Sunsets & Seduction. Tawny Weber

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Sunsets & Seduction - Tawny Weber Mills & Boon M&B

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Tessa knew that her father had ordered him to be with her right now, he had a feeling she wouldn’t be as thrilled with him. But he was also under orders not to tell her. James was right, that if she knew, she would not only be upset, she would reject his protection, and he couldn’t let that happen.

      As they started following the EMTs out as they wheeled Kate along, Jonas heard his name called from behind. Betty, the woman who had thought he was handsome, met him as he turned around.

      “Here, handsome, you forgot these,” she said conspiratorially, pushing the small bag he’d dropped out on the porch—the condoms—into his hand. “Being blind is no excuse for not being careful,” she added.

      He choked out a thanks, and felt his face turn hot as he turned back to Tessa, who was laughing. Hard.

      “Jonas, if you could only see your face,” she said, breathless with laughter.

      He smiled, optimistic for the first time in a while. “Soon enough, I think. Soon enough.”


       11:00 p.m.

      TESSA WAS EXHAUSTED, happy, relieved, hopeful and worried all at the same time as she walked out of Kate’s hospital room. Everything was fine, and after being treated, her friend had returned to being her old self in no time.

      In fact, Kate had shooed them out of the room after properly interrogating Jonas as to his intentions, and receiving only stuttering replies. Tessa hadn’t minded at all, since she was a little curious about Jonas’s intentions, as well.

      He seemed to go in and out of high and low moods all night, as if he was waging some internal struggle he couldn’t tell her about. She assumed it had to do with his sight more than anything to do with her, but she hoped that maybe he was seeing that she wasn’t the conniving manipulator that he thought she was.

      That was the worrying part. Jonas had politely excused himself so that she could have a moment alone with Kate before they left. Kate had held her hand tight, looking somewhat worried herself.

      “You love him, Tessa?”

      The words had hit her like a straight-on lightning strike, and her first impulse was to deny it.

      “I care about him. It’s too soon for anything else, Kate.”

      “Oh, that’s ridiculous. I knew I loved my Hank within five minutes of seeing him and knew that I’d marry him within ten.”

      “Jonas and I have had a rockier start. I’m not sure he even likes me that much.”

      “How on earth could you think that? The man is out in a terrible storm, at your side,” Kate said. “Men don’t do that for women they don’t like.

      Tessa sighed, and related the earlier conversation, and how Jonas believed that she had only wanted to use him against her father.

      “You were a child when you did those crazy things,” Kate objected. “It has nothing to do with the woman you are now.”

      “I hope he realizes that. I think there’s more going on, though I’m not sure what it is.”

      Kate squeezed her hand. “Well, I think he has more feelings for you than he realizes, but only time will tell. A woman has to protect her heart.”

      “Thanks, though it might be a little late for that,” Tessa said, feeling tears burning hot behind her eyes, but not wanting to upset Kate after her ordeal. “But I’m a big girl.”

      “And you deserve a good man. I hope he’s smart enough to figure that out,” Kate said.

      “I hope so, too. You be well. I’ll be back tomorrow to help you home,” Tessa said.

      “You get some rest. Betty offered to do the same. You focus on your young man and making things work. I’ll be fine.”

      “Thank you, Kate. I’m so glad you’re okay. You really scared me.” Tessa hugged her and still planned to be there the next day.

      It was what happened between now and then that had her in knots.

      Jonas had waited outside the room, quiet and pensive. He didn’t say a word as they turned to the elevator, but then were waylaid by one of Kate’s nurses.

      “Hey, I have something for you,” she said, thrusting a pile of blue scrubs at them. “Kate asked. You guys are leaving puddles wherever you walk,” the nurse said with a grin, “and you’re going to get sick. There’s an empty room at the end of the hall, with a bathroom. Feel free to go down there and get clean and dry before you head out.”

      Tessa was sure she’d just died and gone to heaven—her skin was clammy, and her hair was dripping down her back. She felt like a drowned rat and was, selfishly, kind of glad that Jonas couldn’t see her.

      She knew she looked like hell. Surgical scrubs weren’t exactly fashionable, but they were soft, clean and dry, and she took Jonas’s hand and headed for the room.

      “This is awesome,” she said, giddy with relief as she walked in and shut the door.

      “I have to admit, it would be great to get out of these soggy jeans, and to wash the horse smell off,” he admitted, stripping off his jacket.

      The shower in the bath was only big enough for a single person, so much to Tessa’s disappointment, they cleaned up quickly using what shampoo and soap were available. They weren’t as nice as the things at her shop, but she felt a million times better when she emerged. The scrubs fit just right, and were so comfortable. She sat back on the bed and waited for Jonas as he did the same.

      Was this the end of their evening, or just the beginning? Had he changed his mind about wanting to be with her? A few minutes later, he emerged, dressed and smelling completely horse free. She had to admit, it was an improvement.

      “You look like McDreamy,” she said with a grin, and wondered if they dared commandeer the room any longer to make use of the bed.

      Jonas smiled, but didn’t go to her. Had he changed his mind?

      “We’d better be on our way,” he suggested, and she agreed, trying to hide her disappointment as they made their way to the main entrance.

      Awkward tension settled between them as they stood beneath the fluorescent hospital lights.

      “Crazy night,” she said, hating small talk, but unsure what else to say.

      “Trains, taxis, horses and ambulances,” he agreed with a short chuckle. “What next?”

      Their answer came as they stepped out to the main entrance, and looked for their cab.

      “Not here yet,” Tessa said, feeling increasingly tense. “Things are so overwhelming tonight for everyone.”

      “It might take some time.”

      Were they still talking about the storm? she wondered.

      He seemed preoccupied and distant,

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