Full Blast. Don Pendleton

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Full Blast - Don Pendleton Gold Eagle Stonyman

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quiet,” Huntington Wethers suggested.

      “You still here?” Brognola snapped at Kurtzman.

      Kurtzman held up his hands in surrender. “Just leaving.”

      He spun his wheelchair and made for the door. No one spoke until he had gone.

      “Okay, you know what to do,” Brognola said. “Do it. If Aaron shows his face before his twelve hours are up, call in Buck Greene and have him taken back to his room.”

      “That wasn’t a joke, was it?” Wethers asked.

      “No, I mean every word. Look, I understand how you might feel I’ve overreacted. Give me the benefit of the doubt. I’ve been watching Aaron, and the man is exhausted. If he wasn’t sitting in that chair, he’d fall down. If he works himself into the ground, he’s no good to me or the job.”

      Brognola had attempted to make his decision one that had been based on his concern over Kurtzman’s work. He’d failed. The cyberteam looked beyond his tough words to Brognola’s genuine feelings for Kurtzman.

      “We understand, Hal,” Delahunt said.

      Without another word, the team turned back to their workstations.

      Brognola and Price moved across the room.

      “Military Command in South Korea is on alert for anything they can pick up from over the border,” Price told the big Fed. “The word has come down from the President that we have a team in the north. He’s told Military Command to cooperate with us all the way down the line. I have a contact there. Major Chuck Yosarian.”

      “Let’s hope it’s enough. Anything from Able in Hong Kong?”

      Price shook her head. “Nothing since their last call. It looks as if they’ve come up against hard times. They know as much as we do. David’s team was taken by Kim Yeo and went off the chart.”

      “Damn.” Brognola ran a hand through his hair. “Nothing worse than no contact. Yeah, I know it’s happened before. That doesn’t make it any easier. I hate standing around with my di—” Brognola grinned self-consciously. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to…”

      Price smiled. “Don’t go all coy on me, Hal. I know how you feel.”

      “Any feedback from Gadgets and Jack?”

      “They’re running traces on Gardener, Justin and the CIA guy, Rod McAdam. High-profile individuals like Gardener and Justin aren’t easy to get to without them being aware.”

      “Call coming through for you, Barb,” Delahunt said, holding a phone in her hand.

      Price crossed the room and took the handset. She listened for a moment, then smiled. “That’s great news, Major. We’ll wait for them to contact us. And thanks again.”

      Price replaced the phone.

      “Well?” Brognola asked.

      “Phoenix is being escorted into South Korean territory as we speak. That was Yosarian. Apparently his communication team picked up a radio call coming from an unknown source. Turned out to be Phoenix asking for backup. They were airborne but being threatened by a North Korean MiG. There was a South Korean patrol already in the air on routine patrol. They rendezvoused within minutes and the North Korean backed off.”

      “We need to talk to Phoenix once they’re on the ground,” Brognola said. “Debrief for both sides.”

      “Major Yosarian is setting that up now. He’ll have a secure connection ready as soon as they touch down.”

      “Apparently the South Korean pilots were singing the praises of the pilot in the plane they escorted. Just before they made contact they saw him evade the MiG’s attack. Twice.”

      “David,” Brognola said without a trace of surprise in his voice.

      “Our man McCarter.” Price smiled at the thought of the Briton facing off a well-armed jet fighter. “And I’ll bet he never even broke a sweat.”

      MCCARTER’S CALL came just under two hours later. He didn’t waste time being polite. Just got down to the facts.

      “Henry Lee is dead. But to even the score, so are Kim Yeo and the bloody North Korean who sold Khariza his weapons. The really bad news, and this is going to piss everyone off, is that Sun Yang Ho sent off Khariza’s main cargo just after we arrived. According to Kim Yeo we have three nuclear devices en route to Khariza. Just to add to the problem, we don’t have any ID on the plane or where it’s heading.”

      Price took in a sharp breath, unsure how to respond.

      The rest of the cyberteam paused in its tasks as McCarter’s pronouncement reached them over the speakers.

      Hal Brognola felt in his pockets for a cigar. He didn’t find one.

      “I’m bringing you back, and Able from Hong Kong. We need to get together on this, David. Airlift as soon as I can arrange it.”

      “We’ll be ready. Right now I’m off for a meal and then I’m getting my head down. Talk to you later, mate.”

      Brognola cut the connection and glanced across at Price. “Travel arrangements for both teams.”

      She nodded and reached for a phone. The big Fed turned to face the rest of the team.

      “You all heard that. Let’s see what we can pick up. Use all your contacts. Anything and everything. Let’s see if we can pinpoint that camp in Chechnya.”

      “What about Gadgets and Jack?” Price asked, punching in phone numbers.

      “Leave them. The more I think about it, the more I get a funny feeling about Gardener, Justin and this CIA guy. Let’s see what their muddying the waters brings up.”

      Washington, D.C.

      “THAT WENT WELL,” Jack Grimaldi said.

      They were in the car that was parked on the street just beyond Senator Ralph Justin’s town house. Earlier in the day they had paid an unannounced visit to the senator’s office, doing a little probing and pushing with Justin’s staff. The senator had walked in during their visit and had reacted just as they’d expected. Showing up at his house later in the day was just putting additional pressure on the man.

      Hermann “Gadgets” Schwarz loosened the tie he had been forced to wear along with his suit as part of his role as a Justice Department agent.

      “I didn’t think that manservant was going to allow us inside. That guy was so stiff he was ready to fold in the middle.”

      Grimaldi started the car and eased away from the curb. “You think Justin was fooled?”

      “Hard to say, but I think we rattled him asking questions about his relationship with General Chase Gardener.”

      “Just enough of a suggestion that concerns had been raised in certain quarters. Nothing specific. Hints and rumors, but enough to get him interested.”


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