Tracker. Lenora Worth

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Tracker - Lenora Worth Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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He needed to end this now.

      “Drop the weapon,” he ordered, his assault rifle aimed at Jake and the woman. Penny was the mother of Jake’s young son, Kevin. Her golden-brown hair and slim, athletic figure sure fit the description. Her hair was shorter and heavily streaked with lighter shades of blond, but he remembered her face from some old photos they’d found when they’d searched her last known address in Colorado. The K-9 team had been looking for her since late spring but she’d managed to elude them, too. Zeke never imagined he’d find her here again and with Jake holding her hostage.

      “It’s over, Jake,” he called, his gaze trained on his brother. “Don’t make it any harder.”

      Jake didn’t even flinch. Shoving the gun closer to the woman’s stomach, he shouted, “Hello there, bro. Long time, no see.” Then he shook his head and chuckled. “They had to send you, right?” Jake’s dark blue gaze slid over Zeke’s tactical uniform with disdain. “All geared up and loaded down to come after me. Poetic justice and so much irony, don’t you think?”

      Zeke advanced a little closer. Cheetah was silent but waiting for his command with a controlled tremor. “Jake, Cheetah can take you down but I don’t want to force that. Put the weapon down and let the woman go. We can find a way to help you. Maybe work out a plea bargain or something.”

      He almost added a please, but Jake used to tease him about being weak-kneed and impulsive. Zeke couldn’t show any weakness now, and he wasn’t about to make any impulsive decisions. A woman’s life depended on it. And the life of her child, too, if he was guessing right on her identity.

      Jake shook his head and jammed the gun against the woman’s ribs so hard, she cried out. But she quickly recovered, a determined grit in her expression. “It’s not over until I have my son safely out of this country,” he informed them. “I need to get Kevin. I’ll be out of everyone’s hair soon.”

      “You can’t do that,” Zeke said. “You don’t want to take your son away from his mother.”

      Jake’s gaze scanned the woods and trails. “What’s left for me to do except leave? The Dupree family is shattered and their lieutenants are scattered to the wind. I’m on my own and...there’s really no other way. I just want my son, so I’m going to get him. Now.”

      He gripped Penny’s arm and pushed her forward.

      “I can’t let you go,” Zeke said, wondering if he’d have the courage to shoot his own half brother. Jake’s desperate statement only made things worse. Turning his attention to the frightened woman, he asked, “Penny, are you okay?”

      She gasped and nodded, her eyes filling with both relief and dread. Zeke could see the resolve in her gaze, too.

      “She’s fine,” Jake gritted out, anger echoing in each word. “Turn around, Zeke. Let me get to my boy. I won’t hurt her, I promise.” Then he added, “And I don’t want to shoot you again.”

      “I don’t trust your promises,” Zeke said. “I’m going to ask you one more time to drop your weapon.”

      With an angry grunt, Jake pulled Penny closer. “You need to behave, sweetheart. Because if you try anything, I’ll kill him and come for you. Nod if you understand.”

      * * *

      Penny nodded, her gaze latching onto the other man while she prayed Jake wouldn’t kill either of them.

      Jake kissed her on her temple, the heat of his lips burning her damp skin with a desperate heat. “I told you, I’m not leaving without my son.”

      He backed up, using her as a shield, and then pushed her a foot away, behind a towering pine. “Don’t move, Penny. I mean it.”

      Confused and frightened, she scraped her knuckles against the rough bark while Jake stalked around the tree, giving her a possible means of escape. She could run now. Just leave them to duke this out. She could get Kevin and go as far away from here as possible. She’d done it before.

      But the man who’d come to her rescue caused her to stay. She couldn’t leave him here with Jake. He’d called her by her real name so he obviously recognized her, which could only mean they’d been digging into her past, too. Then Jake had called the man Zeke and bro. What did that mean? He’d never wanted to talk about himself or his family because of the classified nature of his job. None of this made any sense.

      But if this man was a friend or a true brother, he hadn’t come here for a family reunion. He was dressed in a bulletproof vest and wore a black cap over his crisp, dark hair that clearly read FBI. His partner was a sleek, fierce warrior. She’d always had a heart for dogs. This one was also marked as FBI.

      “Hey, Penny. If you run, I’ll kill him and his loyal partner, okay?” Jake said again, glancing at her with a threatening look. “But since we’re all here together, I guess it would be rude of me not to make the proper introductions.” He held his gun toward where the man called Zeke stood with feet braced apart and his deadly-looking rifle raised.

      Before Jake could tell her who he was, the agent said, “Jake, man, don’t do this. We all want to hear your side of the story. Your unit is worried about you.”

      This man was from Jake’s unit!

      “Who is he?” she asked Jake.

      Keeping his eyes on the other man, Jake said, “Well, you always badgered me about my family, and now you get to meet my little brother, Zeke. Not the best of circumstances, but that can’t be helped.”

      “You have a brother?” Penny asked, watching the man at the other end of this standoff. Hoping he could figure something out that would save both of them. He certainly looked capable. Muscular and confident, he stood ready for Jake’s next move. But he also held a hint of hope that Jake would give up.

      That should reassure her but...she was afraid none of them would get out of this alive.

      Jake shook his head, his eyes wild, his gaze darting between her and Zeke. But he kept his pistol trained on the man and the canine. “Actually, he’s only my half brother. We shared the same father but that’s about it. My old man left my mother and me for his new family.”

      He said that with such disgust, Zeke flinched but recovered before Jake even noticed. But Penny noticed. Her heart went out to the man standing there, his rifle aimed at Jake. What must he be going through right now?

      Two brothers, one good and one bad.

      She couldn’t walk away from this. Jake would keep coming. She had to do something now. But which one did she trust?

      Jake’s next words confirmed that decision and told her what she had to do. “Now you know Kevin has an uncle, but he’ll never get to meet Uncle Zeke.” Raising the handgun at the same time he grabbed Penny and pinned her in front of him, he said with regret in each word, “I’m going to have to kill you, bro. You know too much.” His grip tightened on Penny. “You both know too much.”

      Zeke inched forward, the canine following. “Jake, think about this. Don’t make things worse for yourself. Let her go and you and I can talk.”

      “No more talking,” Jake said. Then he held the gun closer and moved it up to Penny’s heart. “Back off or I’ll kill her right now. I’m not playing. I have to get out of

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