. ‘I think you’re prone to exaggeration.’ He turned to Karolina with a cute smile. ‘Alesha was only slightly crazy when she charged at me demanding that I speak English and get her out of her predicament.’

      ‘Who exaggerates?’ Alesha spluttered.

      ‘Let’s go inside and retrieve those keys,’ Karolina said. Then to Kristof, ‘You found anyone to go with you tomorrow night?’

      ‘No,’ he growled.

      ‘Have you been asking around? I’m sure there are plenty of girls who’d love nothing better than to go to a formal dinner with you.’

      ‘Leave it, Karolina.’

      Alesha grimaced. If anyone spoke to her so sharply she’d be heading for the hills. The gate was now unlocked so she slipped free to charge up the stairs. She couldn’t get to her apartment and a hot shower quick enough. Too quickly. She missed seeing the final step and tripped, sprawling on the concrete, bruising her elbows and knees.

      ‘Careful.’ Strong, masculine hands reached for her, took her hands to tug her to her feet, giving her the odd sensation of being cared about. ‘You really are having a bad day.’

      He could’ve pointed out it was her own fault, that running up unfamiliar steps in clothes many sizes too big was right up there with leaping off the tenth floor of a hotel in the hope she’d make the swimming pool beneath. ‘Yes, I am, and this one’s on me.’ She tried to pull free but Kristof held her elbow as he led her to the apartment Karolina was unlocking. Her head spun so she stopped, remained still, waiting for it to get back to normal.

      ‘Are you all right?’

      ‘I’m good.’

      ‘When did you last eat a proper meal? I saw the way you hoed into that bread and cheese.’

      ‘I had a sandwich while waiting for my flight first thing this morning.’

      His sigh was full of exasperation. ‘You’ve got to look after yourself.’

      ‘There you go.’ Karolina stepped back from unlocking the door to Alesha’s apartment. ‘Anything else I can do?’

      Glad of the interruption from that annoying look on Kristof’s face, Alesha gave Karolina the biggest smile she could dredge up. ‘Nothing. I’m truly sorry about this. From now on I’m not even having a shower without my phone in the bathroom so I can call you if needed.’

      Karolina slapped her forehead. ‘I’d say that was a good idea but—’

      ‘But the idea of hauling me out of the shower isn’t.’ This time her smile was genuine. ‘I get it.’ Then she had a brainwave. Going inside, she opened the fridge and grabbed the champagne. ‘Would you both like a glass? My way of saying thanks.’ Opening the small cupboard above the fridge, she reached for glasses, finding only one. Of course. There was one out on the decking. She’d have hers in a mug if necessary.

      ‘Not for me. I have to be somewhere.’ Karolina was already beating a fast retreat, adding to Alesha’s guilt about messing up her evening. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow probably.’ She hesitated. ‘Add Kristof’s number to your phone as well just in case.’

      ‘Just in case what?’ Alesha asked Karolina’s retreating back.

      ‘In case I’m unavailable,’ she called over her shoulder before disappearing around the corner.

      ‘What did I say?’ The cork popped with that delightful sound that meant delicious wine. At least she’d pushed it back in tight. One thing in her favour.

      ‘Nothing wrong. She’s a busy lady.’ Kristof took the bottle from her unsteady fingers. ‘Let me.’ He filled the glass she’d found and handed it back to her.

      ‘You’re not joining me?’ A jolt of disappointment rocked her when it shouldn’t. Had to be because she was feeling so down.

      ‘I haven’t finished my beer, and I’ve got another bottle in the bag.’

      Okay, she’d go with that. But her tongue got away from her. After all, she was exhausted. ‘You prefer beer to this?’ She held her glass up after taking a long sip.

      ‘Different drinks for different occasions. I was hot and frazzled walking home, and looking forward to a cold one.’

      ‘What are you frazzled about now?’ Her tongue had loosened up over the last few minutes. The tiredness was taking over, making her body ache and her head light. She should really say goodbye to Kristof and take that shower she was hanging out for before climbing into bed and catching up on sleep.

      Kristof downed the rest of the beer in the first bottle and placed it in the bin under the sink. ‘I’m going to get you something more than bread and cheese for dinner. Why don’t you have a shower while I’m out, get into clothes that fit?’

      That made sense. She had to change, give his gear back. ‘Good idea. I’ll get you some money for my food.’

      ‘That won’t be necessary. Anything you don’t like?’

      Alesha didn’t expect strangers to shout her dinner. But were they still strangers? She was wearing Kristof’s clothes,

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