Her Amish Child. Lenora Worth

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Her Amish Child - Lenora Worth Amish Seasons

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sit with her,” Raesha said. “Once she’s asleep, I’ll take the basket into my room in case she wakes.”

      “I’ll heat up the stew we had left from yesterday,” Naomi replied. “You’ll need nourishment.”

      “What will we do if someone comes for her?” Raesha asked, her heart clenching, her mind whirling with images she couldn’t hold.

      Naomi laughed. “We’ve had a lot of experience in dealing with children, ’member? Some would say we are akin to the foster parents who do the same in the Englisch world. Maybe that will work in our favor, ja?”

      Raesha’s heart filled with a new hope. They did have experience and the Amish way was different from the Englisch way. Maybe they could keep this little one a few days longer. Or weeks even. But if the mother gained remorse and returned, they’d have no choice but to let her take the baby. If she would be capable, of course.

      “We could have helped the woman if she’d only asked,” she said.

      “We will do what we can for this one,” Naomi said, always relying on the Lord for her strength.

      It would be hard to let this precious one go but Raesha knew it was out of her hands. God would give them the answers they needed.

      And she’d have to accept that and stay content.

      * * *

      Two days later, Josiah Fisher stared into the early morning sun and wished he could turn back time. But time wasn’t his to hold or change. All things in God’s time.

      He had work to do. He’d arrived in Campton Creek late last night and found a room at a nearby inn but he had checked out early to come here. Now he stood surveying the homestead his family still owned. It was his land now and he planned to fix it up to either stay here and work the land or sell it and go back to Ohio. Most likely the last choice.

      Unless...he could find his missing sister. He hoped he’d hear soon from the private investigator he’d hired. He had told the man he was returning to Campton Creek.

      Now he wondered if that decision had been wise, but Josie had been seen in this area. And it was time to face his past.

      The neglected property looked sad and forlorn next to the big Bawell acreage just across the small shallow stream that trickled down from the big creek. He’d have to survey the burned-out barn and decide how to renovate it and the part of the main house that had also caught fire, but first he needed to alert the neighbors and introduce himself. Two women living alone would wonder who he was and what was going on.

      Besides, he hoped to bargain with them about possibly renting some of their equipment. The Amish innkeepers had told him two widows lived on the big place and rented out equipment and such to bring in funding. Josiah counted that tidbit as a blessing.

      Turning away from the memories of how his parents had perished in the barn fire that had jumped to the main house, he was glad the local volunteer fire department had managed to save most of the house.

      But not the barn. His father had run in to save the animals and his mother had run inside to save her husband.

      Or so that was the story he’d heard.

      He walked the perimeters of the gutted, jagged building, amazed to see the pink running roses his mother had loved still growing against what was left of the barn.

      Placing his hat firmly back on his shaggy hair, Josiah hurried toward the small wooden bridge someone had built over the meandering stream and crossed the pasture toward the Bawell house. Taking in deep breaths of the crisp early autumn air, he hoped coming back to Campton Creek had been the right thing to do. He wanted to start fresh, but he couldn’t do that in the place where he and his sister had been born and raised. Better to fix the place up and sell it so he could finally be free.

      Soon he was on the big wraparound porch, the carpenter in him admiring this fine house. He knocked firmly on the solid oak door and waited.

      And then he heard the sound of a baby crying.

      Was one of the widows a mother?

      The door opened and an older woman dressed in brown and wearing a white apron, her kapp pinned precisely over her gray hair, nodded to him. “Gut day. The shop isn’t open yet. If you’d like to wait around by the door—”

      “Hello, ma’am,” he said, nodding back. “I’m your new neighbor over at the Fisher place. Josiah Fisher. I’m just letting you know I’ll be around doing some work and I also...”

      He stopped when another woman appeared at the door, holding a baby.

      Josiah took in the woman. Pretty and fresh-faced, she had gray eyes full of questions and hair that shined a rich golden brown. She wore a light blue dress with a crisp white apron. His gaze moved from her to the baby. The child’s eyes were open and she seemed to be smiling.

      Josiah stepped back, shock and joy piercing his soul. “Is that your child?”

      The young woman looked confused and frightened. Giving the older woman a long stare, she finally came back to him. “Neh, she is not my child.”

      “Why do you ask?” the older woman said, her shrewd gaze moving over Josiah.

      He didn’t want to scare the women but he had to know.

      “Her bonnet,” he said, emotion welling in his throat. “My younger sister, Josie, had a bonnet like that one. Our mamm knitted it special for her but never let her wear it much—not plain enough for our daed.”

      He gave the baby another glance that brought on an uncomfortable silence. “I don’t mean to stare, but she looks like my sister, same hair color and same eyes.”

      The woman holding the baby took a step back, something akin to fear and dread in her eyes.

      “I didn’t mean to frighten you,” Josiah said. “It’s just that my sister...has been missing for a while now and I’d gotten information that she could be in this area. Seeing the bobbeli wearing that little bonnet brought back memories.”

      The old woman opened the door wide, her eyes filling with recognition. “You’re that Josiah. Joe they called you sometimes. Your parents were Abram and Sarah Fisher? Used to live across the stream?”

      “Yes, ma’am.” Josiah lowered his head. “They died in the barn fire ten years ago. Josie was nine and I had just turned eighteen.”

      Glancing toward the old place, he went on. “I had left to help some relatives in Ohio when I got word of what had happened. I came home and took care of Josie. We moved to Ohio to be near kin but Josie left Ohio a couple years ago during her rumspringa.”

      The women looked at each other and then back to him, sympathy in their eyes.

      “Kumm,” the woman holding the door said. “We will talk about this.”

      Josiah removed his hat and entered the sunny, warm house and inhaled the homey smells of coffee, bacon and biscuits, his heart bursting with an emotion he’d long ago buried and forgotten.


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