Deadly Setup. Annslee Urban

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Deadly Setup - Annslee Urban Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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do to help.

      “Come on, Seth.” She gave a hard sigh, tucking the strand behind her ear. “It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Trey’s fingerprints and DNA were at the scene. He found Madison. And, as far as the knife goes, well, we both know evidence can be planted.”

      Seth nodded, absently drumming his fingers against his jeans-clad thigh. She wasn’t saying anything he hadn’t heard before. But it was hard to give much weight to Paige’s deduction that Trey, who had been highly intoxicated the night of the murder, had been framed by the real killer. A theory that she hadn’t budged from since her brother’s arrest. And one that was a bit much for him to swallow.

      “The truth is, Seth, Trey got caught in the crosshairs of your investigation and you never looked further.” Paige continued, her eyes wide before she looked away in disgust, “You never even took into account that he tried to revive Madison and called the police.”

      A murder suspect calling police wasn’t that unusual, Seth thought with a mental groan. Especially an intoxicated one. Alcohol, anger and impulsiveness were a lethal combination. He knew that from experience, growing up with an alcoholic father—a calm, sensible man until he was drinking. His family never knew what to expect. Seth had almost breathed relief at fourteen when his father stomped out of the house, suitcase in hand, screaming at the top of his lungs that he’d never be back.

      That was the last time he’d seen his father and the last time he’d prayed. He’d learned how futile it was to pray for someone to change.

      Seth put his hands on his hips. “Paige, I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I know this ordeal has been difficult for you.”

      “Sorry?” Paige whipped her gaze back to him, her eyes sizzling. “The only thing you should be sorry about is that my brother is facing a life sentence in prison while a brutal killer is still running free.”

      “Paige—” When Seth tried to interject, she cut him off.

      “Don’t try to dispute it, Seth.” She crossed her arms. “Trey would never hurt anyone, much less murder his wife. Even if he and Madison never worked out their issues, he still loved her.”

      Crimes of passion were impulsive acts. Add in alcohol or any mind-altering substance, and judgment could become impaired. And when someone was under the influence, it was even easier to lose self-control in the heat of the moment. “Gut feelings aren’t enough, Paige.”

      “Then what about what happened tonight?” Her eyes probed his face as she jutted her thumb back at herself. “Someone tried to kill me.”

      Seth folded his arms, frustration reigning supreme. “Paige, tonight’s accident will be thoroughly investigated, however it’s too early to assume anything.”

      “I know I’m only speculating,” Paige said, her gown rustling as she straightened. “However, if tonight’s accident was intentional, the only person I can think of with a motive to hurt me would be Madison’s killer.”

      Seth started to shake his head, but Paige stopped him again with a staying hand. “Seth, it makes perfect sense. If my brother is convicted, the real killer gets off scot-free. The last thing the creep would want is for me to come back to town and start asking questions.”

      Good hypothesis—that was, if Seth thought Madison’s killer was still out there. But, as the investigator on Paige’s case, he’d hear her out. He tightened his arms over his chest. “Okay, Paige. Who knew you’d be in town today?” He asked the question, even though it struck at his heart that she hadn’t even bothered to contact him.

      “It was a last-minute trip. I only contacted my friend Tessa Riley.” Even as she kept her expression placid, red crept into her cheeks. She’d caught his vibe. And he knew an excuse when he heard one. “I called Tessa yesterday after my boss at the rehab center gave me the time off to come. We’re short staffed, but she knows about Trey’s situation and how difficult it’s been on me. However...” She sat up straighter. “After I arrived and dropped my bags off at Tessa’s, I went out to do some errands and ran into several old friends and acquaintances.”

      Seth scratched his cheek. “Did anyone act suspicious?”

      She thought a moment, then shook her head. “Everyone kept their distance. No one wanted to talk about Madison or discuss her murder. Although that’s probably not unusual. However—” Paige emphasized the word “—the way news travels around here, half of Boone probably knows I’m in town by now.”

      True, but... Seth drew in a deep breath. It still sounded like a TV crime drama to him. Not to mention the theory was difficult to substantiate, given the information they had. “Paige, we’ve exhausted every lead we received on Madison’s case. As much as I’d like to find something that would exonerate your brother, that just hasn’t happened.”

      Paige grabbed the side rail, pulling herself up straighter in the bed. “That, Detective, is what I’m here to do.”

      Like rubbing salt in a wound. “Do what, Paige? Try to convince yourself that Trey just might be guilty?” Seth’s tone was meant to be frank, but his frustration rang clearly.

      One of Paige’s brows soared upward, but she didn’t respond. Just stared back at him, a steady, indignant look in her deep emerald eyes.

      Instant regret knifed through him, not only for his blunt choice of words, but for everything that had gone wrong in their relationship. He’d made a vow early in his career to keep his personal life and detective work separate, but he should have worked harder to support Paige. Maybe then their relationship could have weathered this storm.

      The heavy rock in his gut swelled to a boulder, telling him probably not.

      He’d learned years ago that when someone was ready to bolt, there was no holding on to them. And after Trey’s trial was moved to Durham County because of all the negative pretrial publicity, there was no holding Paige back. She had nothing left in Boone.

      Including him.

      Seth shifted his stance, ignoring the sting of heartache in his chest. “Paige, there’s a lot of pent-up anger around this town. Coming back now and asking questions, especially on the brink of Trey’s trial, isn’t going to be easy on you.”

      Paige’s mouth flattened to a thin line. “Sitting in a six-by-eight jail cell hasn’t been easy on my brother, either.”

      Tension hung in the air, heavy and mounting. They were getting nowhere.

      Scrubbing a hand through his hair, Seth mentally tamped down his feelings, frustrated by the sudden whiplash of emotions and memories. Emotion that had no place on the job.

      Job. The reason he was there. He forced his focus back to the problem at hand—Paige’s accident. He took a deep breath and zipped up his jacket. Time to get out of there. He had everything he needed. “Paige, will you be staying with Tessa while you’re in town?”

      Paige hesitated, her scowl remaining. “I’ll be staying at her condo. She’s out of town on a cruise for the next week.”

      Seth made a mental note and stuffed his hands in his coat pockets. “Get some rest. I’ll touch base with you sometime tomorrow,” he said, then turned and headed out the door, focusing his thoughts on his investigation and stowing all sentimental nonsense that had nothing to do with this case.

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