It Had To Be You. Barbara Hannay

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It Had To Be You - Barbara Hannay Mills & Boon M&B

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to start breathing again.

      I must admit that once I was down there, standing on the platform, the station seemed so very big and solid and well-lit and I felt much better than I’d expected to. I actually told Felicity then that I’d been a tiny bit frightened, and she said she totally understood; she would be terrified if she was in the Australian Outback, and why didn’t I travel with her to Paddington?

      She had to change trains there, but if I felt OK I could travel back on my own, and I’d soon be a Tube veteran. She even gave me her mobile phone number in case I got into trouble. She wouldn’t have reception until she was above ground again, but it didn’t matter—I was over the worst by then, and actually sitting on the train was fine.

      Everything went so well I was able to text her: Thanks. This is a breeze!

      So I think I’m cured.

      And I know that ultimately you’re the person I should thank, Mr Patrick Knight-in-shining-armour. Because you arranged it, didn’t you?

      I wish there was some way I could help you, but I don’t know the first thing about writing a novel.


      PS Feel free to tell me to pull my head in, but I did wonder if it’s possible to over-think the planning of a book. The way I over-thought the whole business of entering the Tube. Do you ever get the urge to just leap right in and let the words flow?


      To: Patrick Knight <[email protected]>

      From: Felicity Knight <[email protected]>

      Subject: Mission accomplished

      Dear Patrick

      It’s a pity you’re on the other side of the world and unable to carry out your own rescue mission.

      I only say this because Molly Cooper is charming, and I thoroughly enjoyed a highly entertaining afternoon with her. It seems to me that your taste in women improves considerably when you change your selection criteria. Perhaps you should try choosing your girlfriends by their houses.

      Molly may not be a pint-size blonde, as most of your girlfriends are, but she can hold up her end of a conversation. She’s very smart, Patrick, and you should see the way her blue eyes sparkle. They’re breathtaking.

      Darling, thank you for sending me on a very pleasant errand. I must say I was very curious about the girl you’d swapped houses with. Now that curiosity is happily satisfied.

      I hope you’re having as much fun with writing your novel as Molly seems to be having here in London.


      Mother xx

       Private Writing Journal, Magnetic Island, April 30th

      Note about character development: it might work quite well if I give my heroine a private fear that she must overcome.

      To: Molly Cooper <[email protected]>

      From: Patrick Knight <[email protected]>

      Subject: Re: Thank you!

      Hi Molly

      Your map of the island’s reefs arrived today. Thanks so much. The information will be very helpful, and your request that I don’t show the location of these reefs to too many tourists was duly noted. I’m honoured that you’re sharing some of your island’s secrets with me, a mere visitor.

      I also enjoyed very much your drawings of the coral fish and the other weird and wonderful creatures that I’m likely to encounter when I finally enter the Pacific Ocean.

      Your artistic efforts made me smile. Have you ever thought of a new career as a cartoonist?

      I’m very keen to see a Chelmon rostratus (thank you for the helpful labels). Those fish are gorgeous, with their bright black, yellow and white stripes and their long snouts. And I’m fascinated by the anemone fish.

      You were right about the crocodile. He was caught in Florence Bay—six brave fellows from the National Park manhandled him, trussed him up like a giant Christmas turkey and relocated him further north. Apparently he won’t come back this way now that we’re approaching the winter. Thank God.

      So I can’t wait to start diving. You’ve certainly whetted my appetite for discovering what lies beneath.

      Molly, I’m very pleased to hear that you’ve got the Tube business sorted. I know my mother enjoyed meeting you. Well done.

      It’s getting a little cooler here at last. Today it’s hard to believe it’s autumn. The temperatures are almost down to those of an English summer’s day.

      If you’d like any help with looking for your father’s birthplace, do sing out.



      To: Molly Cooper <[email protected]>

      From: Patrick Knight <[email protected]>

      Subject: PS

      Molly, another thought. You might be surprised to know that you could quite possibly help me with this novel by sharing your reactions to London.

      You were worried about sending me extra-long messages but I’ve enjoyed the descriptions in your e-mails … and I’ve found them helpful.

      I’m still learning the ropes, so to speak, and it would be extremely useful to see my home town described through a fresh pair of eyes. In fact your reactions to life in general could be helpful, as it’s hard for a fellow to get inside the female mind. In other words, feel free to continue sharing your discoveries and insights. Positive or negative—you won’t hurt my feelings.

      Just if the whim takes you.

      Warmest wishes


      To: Patrick Knight <[email protected]>

      From: Molly Cooper <[email protected]>

      Subject: My London eye

      Dear Patrick

      I’m more than happy to rattle on to you about my London adventures, and please feel free to use anything I say in your novel. Wow! What an honour.

      I’ve been thinking that writing must be a lonely occupation, so I can imagine you’d enjoy getting e-mails at the end of a long day at the keyboard.

      But if I get too carried away, flooding you with too much information, please tell me.

      I had to laugh at a sign I saw today

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