Regency Pleasures and Sins Part 1. Louise Allen

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Regency Pleasures and Sins Part 1 - Louise Allen Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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between that and your career as a highwayman?’

      ‘Nothing, sir. I was discharged after Waterloo.’ He saw the flash of some emotion in his father’s eyes and pressed on. ‘I returned to England and was on the road to London when I found myself in a country inn. I was drugged and, when I woke, found myself in the guise of the infamous local highwayman Black Jack Standon. I could not prove who I was, so I ended up in Newgate awaiting my execution.’

      ‘Why did you not send to me?’

      ‘I really am not sure.’ Nick thought back to those confusing first days after his capture. ‘Too proud, perhaps—and uncertain whether you would acknowledge me. Soon it was too late in any case.’

      ‘Not acknowledge you!’ The old man was on his feet, his face thunderous. Nick sprang to his and they confronted each other for a long moment before the Duke dropped heavily back into his chair. ‘Damn it, you are my heir, Nicholas.’

      ‘Robert would make a better one.’

      ‘He is a good man, too good in many ways—but you are the elder and, whatever your sins, I will do everything in my power to see you step into my shoes when the time comes.’

      There seemed to be no answer to that, or at least none that did not carry the risk of giving his father an apoplexy.

      ‘So how did Katherine come to rescue you from the gallows?’ the Duke enquired finally.

      ‘Her brother, a spineless young pup, managed to gamble away the family assets, then tricked her into signing the papers for a loan. She found herself confronted with pressing creditors and her lawyer and brother persuaded her that marriage to a condemned man was her only escape from debtors’ prison.’

      ‘And she agreed? I find that hard to believe.’

      ‘Very reluctantly, that was obvious. And when I consider how I appeared when she saw me, I can only be astounded that her resolution held. Once she had heard my story, she made up her mind that I must be cleared and set about it. The entire story still makes my blood run cold, but to summarise, she sold the last thing of value she possessed, bearded the real highwayman in his den, convinced him to meet the magistrate in the case, persuaded the magistrate of my innocence and dragged him to London where they arrived, despite a carriage accident on the way, in time literally to cut me down from the gallows.’

      ‘A remarkable and courageous young lady,’ the Duke remarked. ‘I confess I am not quite clear why you wish to end your marriage to this paragon.’

      ‘I do not.’ Nick got to his feet and walked across to look out of the window on to the wide and somewhat old-fashioned parterre that the Duke insisted on preserving, despite the best endeavours of his landscape gardener. In the distance he could see Robert, who had Kat’s hand tucked into his elbow and was pointing out something in the view to her. She turned and laughed up into his face and Nick felt a sudden pang inside; she would not be amused when he was finally alone with her, he was quite convinced.

      ‘I owe her my life. I am honour bound to marry her. I am aware she has not a great name and brings nothing but a debt with her, but …’

      ‘But I entirely agree with you. The family can cope without the necessity for you to marry an heiress and the girl is obviously of respectable birth. The problem appears to lie in her quite understandable reluctance to marry you, a sentiment with which I can heartily sympathise. You are staring at me, Nicholas—do try for a little more decorum. Now I suggest you go and find her or you may discover that your brother has cut you out.’

      Nicholas shut his mouth with a snap. ‘I believe that would be within the prohibited degrees of marriage, sir.’

      ‘Surely not, if your marriage is annulled?’ his father said gently. ‘Oh, and, Nicholas, if you intend to stay, I trust you intend to work. Witherspoon will be delighted to take you under his wing. He is always politely intimating that he wishes I would concern myself more about the estate.’

      Nicholas bowed his head respectfully, managed a smile with tight lips and retreated. ‘Rolled up—cannon, cavalry and infantry too, the old devil.’ He laughed suddenly, unaware that the two footmen in the hall started nervously, believing the old Duke was about to appear. He let himself out on to the terrace and scanned the gardens for Kat and Robert. ‘Made me feel seventeen, never mind the twenty-two I was when I last saw him, damn him.’

      He grinned. He had been braced for a rare scene; what he had experienced was his father’s remarkable ability to catch one wrong footed whatever the circumstances. But he liked Kat, that was a relief. Nicholas realised that a good part of his apprehension had been the expectation of having to protect Kat from his father’s opposition to the marriage.

      He rounded the corner of the house into the rose garden, the grin still on his lips as he remembered his father’s neat attempt to make him jealous of Robert. Robert, for goodness’ sake! There they were, sitting in the far arbour, Kat with her hands in Robert’s, the pair of them gazing deep into each other’s eyes.

      With a muffled oath Nick strode across the lawn.

       Chapter Fourteen

      ‘I think you would make an excellent clergyman,’ Katherine said firmly, catching Robert’s hands in an effort to convince him of her sincerity. ‘Surely your father can have no objection now that he knows Nicholas is safe?’

      Her brother-in-law returned the comforting pressure of her hands with an answering squeeze. ‘I suppose so. It is cowardly of me, I confess, but I have suppressed the very idea for so long that it is hard to talk of it now, let alone believe it would be possible.’

      ‘It is not so hard—you are telling me,’ Katherine said encouragingly.

      ‘And I hardly know you. I should be showing you around the house, not pouring my troubles out into your ears.’

      ‘Well, I am scared of the house and quite comfortable with you, so I would much rather hear about your ambitions. I have heard of many members of the nobility in the church. You will become an archbishop—I can tell you are destined for great things.’

      ‘And I can tell you are a darling,’ Robert said warmly, planting a kiss on her cheek.

      Katherine laughed, quite at ease with him. ‘Thank you, but you flatter me. Oh, look, here is Nick.’

      He must have had a difficult interview with his father, she realised, seeing the black fire flickering dangerously in his eyes. ‘Nick! I was a complete ninny and had to confess to being totally confused by the house within minutes, so Lord Robert brought me out here to enjoy the gardens.’

      ‘So that is what he is doing, is it?’ She saw Nick glance at his brother and felt a sudden qualm. Surely he did not think …?

      It appeared that Robert also recognised danger when he saw it. ‘I was confessing my secret ambitions to Katherine and she has taken it upon herself to encourage me.’

      One dark brow rose and Robert added hastily, ‘I wish to enter the church.’

      ‘Good God!’

      ‘Do not blaspheme, Nicholas,’ Katherine said sternly. ‘Your brother is

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