Harbor Island. Carla Neggers

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Harbor Island - Carla Neggers MIRA

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homicide detectives for being pissed that we didn’t bring them up to speed on this thief. I told them to calm down but they have a point.”

      “None of the thefts occurred in Boston,” Emma said. “We can’t get tunnel vision. That won’t help.”

      “We also have to look at the evidence right in front of us.”

      She took a quick breath as she pictured the woman’s face. Her dead eyes. The stone cross in her palm. “I’ve heard of suicidal people manipulating someone to find their body, but that’s not what happened here. This wasn’t a suicide. I didn’t see a weapon, and the police haven’t found one, at least not yet.”

      “She wasn’t shot by aliens, either.”

      Emma ignored his muttered comment. “The police said the area is sometimes used for illicit target practice. I suppose this could have been an accidental shooting. I didn’t hear gunfire. Planes were landing and taking off at Logan but I didn’t notice any close overhead. I was focused on the island and what I was doing, though, not on the sky.”

      The police were in the process of interviewing everyone at the marina. People at a busy harbor marina presumably were accustomed to frequent comings and goings. Even at a quiet time of year, they wouldn’t necessarily pay attention to someone wandering off onto an island trail. As far as Emma knew, no one had paid attention to her when she’d arrived.

      Colin slowed, downshifting as they came to their building. “Emma, did you tell the police everything?”

      “What do you mean by everything?” His eyes held her for a fraction of a second, but it was enough. “Colin, are you mad at me?”

      She saw him tighten his grip on the wheel. “We can talk later.”

      She sat up straight. “You are mad.”

      “It’s your nature to hold back, Emma. You don’t want to do that now, with this killer at large.”

      “I’m not holding back. I’m doing my job.”

      “If I’d been with you when this woman called, would you have told me?”

      “I did tell you. I texted you.”

      “That was one hell of a cryptic message you sent,” he said.

      “You don’t think I should have gone out there alone.”

      “To a deserted island to meet a stranger who called you about a thief who could be escalating to violence? Damn right I don’t think you should have gone out there alone.”

      Emma didn’t answer immediately. She appreciated his intensity and his honesty, if not his conclusion. But he thought she kept secrets. He thought she had layers that he would never be able to peel back to her core. Love and sex were one thing. Knowing her was another. She got that and attributed it to their different natures—his hot to her cool—and not to anything fundamentally wrong with their relationship, or with her.

      Finally, she said, “I made a judgment call.”

      “So you did.”

      “What about you? The note you left on the kitchen counter wasn’t exactly packed with details. You went off on your own.” She gave him a cool look. “You weren’t at Starbucks, were you?”

      “I didn’t find a dead body.”

      Not one to back down, her Colin. “I was careful. I was aware of my surroundings. If the shooter had wanted me dead—”

      “Then you’d be dead right now, and I’d be explaining to the homicide detectives that I didn’t know what the hell you were up to out on that island.”

      “I wouldn’t have thought twice if it’d been you going to meet a CI.”

      “For good reason.”

      “Because you have field experience that I don’t. Okay. Fair enough. That doesn’t mean I didn’t know what I was doing.”

      Colin sighed through clenched teeth. “I’m not saying you didn’t know what you were doing. I’m saying you shouldn’t have gone alone.” He turned onto the gated entrance at their building. “And if you want to see mad, wait until you talk to Yank.”

      “Does he know?”

      “Not unless someone else told him.”

      “I thought you might have called him while I was with the detectives,” Emma said with a grimace.

      “Ha. Not a chance, sweetheart.” He glanced at her, his eyes that deep, sexy blue that made her spine tingle. They were uncompromising now, certain and if not annoyed, at least frustrated. Then, without warning, he reached across the small car and touched her cheek with one curved finger. “I’m glad you’re safe.”

      “It was good to hear your voice when I was out there hiding behind a tree. Are you going to tell me where you took off to while I was on my run?”

      “It involved cockroaches.”

      “The six-legged kind or the two-legged kind?”


      Emma shuddered. “Gross.”

      Colin winked at her, any hint of irritation gone. “There’s something we have in common. We both hate cockroaches.”


      Sam Padgett had organized the conference room and gathered the team at the big table. He’d joined HIT in August—late compared to the other members. He was one of the hard-asses, struggling to understand the role of art and art crimes in their mission. Emma knew little about him. Mid-thirties. Single. Native Texan. Extensive field experience in Texas and the southwest. Ultrafit with short-cropped medium brown hair, brown eyes and what he knew—clearly—was a sexy smile. He liked to gripe about Boston’s high cost of living, and he got along well with Colin, also new to HIT, also a hard-ass.

      Padgett had put on a trim, dark suit with a tie before coming into the office unexpectedly on a Saturday. He’d placed the stone cross that Matt Yankowski had received a week ago on the table. He’d also set up a monitor in the middle of the table for Yank to talk to them from Ireland. Specifically, from Dublin. Even more specifically, from Wendell Sharpe’s Dublin apartment. Emma recognized the unlit fireplace in her grandfather’s living room. She said nothing, preferring to let Yank explain his whereabouts if he so chose.

      He didn’t so choose. He led off the meeting with a nod to his gathered team, agents with expertise in everything from hostage rescue to finance, cybersecurity, forensics and art crimes. Officially on duty, he wore a charcoal-colored suit, but his gray-streaked hair looked as if he’d been trying to tear it out, without success. That was unusual for Matt Yankowski, a senior agent with supreme emotional control.

      “I just got off the phone with an irate lieutenant in BPD homicide,” Yank said. “He thinks I should have invited him to coffee and explained what we were up to when I decided to set up this unit in his city. Probably would have wanted me to bring

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