The Billionaire's Legacy. Reese Ryan

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The Billionaire's Legacy - Reese Ryan Mills & Boon Desire

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disappeared into the crowd, leaving her missing his warmth.

      * * *

      Benji made two more cups of coffee and added creamer to Sloane’s before setting the cup in front of her.

      She thanked him and reached for her cup. But her eyes widened when she caught a glimpse of the time, flashing on her fitness watch when she flipped her wrist. “I didn’t realize it was so late. You must be exhausted, and I’m keeping you up.”

      “You can’t possibly think I want you to go.” Benji placed his hand on hers. “The last two hours were the best time I’ve had since I’ve been back in town.”

      “Me, too.” Sloane smiled. A deep, genuine smile. Then she frowned, a crease forming between her brows as she slipped her hand from beneath his. She stood abruptly, smoothing her dress over her hips. “Which is why I should go.”

      Benji stood, too, his eyes searching Sloane’s. For the first time in his life, Sloane Sutton wasn’t treating him like a little boy with a crush. Tonight, she saw him as a man. A man she desired.

      He could see the passion in her brown eyes. Feel the heat that had been building between them all night.

      When he was ten years old, he’d decided he was in love with Sloane because she was the nicest, prettiest girl he knew.

      The passage of fifteen years hadn’t altered his opinion. With her standing this close, her luscious scent washing over him, his boyhood conviction was reinforced.

      He wanted to be with this woman. To hold her in his arms. To tease every inch of her gorgeous body. Make love to her.

      Get her out of his system once and for all, so he could stop living in the past.

      They hadn’t seen each other in ten years. And in three days he’d be boarding a flight to Japan for the six-month-long consulting gig he’d agreed to when he sold his company. When it was over, he’d return to Seattle and Sloane would be back home in Nashville. Who knew when they’d see each other again?

      Speak now, Benj, or forever hold your peace.

      Benji stepped closer, his gaze locked with Sloane’s. She inhaled audibly, her body tensing as he leaned down and cradled her face. The sound of Sloane breathing and the frantic beat of his heart filled his ears.

      Sloane didn’t object to the intimate gesture. Her pupils dilated, and her chest rose and fell heavily. He moved in closer, and she leaned in, too. She pressed a hand to his chest and her eyes drifted shut.

      He kissed her, easing into it at first, reveling in the softness of her lips and the way her body nestled against his. Her lips parted on a sigh, granting his tongue access. Her mouth tasted rich and sweet. Like premium bourbon and pecan pie.

      As the urgency of his kiss escalated, Sloane’s response matched his intensity.

      Eager. Hungry. Demanding.

      His heart thundered in his chest, his need for her building. He hauled her closer and groaned with pleasure at the sensation of his length pinned between them.

      Sloane slipped her arms around him and tugged his shirt free from the back of his pants. Her fingernails scraped gently against his skin.

      Benji groaned, hardening painfully as the sensation—part pain, part pleasure—heightened the euphoric feeling that vibrated beneath his skin. Made him desperate to finally have her. He lifted her onto the table, nestling in the space between her thighs.

      He swallowed her gasp in response to the sudden move, kissing her harder. Losing himself in the clash of lips and tongues and the delicious sensation of their bodies moving against each other, desperate for more contact than their clothing would permit.

      He savored her intoxicating scent and relished the feel of her full breasts with their hardened peaks pressed against his chest.

      She glided her fingertips down his stomach and fumbled with his belt buckle, loosening it.

      “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he whispered, his lips brushing her ear.

      Sloane’s hands froze. Her eyes opened and her gaze had shifted from one of intense desire to one of regret.

      “Hey, beautiful.” Benji traced her cheekbone with his thumb. “Did I say something wrong?”

      “I shouldn’t have come here, and we shouldn’t be doing this.” She lowered her gaze.

      He was seconds away from making his boyhood fantasy a reality and he’d blown it, because he couldn’t keep his stupid mouth shut.

       Way to go, Benj.

      “Why not?” He spoke calmly, trying to put her at ease. “We’re consenting adults.”

      “I’ve known you since you were five. You’re my best friend’s little brother. I’ve introduced you as my little brother.” She shook her head, her eyes still not meeting his. “This is bad. What would Delia say? And what would your parents think?”

      “My mother will never believe anyone is good enough, and my sister adores you.” Benji dropped a slow, lingering kiss on her lips.

      “Because I’m her friend, who she trusts not to blow into town and screw her little brother.” She jabbed him in the gut, but her lips parted to his tongue when he kissed her again.

      “You’re too young for me, Benji,” she whispered against his lips as he slid the silky, blue material down her shoulder.

      He kissed the shell of her ear. “Five years mattered then. It doesn’t now.”

      “I’m not looking for a relationship, Benj.” She pressed her hands to his chest, halting his movement as her gaze met his. Still, she hadn’t moved an inch. Her legs framed his as she awaited his response.

      “Neither am I,” he said finally. “That doesn’t mean we can’t be together. I want you, Sloane. And I know you want me, too.” He slowly tugged the zipper down her back. The silky, cobalt blue material slid from her shoulders, giving him better access. He trailed kisses down her shoulder and across the top of her breasts, exposed by a pale pink strapless bra. “Just for tonight.”

      She sucked in a deep breath and let the material slip down her arms and pool around her waist. Sloane unbuttoned his pants and inched the zipper down. The sound echoed off the solid oak floors and shiplap walls. She leaned in to kiss him. “Just for tonight.”

      * * *

      Usually an early riser, Benji refused to leave the warmth of Sloane’s curves. Her naked bottom was nestled against him, making him painfully hard. Which gave him hope they’d pick up where they’d left off just a few hours earlier when sleep had finally pulled them under.

      Starting at her neck, he planted gentle kisses to the shooting stars that tattooed the length of her spine. By the time he reached the stars inked between her shoulder blades, she stirred.

      “Mmm. Nice way to wake a girl.”

      He rolled her, so she was facing him. Her pebbled brown nipples betrayed

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