Mistresses: Blackmailed With Diamonds / Shackled with Rubies. Robyn Donald

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Mistresses: Blackmailed With Diamonds / Shackled with Rubies - Robyn Donald Mills & Boon Romance

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give me that nonsense,’ she snorted. ‘Not after that girl who—’

      ‘Yes, never mind,’ I said hastily.

      ‘You need a suitable partner in life, and you should be looking carefully.’

      ‘Why? I’ve got you looking carefully for me,’ I said, as lightly as I could.

      As I knew she would, she missed the irony.

      ‘Yes, I am, and it takes a lot of trouble to weed out the unsuitable ones.’

      ‘Perhaps you shouldn’t weed them out,’ I said meekly. ‘It would probably do me a lot of good to meet someone unsuitable, as an awful warning. It might really teach me a lesson.’

      ‘Oh, stop playing the fool. I know all about the sort of semi-clad females who float through your apartment—’

      How did she know? She never saw them. I’d made sure of that. But Grace had her spies and they could teach MI5 a thing or two.

      I couldn’t resist teasing her.

      ‘They’re not all semi-clad. Some of them wear nothing at—’

      ‘That’s enough. We’re talking about your future wife.’

      ‘I was trying not to talk about her. Why Selina?’

      ‘Because she has the very best connections. Her mother’s related to a title, her father’s one of the richest merchant bankers in town—’

      ‘And you think I’m so hard up that I need to marry money. Thanks!’

      ‘Money should marry money. It doesn’t pay to spread it around too thin.’

      ‘Gracie, darling—’

      ‘And don’t call me, Gracie. It’s vulgar.’

      ‘We are vulgar. You talk as though we were heirs to an ancestral fortune, but Grandpa Nick made just enough to get by. Dad worked himself into the grave to make more than he needed, and, heaven help me, I’m going the same way. I’ll swear I’m getting grey hairs.’


      ‘Here at the side. Can you see?’

      ‘No, I can’t,’ she said, giving me the fond smile that reminded me that I did actually like her a lot. ‘You’re too handsome for your own good, and you know it.’

      ‘I’m still going grey from the treadmill I’m on. If I knew a way to jump off it I would, but I won’t manage that by marrying Selina Janson.’

      ‘I didn’t mean to make too much of her money,’ Grace said in a relenting tone. ‘It’s simply that she has all the right qualities.’

      With difficulty I refrained from tearing my hair.

      ‘No, Grace, she has only one of the right qualities, and that’s the fact that I have nothing against her. It needs a lot more than that.’

      She eyed me suspiciously.

      ‘You haven’t become entangled with some floozie, have you?’

      ‘Why floozie?’ I growled. ‘I might have met a nice girl.’

      ‘Then I’d know about her. Who is she?’

      I was about to say that she didn’t exist when some instinct for self-preservation stopped me.

      ‘I don’t think I ought to tell you any more just now,’ I said, choosing my words carefully. ‘I don’t want you investigating her to find out if she’s “suitable”.’

      ‘Meaning that she isn’t?’

      ‘She’s suitable for me,’ I said.

      I accompanied the words with a smile which was meant to be knowing, but I had a horrible feeling I just looked foolish. I don’t think Grace noticed. She was seething at my mad dash for independence.

      ‘Surely you can tell me something about her?’ she demanded. ‘What does she look like?’

      ‘She’s beautiful.’

      ‘What else?’

      ‘She has a perfect figure and she’s very sexy,’ I improvised wildly.

      ‘Where did you meet her?’


      ‘Really, this is very unsatisfactory.’

      ‘Not to me,’ I said.

      ‘Well, I’ve made arrangements for the summer now, and it’s too late to change them.’

      The hairs began to stand up on the back of my neck. ‘What arrangements?’

      ‘Oh, don’t pretend not to know. We talked about chartering a yacht and you agreed.’

      ‘You vaguely mentioned a yacht,’ I said, frantically searching my memory, ‘but I don’t think we actually agreed—’

      ‘I said we should charter a yacht to cruise the Mediterranean and you said, ‘Sure.’ Which is what you always say. Raymond Keller is eager to join us. You said yourself he’s bound to be the next president of Consolidated, and you can get him tied up while we’re out at sea.’

      ‘You’ve actually invited—?’

      ‘Only in a vague sort of way. And there are one or two other contacts I’m working on—’

      She rattled off a list of names and I had to admit they were well-chosen. All of them useful, all people I’d feel easy with and could make money out of. Grace knew her stuff, which was how she got away with being a bossy-boots.

      I was beginning to feel almost relaxed about it when she said, ‘And of course Selena will be there.’

      ‘What do you mean, of course?’

      ‘Well, the others will be couples, so naturally—’

      I’ll spare you the rest. Enough to say that I made a ritual protest, but gave in when I realised how I’d been backed into a corner. There wasn’t a damned thing I could do about it without offending someone that it would be inconvenient to offend.

      I just wish that some of the financial journalists could have been there to see. According to them I am Master of the Game, he whose will is law. Minions go in fear and trembling of my lightest word.


      They should have seen ‘Bully Jack’ cave in to Grace, that’s all I can say.

      Before I knew it everyone had accepted the invitations I’d never given, including Selina and her parents.

      To protect myself, I issued a few invitations of my own.

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