At The Playboy's Command. Robyn Grady

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At The Playboy's Command - Robyn Grady Mills & Boon By Request

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regret coming here, but now that she was dressed and had been left alone to wait, she found it difficult to believe that she’d actually gathered up her courage to ride that elevator up to Daniel’s suite without an invitation in the first place.

      Some might say she’d been reckless. Perhaps that was true. But, by God, it’d felt good to do precisely what she’d wanted, when she’d wanted to. She was more like Daniel than he knew.

      “Was it something I said?”

      At the sound of that deep, sexy voice at her back, Elizabeth spun around. Daniel stood in the doorway leading to the bedroom, a white towel lashed around his hips. A flurry of butterflies released in her stomach as she scanned the expanse of his broad chest, the muscular definition of powerful arms and super-toned abs. Her mind wound back to the way he’d held her as he’d brought them both to the brink then had flung them both over that fiery edge. She remembered the delicious thrills that had spiraled through her and, drinking in the glorious picture of him now, she only wanted to do it again.

      Some men were born lovers.

      His shoulder pushed off the jamb and he sauntered toward her. With every step, that pulse low inside of her beat a little deeper and each breath came a little quicker.

      “You’re leaving?” A line creased between his eyebrows.

      With him close again, the magnet that had drawn them so fiercely together earlier began to tug again. But, although the idea was tempting, they couldn’t spend all day in bed.

      Could they?

      Forcing her eyes from his penetrating gaze, she moved to collect her handbag where she’d dropped it in the center of the room an hour earlier.

      “I should be getting on my way,” she told him breezily. “You have work to do.”

      “Nothing that can’t wait until we’ve enjoyed an early lunch. After just coffee this morning, I’m starved.”

      A saucy smile swam in his eyes as he brought her near and nuzzled the side of her neck. A jet of warmth rushed through her veins. She was helpless not to sigh and lean in more.

      “Are you sure?” she murmured as his mouth traced a sensual line up to her chin.

      “One hundred percent,” he growled.

      “You’re not keen to start on your drawings?”

      He tipped back to look at her sideways. “Anyone would think you’re trying of get rid of me.”

      She laughed. Ridiculous. “I just wasn’t expecting you to stay.”

      “You have somewhere else to be?”

      “Not especially. Although I was going to drop by Chad’s office and organize a donation so those flamingos can be on their way. I shouldn’t be greedy. Someone else ought to enjoy the privilege for a while.”

      “Chad?” Daniel adjusted his towel. “The financial advisor who likes to keep you on his leash, that Chad?”

      Her jaw set. “I explained to you—”

      “Yeah. I know. He likes to look out for you.”

      “There’s a clause in the will that dictates Chad must be my financial advisor.”

      “That document sure likes to dictate.”

      She didn’t like—and didn’t have to endure—the irritation darkening his face.

      She collected her bag and, straightening the strap over her shoulder, she nodded toward the door. “I should go.”

      When she tried to skirt around him, however, Daniel reached out and caught her wrist. The disapproval burning in his eyes had turned to apology.

      “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get into that again.”

      “That’s okay. I understand.”

      And she did. But it was really time she left. She didn’t want to regret this time and if she stayed any longer she had a feeling that she might.

      Five minutes later Elizabeth stepped out of the elevator and into the hotel foyer. Although she was seen in town, in this hotel, often, she kept her head down. She didn’t want to field any innocent questions about what had brought her here today.

      She nodded to a stranger, sitting in a tub chair, who looked up from his newspaper and smiled. Stepping up her pace, she’d made it to the door when she ran into the one person she wasn’t prepared to face.

      “Elizabeth? What brings you in here today?”

      “Chad.” She tried to catch her breath and will the heat from seeping any higher up her neck. On a nervous laugh, she wet her lips and stammered some words. “I could ask the same.”

      “I’m here to see a client.”

      Now he was looking at her oddly, trying to see past the overly cheery facade.

      “I was meeting a friend for lunch.”

      His salt-and-pepper eyebrows nudged in. “It’s not even eleven.”

      “Thought I’d book early. You know how I like particular tables.”

      “Who are you meeting?”

      She coughed out a short laugh. “Would you like me to hand over my appointment book?”

      His eyes glinted with concern. “Elizabeth, you look shaken.”

      Now her face was burning. She fanned herself.

      “I do feel a little piqued.”

      Moving to stand beside her, he rested a hand on her back. “I’ll get you a glass of water.”

      “I’ll be fine.”

      But he was already leading her to a comfortable settee and signaling to the concierge.

      Then the situation got a thousand times worse.

      Daniel stepped out of the elevator, his mind racing.

      He’d rung to tell Rand that while he and the crew were free to leave today, the boss was staying. He was on his way now to the Cattleman’s Club to see if he couldn’t get some creative juices flowing. Somewhere the perfect idea was dying to bubble up, waiting only for the right inspiration to have it fully emerge. Thankfully, now that he’d made up his

      mind to step back up and face the challenge, his enthusiasm barometer had cranked up to high.

      That he’d had the best sexual experience of his life this morning no doubt contributed to the energy belting through his blood. Perhaps not surprisingly, images of Elizabeth and possible club designs were converging on one another in his brain. Despite the diminished note on which she’d left, he couldn’t ignore the truth. He wanted to see her again. Asking to view her house a second time would be a good excuse. But would she want to see him again? After his dig about the will,

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