Tonight. Nana Malone

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Tonight - Nana Malone Mills & Boon Kimani

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in case you haven’t noticed, we can barely stand to be in the same room with each other. It’ll be a wonder if we both make it back from Vegas in one piece.” She pointed a finger at her friend. “In case there’s any doubt, I’m the one who’ll be burying a body.”

      Liv giggled. “Of that I have no doubt, but take me seriously. All you have to do is play nice with Tristan and he’ll be too busy focusing on you to focus on his work. You’ll have the whole thing in the bag before he knows what hit him.”

      Flirt with Tristan? Yeah, no. Didn’t matter that the thought alone made the butterflies flutter low in her belly. “Not going to happen. I’m getting this account all on my own.”

      Liv groaned. “Honey, I’m not suggesting you sleep with the guy, but if you do, please take detailed notes and let me live vicariously. I’m just saying throw him off his game a little. Right now he’s in there with his boy, planning your takedown. Do you or do you not remember the Boyd account?”

      Syn ground her teeth. Boyd Seduction had been her account for over a year. But one chance encounter between Tristan and the lingerie designer’s CEO and Syn was off the account and out that bonus check. Her work was better than his, but there was a certain kind of client that liked his demeanor. That kind wanted to have a personal connection. And while she was hardworking and well liked, everyone loved Tristan. Except you.

      “I can’t do it, Liv. Besides, don’t you think Tristan will see that coming from a mile away? He’s not dumb.”

      Liv sighed. “Honey, the amount of time that man spends looking at you, he won’t be thinking at all.” She winked. “Besides, I’m just asking you to be nice, throw him off. Meanwhile, you’re getting together the best presentation Bella Bliss has ever seen.”

      Okay, this was getting out of hand. “First of all, Tristan doesn’t look at me.” But just the idea of it made her body flush with heat. Tristan Dawson was the stuff of really hot, need-battery-operated-boyfriend inducing dreams. With his broad shoulders and teasing grin, it was no wonder.

      Liv raised a delicately arched eyebrow. “Babe, if you believe that, then I have a bridge to sell you. What you have to ask yourself is, how badly do you want this account?”

      She didn’t have to ask herself that question. She already knew she’d do whatever it took to get the Bliss account. Even if it meant cozying up to her nemesis.

       Chapter 3

      Three whole minutes into his trip with Synthia and Tristan was ready to call uncle.

      By the time they boarded the plane, his nerves were raw. It’s only three days. Yeah, maybe, but he was pretty sure someone would catch a legal case before the weekend was up.

      The car service had picked him up first, and when they’d gone to her house to get her, she already looked irritated to see him. Granted, he’d poked the dragon when he replied to her “Good morning” with “I’ve always wanted to see the natural habitat of an ice queen.” She’d rewarded him with a scowl. And so it had gone the rest of the way to the airport. Him teasing her, and her resolutely ignoring him while managing to shoot him daggers with her eyes.

      He watched her struggle to stash her carry-on bag in the overhead bin for a moment before offering to help. Standing and leaning over her petite frame, he stabilized the bag.

      “No, it’s okay, I really don’t need your help. I have it—”

      The rollaway slipped again as a bottle of water escaped the side holder and rolled down the cabin. But then the bag gave way, bringing her body into direct contact with his, and they both froze.

      He knew enough to hold his breath. The strawberry-scented hair product she used was enough to give him a hard-on for a week. He didn’t need to inhale that while he was in close proximity to her.

      Syn wobbled in her heels and he placed his hands on her hips to steady her. Big mistake. Touching? What kind of idiot was he? But even though his brain gave the command, he didn’t let go. When he managed to force the words out, they tore from his chest. “You okay?”

      She nodded but didn’t move for several breaths. Every sharp inhale brought her butt into tighter contact with his throbbing erection. Torture.

      She turned in his arms, glancing at him from half-lowered lids. “Yeah, fine. Thanks.”

      Something was wrong with this picture. Her pupils were dilated and her voice was breathy. Her tongue peaked out to moisten her lips and he bit back a groan, promptly letting go of her waist. She wanted him too.

      * * *

      Syn could ignore him. Hell, she would ignore him. It couldn’t be that hard. Never mind that she’d been locked in a flying tin can with him for the better part of an hour from Los Angeles to Vegas and his subtle musky cologne had started to weaken her defenses.

      The blinding lights of the Strip dragged her focus from him as the limousine turned toward the hotel. “Wow.”

      “You’re screwing with me.”

      When she turned to face him again, Tristan was staring at her. “What?”

      “You look like you’ve never seen the Strip before.”

      She shrugged. “That’s because I haven’t.”

      “How is it that a woman named Syn has never been to Vegas? Surely you’ve had some debauched girls’ weekend or something.”

      She set her jaw. There wasn’t a lot of time for fun weekends when she had her sister to look after. “I’m always working. One of these days I’ll come just for fun.” Yeah, like when she didn’t have to worry about Xia’s tuition.

      “It’s a shame. Even you have to have fun sometime.”

      Her mouth dropped when they pulled up to the circular drive of the hotel. Decadence really had pulled out all the stops. The driver opened the door for them, and Synthia stared up, speechless. Thankfully her brain automatically shifted into work mode, and she turned on record on her phone so she could make impromptu notes as they went.

      Behind her, Tristan chuckled. “I bet you were one of those nerdy girls who sat up front and took careful notes, weren’t you?” His breath whispered on the back of her neck and she shivered.

      She gave him a bland smile over her shoulder. “I’m surprised you were ever in class long enough to notice them. Didn’t they excuse jocks from class in your college?”

      He smirked. “I was Honor Society, actually.” Then he shrugged and added, “And quarterback.”

      She rolled her eyes. “Of course you were. Look, let’s just stay out of each other’s way while we’re here. I’m sure that will be easy enough. I’ll do my thing and you’ll do yours.”

      “Fine by me, Princess. And if you need me for anything at all...” He slid his gaze over her, lighting little blazes everywhere his gaze landed. “Just look for where there are people having fun.”

      “I won’t be looking for you.”


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