The Courage To Dream and The Power Of Love. Margaret Daley

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The Courage To Dream and The Power Of Love - Margaret Daley Mills & Boon Love Inspired

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the other night, you became his business.”

      “Only because you called him.” He stabbed her with a defiant glare.

      “I was afraid something bad would happen to you. Nine-year-old boys don’t go out at midnight.”

      “I’m gonna be ten soon.” Peter dropped his gaze and began to roll the place mat at the corner.

      “Ten-year-old boys don’t, either.”

      “I’m not a baby anymore.”

      Rebecca grasped his hand. “I know that. Both Josh and I depend on you, honey. That’s why I can’t have you leaving the house late at night. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Emotion welled in her throat.

      Peter kept his head down, his shoulders slumped.

      “Promise me you won’t do that again.”

      He mumbled what she thought was a yes.

      “And as long as you’re involved with the baseball team, I won’t extend your grounding. I think it’s important you do something like that.” She realized the second she said those words that she might be dooming Peter’s participation with the team. Lately he seemed to go out of his way not to do what she wanted. “Now, speaking of your birthday, what do you want to do for it? We could have a party and invite—”

      Peter’s head shot up, and he yanked his hand from her clasp. “I don’t know anyone in Oakview to invite. All of my friends are back in Dallas.”

      “Then what do you want to do?”

      Chewing on his lower lip, he glanced away then at her. “I want to go fishing with Dad like we used to.”

      The tightness in her throat spread. Her lungs burned. Craig and Peter used to go fishing at least once a month. Her son loved to fish and hadn’t been since Craig had left them. “Then we’ll call him and see what we can set up.”

      His face brightened. “We can?”

      “Yes, let’s call this evening after he gets home from work.”

      “Great!” Peter jumped to his feet. “I’d better go do my homework.”

      As he ran from the kitchen, her grandmother came into the room. “My, who lit a fire under that young man?”

      “Granny, I’m so afraid he’s going to be disappointed.”

      “Why, child?”

      “He wants Craig to take him fishing on his birthday.”

      “Oh.” Granny sank into the chair that Peter had occupied.

      “I told him we’ll call him tonight and see if he can. I shouldn’t have. What if—”

      “Rebecca, have faith. Everything will work out for the best. You just wait and see.” Her grandmother patted her hand, then pushed to her feet. “Now, if I don’t get moving, we won’t have dinner tonight.”

      “Let me check on Josh and then I’ll be back down to help. I think my little man has finally decided to catch up on all the sleep he missed this past week.”

      Rebecca climbed the stairs to the second floor. She peered at Peter’s bedroom door and noticed that it was open. Lately he always closed it when he was in his room. She started to look in, to see if everything was all right with her eldest son, when she heard his voice coming from her bedroom.

      She paused in the doorway. Peter had Josh on the bed, changing his diaper and making funny faces at him.

      “Okay, big guy, that ought to fix ya right up. Tonight we’ll practice extra hard on our walking. Don’t want to slack on the job. I want ya chasing me around this house before the year is out. Think of all the things I can teach ya to do.” Peter lifted Josh high in the air, then swung him from side to side.

      Josh’s giggles blended with his older brother’s laughter. The sound pierced Rebecca’s heart. She cleared her throat.

      Peter whirled, surprise evident in his expression. “I heard Josh and thought I’d better check up on him.”

      How could she tell Peter his dream wouldn’t come true for his little brother? The pain in her heart expanded. “Will you watch Josh while I help Granny with dinner?”

      “I guess,” Peter said, replacing the surprise on his face with his usual sullen expression. But he held his little brother close as though protecting Josh from the world.

      Crossing her legs, Rebecca smoothed her black calf-length skirt. Her heart pounding against her chest, she clasped her hands tightly in her lap.

      “Chief Stone will see you now,” a short, gray-haired woman announced when she appeared in the reception area of the police station.

      Rebecca rose, took a deep, calming breath and entered the office the older woman indicated with a wave.

      Gabriel came around his desk, offering his hand for Rebecca to shake. “I’m glad you applied. Since the pay isn’t much, I wasn’t sure you would.”

      “How could I refuse? Your offer is the only one I’ve had.”

      He grinned. “I have to admit there aren’t many jobs in Oakview, but we aren’t too far from Tulsa where I’m sure you can find a better-paying job.”

      Warmth flowed through her at his smile, warmth meant to put her at ease, and it did. Her tension evaporated as she responded to his compassion. “I can’t spend anymore time away from Josh than is necessary. Driving to and from Tulsa would add an extra hour and half to my work day as well as eat into my salary.”

      “Who’s going to take care of Josh?”

      “Granny, until I can come up with a more permanent solution. Peter will help when school is out in a few months and Ann, next door, has volunteered to help Granny until then.”

      “Josh is welcome here if you get in a bind.”

      “Then I have the job?”

      “Yes. I wish it were more.”

      “It’s a job, and as you know, I need one.”

      Gabriel sat on the corner of his desk, his stance casual, openly friendly. “When can you start?”

      Rebecca noticed him absently twirling his wedding ring on his finger and marveled at the depth of love he must have had for his wife. What would it be like to have a man love her that much? “Tomorrow if you need me,” she finally answered after clearing her throat.

      “Jenny hasn’t been gone more than a day, but her work is already stacking up. If you can start tomorrow, that’ll be great.” Gabriel rose and headed for his office door. “How’s Peter today?”

      “Limping around. He hasn’t done that much exercise lately, and his muscles are protesting.”

      “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize he was so out of shape.”

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