His Until Midnight. Reese Ryan

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His Until Midnight - Reese Ryan Mills & Boon Desire

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chest. “I see you all have jokes tonight.”

      “You know we’re just kidding.” Ryan, who had called next, picked up a pool cue as Roy gathered the balls and racked them. “After all, I’m the one who suggested you to Alexis.”

      “And I may never forgive you for creating this monster.” Tessa scowled at Ryan playfully.

      “My bad, I wasn’t thinking.” He chuckled.

      “What I want to know is why on earth you didn’t volunteer yourself?” Gail asked. “You’re a moderately good-looking guy, if you like that sort of thing.” She laughed.

      She was teasing him, not flirting. Though with Gail it was often hard to tell.

      Ryan shrugged. “I’m not interested in parading across the stage for a bunch of desperate women to bid on, like I’m a side of beef.” He glanced apologetically at his friend, Tripp. “No offense, man.”

      “None taken.” Tripp grinned proudly, poking a thumb into his chest. “This ‘side of beef’ is chomping at the bit to be taken for a spin by one of the lovely ladies.”

      Tessa elbowed Ryan in the gut, and an involuntary “oomph” sound escaped. “Watch it, Bateman. We aren’t desperate. We’re civic-minded women whose only interest is the betterment of our community.”

      There was silence for a beat before Tessa and Gail dissolved into laughter.

      Tessa was utterly adorable, giggling like a schoolgirl. The sound—rooted in his earliest memories of her—instantly conjured a smile that began deep down in his gut.

      He studied her briefly. Her curly, dark brown hair was pulled into a low ponytail and her smooth, golden brown skin practically glowed. She was wearing her typical winter attire: a long-sleeved plaid shirt, jeans which hid her curvy frame rather than highlighting it, and the newest addition to her ever-growing sneaker collection.

      “You’re a brave man.” Ryan shifted his attention to Tripp as he leaned down and lined his stick up with the cue ball. He drew it back and forth between his forefinger and thumb. “If these two are any indication—” he nodded toward Tess and Gail “—those women at the auction are gonna eat you alive.”

      “One can only hope.” Tripp wriggled his brows and held up his beer, one corner of his mouth curled in a smirk.

      Ryan shook his head, then struck the white cue ball hard. He relished the loud cracking sound that indicated a solid break. The cue ball smashed through the triangular formation of colorful balls, and they rolled or spun across the table. A high and a low ball dropped into the pockets.

      “Your choice.” Ryan nodded toward Tessa.

      “Low.” Hardly a surprise. Tessa always chose low balls whenever she had first choice. She walked around the table, her sneakers squeaking against the floor, as she sized up her first shot.

      “You know I’m only teasing you, Tripp. I think it’s pretty brave of you to put yourself out there like that. I’d be mortified by the thought of anyone bidding on me.” She leaned over the table, her sights on the blue two ball before glancing up at her brother momentarily. “In fact, I’m proud of you. The money you’ll help raise for the Pancreatic Cancer Research Foundation will do a world of good.”

      She made her shot and sank the ball before lining up for the next one.

      “Would you bid on a bachelor?” Ryan leaned against his stick, awaiting his turn.

      He realized that Tess was attending the bachelor auction, but the possibility that she’d be bidding on one of them hadn’t occurred to him until just now. And the prospect of his best friend going on a date with some guy whose company she’d paid for didn’t sit well with him.

      The protective instinct that had his hackles up was perfectly natural. He, Tripp and Tessa had had each others’ backs since they were kids. They weren’t just friends, they were family. Though Tess was less like a little sister and more like a really hot distant cousin, three times removed.

      “Of course, I’m bidding on a bachelor.” She sank another ball, then paced around the table and shrugged. “That’s kind of the point of the entire evening.”

      “Doesn’t mean you have to. After all, not every woman attending will be bidding on a bachelor,” Ryan reminded her.

      “They will be if they aren’t married or engaged,” Gail said resolutely, folding her arms and cocking an eyebrow his way. “Why, Ryan Bateman, sounds to me like you’re jealous.”

      “Don’t be ridiculous.” His cheeks heated as he returned his gaze to the table. “I’m just looking out for my best friend. She shouldn’t be pressured to participate in something that makes her feel uncomfortable.”

      Tessa was sweet, smart, funny, and a hell of a lot of fun to hang out with. But she wasn’t the kind of woman he envisioned with a paddle in her hand, bidding on men as if she were purchasing steers at auction.

      “Doesn’t sound like Tess, to me. That’s all I’m saying.” He realized he sounded defensive.

      “Good. It’s about time I do something unexpected. I’m too predictable...too boring.” Tessa cursed under her breath when she missed her shot.

      “Also known as consistent and reliable,” Ryan interjected.

      Things were good the way they were. He liked that Tessa followed a routine he could count on. His best friend’s need for order balanced out his spontaneity.

      “I know, but lately I’ve been feeling... I don’t know...stifled. Like I need to take some risks in my personal life. Stop playing it so safe all the time.” She sighed in response to his wide-eyed, slack-jawed stare. “Relax, Rye. It’s not like I’m paying for a male escort.”

      “I believe they prefer the term gigolo,” Gail, always helpful, interjected, then took another sip of her drink.

      Ryan narrowed his gaze at Gail, which only made the woman laugh hysterically. He shifted his attention back to Tessa, who’d just missed her shot.

      “Who will you be bidding on?”

      Tessa shrugged. “I don’t know. No one in particular in mind, just yet. The programs go out in a few days. Maybe I’ll decide then. Or... I don’t know...maybe I’ll wait and see who tickles my fancy when I get there.”

      “Who tickles your fancy?” Ryan repeated the words incredulously. His grip on the pool cue tightened.

      He didn’t like the sound of that at all.


      Tessa followed the sound of moaning down the hall and around the corner to her brother’s room.

      “Tripp? Are you all right?” She tapped lightly on his partially opened bedroom door.

      “No!” The word was punctuated by another moan, followed by, “I feel like I’m dying.”


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