Caught!. Lori Foster

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Caught! - Lori Foster Mills & Boon M&B

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her, she tightened her strong fingers in his hair. Taking her reaction as one of encouragement, he worked her bra aside, nuzzling with his lips. Her breasts were extremely sensitive, and he liked that. He imagined how it would be to make love to her, to find all her sensitive places with his hands, his mouth, his tongue and teeth. He wanted to taste her, to draw her deep into the heat of his mouth, to suck her gently and then, not so gently, devour her.

      He smoothed a hand over her soft, slightly rounded belly and heard her sharp groan. He needed to touch her, all of her. His fingers pressed lower, slipping between her thighs, seeking, probing, feeling the throbbing heat.

      Suddenly, she jerked away. “Dillon, no.”

      He heard her gasping, heard the trembling in her tone. She pressed her head back against the seat and closed her eyes.

      “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”

      Reality started to nudge his lust-fogged brain. She couldn’t do this? He was the one who’d been forcing himself for the sake of his plan—at first. His sole purpose in coming to Delaport City, Ohio, had been to seduce her, and in the process gain answers. Reluctance was in no way the proper response from her to his lovemaking. In fact, it was so far out of line with his original intention that he scowled. “Virginia…”

      “No,” she said, shaking her head. “No, this isn’t right. Hiding out here with you as if I’m ashamed. I shouldn’t treat you so shabbily. Just because you work for the company and I have the authority to fire you doesn’t give me the right to treat you with less than full respect.”

      As she spoke, her voice gathered strength and she straightened her silk blouse, pulling it down over her breasts. He tried his damnedest to catch a glimpse of that taunting nipple he’d wanted so badly to taste.

      Then it sank in. She thought she was treating him badly because they were sneaking? They had to sneak, or his plan would never work.

      He cupped her cheek. Long curls of titian hair had escaped their pins and now hung over her rounded shoulders. Those curls surprised him. Usually her hair was pulled up and tidy and he’d had no idea how long it was. Loose, it made her look almost vulnerable—not that anyone would ever think of Virginia Johnson in such human terms. It also made her seem very feminine. He toyed with a loose strand and it was incredibly soft against his fingertips. He wondered what she’d look like with it completely undone. That red hair of hers would frame her white body perfectly, maybe curl around her lush breasts, giving her an earthy, pagan appearance.

      He shook his head at his meandering thoughts. He must have been too long without a woman, but then, he’d had other priorities lately. Namely, saving his brother’s ass. He had to get a grip, had to remember the purpose of this little seduction.

      He summoned up his most bland tone, the one he knew she wanted and expected from subordinates. “It’s all right, Virginia. You can’t be seen with me and we both know it. Cliff would be outraged and your reputation might be ruined.”

      She shook that stubborn head of hers. In the two weeks he’d spent cautiously wooing her, he’d learned Virginia Johnson had stubbornness down to a fine, irritating art, along with arrogance and a complete lack of business modesty. She knew she was good at making corporate decisions and she wanted everyone else to know it, too, even if she had to shove the fact down people’s throats.

      “I don’t care what my brother thinks. He’s a snob and we seldom get along anyway. He doesn’t own me and he has no say over how I live my life.”

      “That’s not the impression he gives.” Dillon knew he had to speak carefully so he didn’t give himself away. Deferring to anyone wasn’t customary for him. He led his life in a unique fashion, following rules of his own making. He lived by a code of honor that was independent of the strictures of society. Except for his father and his brother, Dillon owed nothing to anyone. But Virginia was a bossy, powerful woman, damn her, and as used to calling the shots as he. He cleared his throat. “Your brother is very protective.”

      “Ha! He’s a bully and I’m the only one with the guts to stand up to him, because I control the majority of the money. Cliff knows that without me, he’d destroy the company in a matter of weeks.”

      Even in the darkness he could see the ire on her face. She wasn’t exactly pretty—at least, he’d never thought so before—and she was entirely too headstrong and self-contained. She enjoyed giving orders to everyone in her realm. She was also a bit too plump. Only, she hadn’t felt too plump against him a minute ago. She’d felt soft and warm and comfortably rounded. He frowned at himself. “Virginia, I can’t let you—”

      “Can’t let me?” she interrupted, one thin auburn brow climbing high as she met his gaze. “You can’t stop me, Dillon. I always do as I please—you know that.” With efficient movements, she rebuttoned her coat and started to open the door.

      He caught her arm. From the minute he’d first forced an introduction, he’d damn near bitten holes in his tongue to keep from revealing his true nature. Sometimes the urge to put her in her place, wherever that might be, almost overwhelmed him.

      She glared down at where his hand circled her arm, then slowly raised those incredible eyes to his in a look that plainly said, You dare?

      The little witch might have the hots for him, but she didn’t want anyone telling her what to do, which probably accounted as much for her matronly status as did her excess weight and unremarkable features. Most of the men who worked for her steered clear because she frightened them half to death and they weren’t willing to put their careers on the line. The rest simply weren’t interested.

      Dillon wasn’t worried about his career. Working for the company was only a temporary sham, his way of getting close to her so that he could ultimately ruin her brother’s destructive plans. But even if that hadn’t been true, he would never have let a woman, any woman, dictate to him. There were easier ways to make a living than bowing under to the tyrannical rule of an iron maiden.

      “Sweetheart, listen to me.” He turned his secure hold into a caress to pacify her, and to some degree it worked. The only way he’d been able to get close to her had been to seduce her into wanting him. And seducing an iron maiden was no easy feat. He’d nearly depleted his store of ploys with her and he wasn’t used to that. Women usually came to him easily enough, but Virginia had been so damn elusive his ego had taken a beating. Now the plan was more than a necessity; it was a personal challenge.

      He’d finally been making headway, and then this. “Virginia, if you won’t think of your own reputation, think of mine. If Cliff finds out about us, he’ll fire me in a heartbeat. Is that what you want?” He had to keep their relationship secret so that later no one would suspect him.

      She patted his hand in her condescending fashion. “Don’t worry. I won’t let him fire you. I hold controlling interest in the company. I have ultimate say over who goes and who stays.”

      He sighed, deliberately appearing put-upon. “I’m sorry, honey, but I won’t have it. I’d look like a fool if I let a woman, any woman, defend me. People would start saying I was only after your money and—”

      She waved a hand. “Nonsense. Everyone knows I’m never marrying, and that’s the only way you could possibly get your hands on my money. We’d just be having an affair.”

      “Which is nobody’s business but our own.”

      She frowned and he quickly retrenched, pulling together his frayed temper and gathering the remnants of his control.

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