Texas Christmas Defender. Elizabeth Goddard

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Texas Christmas Defender - Elizabeth Goddard Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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man he’d admired his whole life until he learned the truth. His instincts couldn’t be trusted. Yeah, Brent could be completely wrong about her. He couldn’t let his attraction to her—not to mention his lingering gratitude for the way she’d saved his life before—lead him astray. He had no idea just how much that swayed his judgment, if at all, but he had a feeling it did.

      Now that he’d found her, seen her in the flesh again and talked to her in person, seen the passion in her eyes, he realized he’d been thinking about her eyes for the last two years. He’d been thinking about her all this time. And he might actually be in trouble here.

      He came across an air horn’s trip wire and carefully stepped over it, grateful for the distraction. Adriana had tripped the outer booby traps to his heart already—and he reminded himself she was a fugitive. Could be guilty of crimes as heinous as murder. And even if she wasn’t guilty of that, she’d certainly stolen drugs and money from her brother and had not turned them over to the authorities. There was a lot she had to answer for—and until he got those answers, he had no business thinking of her in romantic terms. It could mar the Rangers’ investigation.

      After he’d successfully avoided more of her booby trap alarms and was reassured that no one nefarious lurked near the ranch, his tension eased, if only a little. The cartel drug lord might not be in the near vicinity, but Garcia could very well be on the way. According to Agent Alvarez’s intel, the drug lord already knew his sister was staying near the border, which had prompted the Rangers to be on the lookout for him.

      Brent glanced back at the ranch house, the barn and the distant pasture where thirty or so llamas grazed. The temperature had already reached the high forties and might even reach the fifties. Christmas in Texas was nothing like the white Christmases he used to have in Baltimore where he grew up. But he shoved his past aside and concentrated on the present.

      Okay. So, he’d found Adriana. Though it surprised him, that had been his hope and prayer. But Colt would want to know that, too. The Rangers needed to know. Only problem was that they all thought she was guilty of murdering border patrol agent Greg Gunn. Brent needed more information—like if she had an alibi. Something, some kind of evidence, that he could use to prove she was innocent before he called them. And he shouldn’t wait too long. That could get them killed. Not just Brent and Adriana, but also the sweet, elderly Inez.

      Brent needed his team here, one way or another, but not yet.

      And...it was Christmas Day.

      Brent just might learn more from her by spending time with her today—this special day of all days, when she might let her guard down a little—than he could if the Texas Rangers descended on the ranch to arrest her for Gunn’s murder and the drugs and money she’d taken. And that was exactly what would happen if he made that call. But if he didn’t make that call in time—with the proof he needed, the evidence of her innocence—then Garcia’s men could descend on the ranch and kill her.

      God, please help me find the truth before it’s too late.

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