Mistresses: Bound with Gold / Bought with Emeralds. Sandra Marton

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Mistresses: Bound with Gold / Bought with Emeralds - Sandra Marton Mills & Boon Romance

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can’t blame me for wondering what was going on,’ Ray said.

      ‘That’s your suspicious mind; there was nothing going on!’

      Ray shrugged. ‘And then of course there was the time that I overheard you reassuring him that you weren’t attracted to me…’

      ‘I wasn’t reassuring him!’ Caitlin spluttered angrily. ‘I was telling him in no uncertain terms how absurd his notion was about us.’

      Ray grinned. ‘With the benefit of hindsight I can see I might have got things wrong.’

      ‘Not might…You definitely made a big mistake,’ Caitlinsaid firmly.

      Ray nodded. ‘Absolutely. So, now we have that cleared up, how about I take you upstairs so you can freshen up before dinner?’

      Caitlin shrugged. In truth she was a bit hungry and she was longing for a hot shower. And she supposed he had apologised…‘Okay.’

      ‘Good.’ He smiled and she noticed how his eyes were almost as dark as the raven-black of his hair; there was something intensely sensual about those eyes. ‘I’m glad we have sorted that out.’ He reached out and, to her consternation, stroked back a stray strand of wet hair from her face.

      His touch was oddly tender and as she looked up into his eyes there was a crazy moment where she felt her stomach flip as a wild rush of pure physical attraction hit her. Hastily she stepped back from him. What the heck was wrong with her? she wondered frantically. She disliked Ray…disliked him intensely.

      ‘So, tell me, where is your fiancé?’

      The sudden question was almost as disconcerting as the feeling that had just struck her.

      ‘He’s back in Manchester.’

      ‘Well, I gathered he wasn’t here,’ Ray said sardonically.

      A heavy rumble of thunder filled the air and the electric lights flickered.

      ‘The storm sounds like it’s directly overhead,’ Caitlin said nervously.

      ‘Yes, seems like it.’ Ray turned away. ‘Come on, I’ll show you up to your room.’

      Relieved that the subject of David had been dropped, Caitlin followed him upstairs. Ray opened a door and led her through into a large bedroom decorated in a pale shade of lemon.

      ‘There’s an en suite bathroom through there.’ Ray waved a hand towards the other end of the room. ‘Just make yourself at home.’

      ‘Thank you.’

      He nodded, seemed about to turn away then paused.

      ‘So…you didn’t tell me…Is your fiancé following you out here?’

      He seemed to be looking at her very closely and she realised that, as well as being incredibly sexy, his eyes could also be disturbingly intense, as if they could reach into her very soul and find all the secrets hidden there.

      She intended to tell him that her engagement was off but instead she found herself saying something completely different. ‘Yes. He’s just too busy with work to come over at the moment.’

      ‘I see.’ Ray smiled and she wondered if he did see…if it was entirely obvious that David would never be joining her here. ‘Well, I’ll leave you to freshen up. Come down when you are ready.’

      Caitlin stood where she was as the door closed quietly behind him. Why had she done that? she wondered. Why had she lied?

      Maybe it was just that her pride wouldn’t let her admit that she had made a mistake with David. Or maybe because she felt vulnerable around Ray Pascal. She didn’t know what it was, but the guy fascinated her in some strange way. He seemed to have danger written all over him.

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