The Million-Dollar Catch. Susan Mallery

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The Million-Dollar Catch - Susan Mallery Mills & Boon By Request

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pulled her keys out of her purse and led the way to the front door. With each step, she braced herself for second or even third thoughts. Instead there was only a pounding rhythm urging her to hurry.

      Once inside, she set her keys and her purse on the small table by the door. Todd shrugged out of what she would guess was a very expensive jacket and let it fall to the floor. Then he pulled her against him and kissed her with a thoroughness that left her weak and made her wonder how intensely he would do other things.

      She kissed him just as deeply, running her hands over his chest, feeling the slick silk of his tie and the smooth cotton of his shirt. He slid one hand down to her rear, where he squeezed, and moved the other hand up until he cupped her breast.

      Even through the fabric of her dress and her bra, she felt his strong fingers exploring, teasing, caressing. He lingered on her tight nipple, brushing back and forth until she wanted to rip off her clothes so he could touch her bare skin.

      He nudged her backward. She reached for his tie and managed to pull it free, then she started on the buttons of his shirt. He fumbled for the zipper at the back of her dress.

      They made it into the hall. She’d left a light on in the living room, but here it was dark. He kissed his way down her neck, his warm mouth making her moan. Tingles and shivers and ripples overtook her. Hunger consumed.

      He made his way to the vee of her dress and his mouth settled on the curve of her breast. At the same time she found the hall light switch and he tugged down her zipper. The light came on in time for her to see as well as feel her dress fall to the floor. Todd’s dark, passion-filled gaze locked with hers as he closed both hands over her breasts.

      “You’re beautiful,” he murmured. “Hot and soft and I don’t care if it is copier toner, you smell great.”

      She laughed and moaned at the same time as he rubbed her nipples. Her entire body tightened as her swollen, damp center cried out for some attention of its own.

      Still touching her breasts, he leaned in for another kiss. She welcomed him, closing her lips around his tongue and sucking until he, too, shuddered.

      Suddenly this wasn’t enough. She wanted more—all. She wanted the weight of him on top of her. She wanted him filling her over and over again until she had no choice but to give herself up to the pleasure of her orgasm.

      “Clothes,” she said against his mouth. “You’re wearing too many.”

      “Good point.”

      As he shrugged out of his shirt, she stepped over her dress and led the way into her small bedroom. The light from the hall was more than enough for what they were going to do. She turned to face him, only to find him staring at her.


      He swore softly. “Are you trying to kill me? You’re a walking, breathing fantasy. Do the partners at your law firm know what you wear under your suits?”

      She glanced down at the matching pink bra and bikini panties. They were a little lacy, but nothing special. She’d bought them on sale, but hey, guys were easy.

      “They probably suspect I’m wearing underwear,” she murmured as she stepped out of her high heels. “I’d rather they thought that than speculated about me wearing nothing at all. That would be tacky.”

      The appreciation in his gaze made her bold. Or maybe it was the fact that Todd was a sure thing that gave her confidence. Either way she slid one strap off her shoulder and smiled.

      “Did you want me to take this off?”

      He’d already kicked off his shoes and was in the process of lowering his slacks. As she spoke, his erection actually pulsed. She saw it through his dark briefs.

      He swallowed. “That would be great.”

      His slacks dropped to the ground, pooling at his ankles. He didn’t seem to notice. Instead his gaze fixed on her chest.

      She reached behind her and unfastened her bra, then tossed it toward the dresser.

      She had no idea if it actually made it because she was too caught up in the expression on Todd’s face. Wonder and desire blended in a look so passionate and male that it took her breath away.

      She’d been with men before and she’d been reasonably certain that they’d wanted her. After all, there had been obvious proof. But Todd stared at her as if she were his last meal. His appreciation made her feel special and exotic and more than anxious to make all his dreams come true.

      He moved toward her and nearly stumbled as he got caught in his slacks. “I’m totally smooth,” he muttered as he freed himself, then pulled off his socks.

      She thought about mentioning the fact that she liked that he wasn’t perfect. It made him seem more approachable somehow. But then he was pulling her close and touching her and speaking became a highly overrated activity.

      His hands were everywhere—her arms, her stomach, then he cupped her bare breasts. He didn’t kiss her as he explored her curves, then lightly touched her nipples with his fingers. Instead he stared into her eyes and she found herself very close to begging to be taken.

      She held his gaze as long as she could, but soon sensation overwhelmed her. If was as if there were a direct line of pleasure from her breasts to between her legs. With each touch, both became more needy.

      “Todd,” she whispered, hoping she didn’t sound as desperate as she felt.

      He nudged her backward until she felt the bed behind her. Then he wrapped his arms around her, turned and lowered them both onto the mattress.

      She landed on him, her legs spread, her center nestled on his arousal. He smiled up at her.

      “Now I have you exactly where I want you,” he whispered. “In my power.”

      “I’m on top,” she told him. “I’m in charge.”

      “Wanna bet?”

      He put his hands on her hips and urged her back and forth. Even through the layers of her panties and his briefs, she felt the delicious heat and friction. With a groan, she gave herself up to the sensation. It was nearly enough to get her over the edge.

      “Just that like,” he murmured as he began to touch her breasts.

      The combination of sensations was unbelievably sensual. Tension tightened all her muscles as she felt herself racing closer and closer to her release.

      Not like this, she thought frantically. Not so quickly. Not while still wearing clothes. But she also couldn’t stop rubbing faster and faster.

      Without warning, he rolled them both onto their sides. He removed her panties with one smooth, practiced move, then pulled off his briefs. Before she had a chance to check things out, she was on her back and his mouth was on her left breast.

      He sucked and licked and teased until she thought she would go crazy from the pleasure. At the same time, he slipped his hand between her legs and explored her swollen center.

      It took him less than three seconds to find that one

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