Chain Reaction. Don Pendleton

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Chain Reaction - Don Pendleton Gold Eagle Superbolan

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FBI workbook every five minutes.”

      “So what brought you here?” Bolan asked.

      “Two missing agents who were part of my team. Then the news that one of them, Ray Talbot, had turned up dead. And Duncan calling me with the news that a delayed email from Talbot had a location. This location.”

      “Right now we backtrack to your vehicle. Go talk to your partner. Assess how things stand before we take any action. Agreed? Let’s add your partner to the mix. It gives us one more body.”

      Mitchell hesitated but reluctantly nodded.

      They retreated, Mitchell giving him directions to the Crown Victoria. Reaching it, they found the vehicle empty. There was no sign of Mitchell’s partner.

      Bolan’s intuition was warning him of something not quite right in the situation. This whole setup with Mitchell and her reluctant partner did not gel. He decided to play along until he could work out just what was going on.


      “This whole thing was based on small leads,” Mitchell said. “Enough to have us make a move. Our analysts have been working their way through names and contacts that have any link to Hegre. Duncan gave me a small team to follow up any leads we got. Hegre is smart. They cover their tracks well, and use local assets to do their dirty work so they can stay out of the spotlight. We got lucky and picked up a couple of very thin leads and started to track the links. One of the cell phones we picked up from the smallpox episode had a list of numbers on it. There were tracked calls to this location. Our people have been watching those numbers, and one of them recently showed activity. We pulled a message that gave a location and it showed up as the being a remote address. The one we just left. Confirmation came when the same location was provided by Ray. I hadn’t had contact for a couple of days. That wasn’t like Ray. The guy always kept in contact.”

      “So you decided there was a link.”

      Mitchell nodded. “Duncan said that Ray had been found dead near the town of Treebone. Brewster and I had been on the lookout for him. That delayed email Ray sent had the GPS location for this place. Brewster figured it was tenuous at best but as I am higher up the pay grade he went along until I decided to go take a closer look. That was when he dug in his heels and started to quote protocols. Duncan gave me free rein, but Brewster wanted a directive. Now we have another missing agent.”

      “You wanted to find out if your missing guy was around?”

      “I couldn’t waste time. Ray was dead. Jake Bermann could be in danger. Waiting wasn’t an option.”

      “I can’t fault that, Agent Mitchell.”

      “Look, Cooper, I don’t have time to debate this. If Brewster has gone to call in the troops we could be waiting for a couple of hours.” She hesitated. “How long does it take to kill someone? For all I know Bermann could already be dead, but I’m damned if I can just wait around.” She took a breath to calm herself. “What I can’t figure is where Brewster is. The man is no Eagle Scout. Not the type to go wandering around in the woods.”

      Bolan understood her reasoning. He could accept rules of engagement. But he could also see it from Mitchell’s viewpoint. If her teammate, Bermann, was in enemy hands his life expectancy could be counted in hours...maybe minutes. As she had also said the FBI agent might already be dead. It was an unenviable position to be in, and Bolan could sympathize with her predicament.

      “What were you planning before I showed up?” he asked. “You looked about ready to go storming in on your own without any intel about how many you might be up against.”

      “I was hoping my partner might join me...oh hell...I know I didn’t think it through. But I can’t simply do nothing. And now Brewster is missing.”

      The haunted expression in her eyes made Bolan aware of the depth of her feeling. Sarah Mitchell was impulsive, but caring. Her need to locate one of her own had overridden her FBI protocols.

      “We’ll do this,” he said, “but you follow my lead. No questions. Okay?”

      Mitchell nodded.

      “Where the hell is Brewster?” she asked again.

      Bolan had been asking himself that question. There was still that faint but nagging suspicion tugging at him. The more he thought about it the stronger his suspicion became. Until he had proof one way or the other he would not voice his thoughts to Mitchell.

      “We need to move back to the house. Check it out before we decide what to do.”

      Mitchell nodded again, said, “It’s time I called in and found out what’s happening.” She searched in her jacket for her cell phone. “Damn, I left my cell in the car. I argued with Brewster and tossed it on the dash before I headed out. Losing my cool again...”

      She got in the car and leaned forward to grab her cell phone, but it was not there.

      “Let me do that,” Bolan said. “My cell is on a higher security setting than yours anyway.”

      “You think mine could be compromised?”

      “Think about it. If it’s missing, who has it?”

      Bolan took out his cell phone and called Stony Man, getting Aaron Kurtzman on the line.

      “What can I do for you, big guy?”

      “I need you to contact FBI SAC Drake Duncan. Ask him if he’s had a call from Agent Brewster on Agent Sarah Mitchell’s team asking for help.”

      “Something you’re not happy about?”

      “You could say that. I just need clarification.”

      “I’ll call back ASAP. Anything else?”

      “Any more intel on Hegre?”

      “We’re making some headway.”

      “Keep me posted.”

      “I’ll let you know what Duncan says.”

      Mitchell was watching Bolan intently. “Well?”

      Bolan lowered the cell phone. “My contact will get back to me when he has something.”

      “So what do we do in the meantime?”

      “What we were going to do. Only now we watch our backs.”

      Mitchell leaned back in her seat, slowly shaking her head. The thoughts inside her head translated to the expression on her face. A particular thought had pushed its way to the surface.

      “My God, you think Brewster has sold out. Right? Damn it, Cooper, you do.”

      “Let’s say I have a doubt about him. A partner bugging out and allowing his teammate to go in alone. I may be wrong, and if I am I’ll be the first to say sorry. We let my people make contact. And we handle things my way.”

      “Brewster? He’s sold

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