Bad Blood. Кейт Хьюит

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      ‘I had my moments. And for your information, I wasn’t being “mean” or sarcastic, I was being honest. They wouldn’t have given you the job.’

      Her shoulders grew a little stiffer. ‘I heard you the first time. You don’t need to repeat yourself.’

      ‘I saw the costume plot. Your drawings are in a class of their own.’

      ‘Just because I’m not—’ Her head turned. ‘What did you say?’

      ‘Your drawings are in a class of their own. You have great talent. And you would have terrified them. Your work is far too imaginative and original. They would have gone with something “safe” and predictable that has been done a thousand times before. Provincial, boring producers don’t want to rock the boat.’ That assessment was met with a long tense silence.

      ‘You think I have talent? You’re not just saying that because I’m angry with you?’

      ‘I’m saying it because it’s the truth.’

      ‘Oh.’ A confused frown pulled at her brows. ‘Well, that’s nice. Unfortunately you admiring my work won’t pay my bills or help me up the ladder. Not that I expect you to understand. You live in a world of private jets, bodyguards and limousines. I live in a world of rising debt and unemployment.’

      She knew nothing about his world.

      ‘Relax, wardrobe. I’ll make some calls and get you work in Hollywood. If it doesn’t work out with Alicia, then I’ll call Rupert Schneider or Howard Kennington.’

      Her mouth opened and closed. ‘You know all those people?’

      ‘Yes. And they’re always on the lookout for new talent. They’d love you.’

      ‘Y-you’d introduce me? Seriously?’ She looked stunned. ‘Well, thank you. It’s nice to know you do, in fact, have a conscience.’

      ‘Don’t endow me with qualities I don’t possess. I’m introducing you because you have talent, and because I can’t stand a woman who sulks, especially if I’m stuck on an island with her.’

      ‘You should have thought of that before you forced me to come along with you. There is such a thing as karma, you know. You’ll be punished in some way for doing this to me.’

      ‘I’m already being punished. I’m about to be trapped on an island with a woman who can’t stop talking. Man’s idea of hell, believe me.’ Smiling, Nathaniel leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes. Immediately, reality closed in and his thoughts turned dark. He saw Jacob sitting in the front row. Saw those dark eyes looking at him. Knowing. They were bound together by the past. Nothing was ever going to change that.

      His smile faded and his eyes flew open.

      Oh, yes, he was being punished.

      ‘Are you all right?’ Katie’s big green eyes were full of concern. ‘Only you’re gripping your seat really hard.’

      Nathaniel released his grip and the blood flowed back into his fingers. ‘I’m a nervous flyer.’

      ‘You flew a plane in your last film. You have a pilot’s licence.’

      ‘Precisely.’ He hauled in all of his professional skills to make sure he didn’t falter. ‘I hate being flown by someone else. I’d rather be the one at the controls but I had a lousy night’s sleep on your lumpy sofa and I didn’t want to crash us into a mountain.’

      Her steady gaze suggested that she wasn’t convinced and he reminded himself that Katie Field noticed things. He couldn’t afford to lower his guard. Which suited him just fine. Apart from last night, onstage, Nathaniel couldn’t remember the last time he’d lowered his guard.

      ‘So this island—’ The hope of new contacts seemed to have cheered her slightly. ‘Where is it? And how do you know we won’t be followed around when we get there?’

      ‘It’s a tropical island off the coast of South America. And the reason I know we won’t be followed around is because we’ll be the only two people on the island.’

      ‘Just us?’ Her voice was a horrified squeak. ‘You expect me to spend two weeks without a single person to talk to?’

      ‘I believe there are two species of parrot found on the island. If you play your cards right, one of them might talk to you.’

      ‘You may think you’re funny, but I’m the sort of person who likes company. If you’re the only person on the island—’ her eyes narrowed ‘—then I’ll just have to talk to you.’

      ‘Talk away. Just don’t expect me to answer.’ Nathaniel watched her through the dark shield of his lashes. ‘On the other hand, if it’s company you want, I’m sure we can find some way of passing the time that doesn’t include conversation.’

      He was arrogant, overbearing—Katie sighed. And insanely sexy.

      How could he be sexy when he was asleep? Strands of dark hair flopped over his forehead giving him a dangerous, rakish look. The bold black brows and darkened jaw were wholly masculine and as for that mouth—

      She looked away quickly, her heart thudding against her chest.

      No, no, no.

      She wasn’t going to do that to herself. Not again. No more fantasies about unobtainable guys. She knew who she was now and was comfortable with herself. Five minutes of idle flirtation with a hot movie star didn’t change anything.

      Blind with tiredness but totally unable to relax enough to sleep, Katie stared out of the window at the tropical islands that studded the sparkling ocean below.

      Some of the tiredness sloughed away as she gazed beneath her. The sea was dotted with emerald-green islands, each framed by white sands and coral reefs.

      Clear turquoise water lapped at secluded coves. Paradise, she thought, with a twist.

      She sneaked a glance at Nathaniel, sleeping beside her.

      He was the twist.

      What secrets was he hiding? Who were Annabelle and Carrie? Why did he feel the need to bury himself on a deserted island?

      The questions spiralled in her head until sheer exhaustion made her fall asleep. When she woke it was to find Nathaniel staring out of the window.

      For a few seconds she saw torment and anguish in his eyes and then he realised she was awake and quickly blanked it.

      What was going on in his life? What was he hiding? ‘Have we arrived?’

      ‘We’re in Rio de Janeiro. It’s a short helicopter hop to Wolfe Island.’

      ‘This island—’ she retrieved her bag from under her seat ‘—you said your brother owns it?’

      ‘He’s a hotelier. Very convenient at times like this.’


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