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walking towards the sea. He kicked off his sandals and let the cool water lap over his feet, cool his blood. What was wrong with him today?

      From behind him he could hear Talia clearing the dishes, talking to Sofia. Then he heard them both coming across the sand, and he saw that Sofia had stripped to her one-piece and Talia...

      Every thought flew out of his head as he gazed at Talia in a forest-green bikini. It was, for a bikini, quite modest: boy shorts and a halter top. He was able to acknowledge that even as his pulse skyrocketed and his mouth dried, his gaze moving inexorably towards the gentle swell of her breasts under the thin fabric, the enticing dip of her waist and flare of her hips. His palms ached to smooth across her golden skin, to anchor her hips in his hands....

      Horrified by how quickly he’d envisioned that fantasy, how instantly his blood had heated and his body had responded, Angelos stripped off his shirt and dived cleanly into the sea, letting the shock of the cold water cool his response.

      ‘How is it, Papa?’ Sofia asked, and Angelos stood, making sure he was waist-deep to hide any lingering effects of seeing Talia.

      ‘Cold but fine,’ he called. ‘Why don’t you come in?’

      He told himself not to so much as glance at Talia, but clearly his body was not receiving his brain’s signals because his gaze slid that way, and he inhaled sharply as he saw the desire in her eyes. Watched her gaze drop to his bare chest before flicking away.

      So he’d been right. She wanted him. She wanted him just as he wanted her.

      The realisation shocked him, not because he was so surprised that Talia would desire him physically, but because it had been so long since he’d felt the same. And for a second, no more, he considered acting on the attraction they both felt.

      It could be simple, if they let it be. She was here only for six weeks; they could have a fling, get each other out of their systems. The sex would be good, fantastic even, and it had been so long...

      And what about Sofia? In the last twenty-four hours he’d seen how Sofia was happier, more confident and comfortable, with Talia around. He could not risk his daughter’s well-being simply to scratch an itch he’d only just developed.

      He turned away from Talia, effectively ignoring her as she dove into the water, and watched Sofia instead.

      * * *

      Angelos Mena in nothing but shorts was an unbearably gorgeous sight. Talia knew she was probably making a fool of herself, letting her gaze linger on his broad, bronzed chest, watching the muscles in his shoulders and arms ripple enticingly as he held his hands out to Sofia. His stomach was perfectly flat, every contour of his six-pack abs defined.

      She imagined brushing her fingers against those ridged muscles, exploring their shape, letting her hand slide lower...

      A blush scorched her cheeks as she realised what she was imagining. She, who had absolutely no bedroom experience, hadn’t done anything but buss lips with a boy a lifetime ago, was picturing that? She didn’t even know what that would look like. Feel like.

      Quickly Talia ducked her head under the water, kicking hard away from Angelos and Sofia. She had to shut down this line of thinking now. She couldn’t bear the thought of Angelos seeing the overwhelming desire she felt in her face. What if he sent her away, suspecting she was trying to seduce him?

      The thought that she could seduce anyone, much less a man as powerful and commanding as Angelos, was utterly absurd. He would never be attracted to someone like her, someone with absolutely zero worldly experience.

      She thought of that portrait in the dining room, the elegant sophistication of the woman who had been his wife, with her dark eyes and knowing smile. Whereas she didn’t know anything.

      Suddenly, to her shock, she felt strong hands close around her shoulders like iron bands and she was jerked out of the sea, coughing and sputtering as she inhaled a mouthful of salt water.

      ‘Why did you swim underwater for so long?’ Angelos demanded. His face was thrust close to hers, his eyes glittering with fury, droplets of water beading on his bare chest.

      ‘I don’t know... I was just swimming.’ Her body pressed close to his, Talia could barely form a coherent thought. She could feel his thighs against hers, hard and powerful, his hands still clasping her shoulders, her breasts brushing his chest, making them tighten and ache.

      ‘I thought you’d hit your head or something when you dove in,’ Angelos gritted out. ‘I couldn’t see you...’

      Despite the desire swirling through her like a delicious fog, Talia could tell Angelos had been genuinely worried.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I’ve always liked swimming. I grew up by the water. You don’t need to worry about me in the water.’

      He released her so suddenly she nearly fell backwards. She found her footing as Angelos stepped back, his expression shuttering. ‘Next time come up for air a little sooner,’ he bit out, and then turned away, back to Sofia, who was paddling in the shallows.

      Talia watched them together, wondering at Angelos’s extreme reaction. All right, she may have been underwater for a little while, but she’d always liked swimming, the way the water cocooned her, made her feel safe. And she’d been trying to get over her physical reaction to her boss.

      Unfortunately Angelos’s manhandling of her had only made it worse. Her arms burned where he’d touched her, and every part of her tingled. The peaks of her breasts ached where they’d brushed against his bare chest.

      Best not to think of that again, Talia told herself, and dove back under the water, making sure to resurface before Angelos came looking for her again.

      They stayed on the beach for most of the afternoon, swimming and lazing around, but Angelos didn’t attempt to make conversation again beyond a few basic pleasantries.

      Talia knew it was better that way, and yet the little he’d said about his childhood had provided an intriguing glimpse into the emotional interior of a man who had, on appearance, always seemed hard and cold and, frankly, unfriendly.

      It made her want to get to know him more, but Angelos was providing no opportunity. Clearly he didn’t feel the same way.

      After a few hours, their skin encrusted with salt and a sunburn starting on her nose, Talia suggested they pack up. Sofia’s face dropped but Talia could see her charge was flagging; they’d spent a lot of time out in the wind and sun.

      Wordlessly Angelos helped to pack up and then took the picnic basket from her as they started back towards the villa. Talia had the pleasantly tired sensation of having had a full day out, although after suffering one of Angelos’s frowning glances she realised she must look a complete mess.

      Her hair was tangled and salty, hanging in damp ropes down her back, and her nose was probably Rudolph-red by now. She’d put her T-shirt and shorts back on over her swimsuit, which had made damp patches on the fabric. Yes, she was really rocking a sexy, seductive look right now. Not that she wanted Angelos to see her as sexy or seductive, of course. Not that he ever would, even if she wore a black lace bustier and fire-engine-red stilettos.

      Now where had that image come from? Talia let out an incredulous little laugh as she pictured herself in such a ridiculous getup. She hated heels and the only thing she wore to

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