Modern Romance November 2016 Books 5-8. Rachael Thomas

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Modern Romance November 2016 Books 5-8 - Rachael Thomas Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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she’d given her passport over to her father, she would confess and tell him her plan. Nathaniel and their baby would be okay. She couldn’t save herself but she could save them.

      Now, his eyes gleaming, Nathaniel led her to a door marked ‘Private’ and locked it behind them.

      It was just an ordinary office, much like the one in his apartment, dominated by a large desk and not much else.

      He didn’t need much else, not when he spent so little time in any one place.

      And right then they didn’t need anything but each other.

      He brushed his lips against her neck and wound a hand round to grasp a buttock. ‘We don’t have much time. Not unless you want people to wonder what we’re up to.’

      A pulse throbbed low in her pelvis, so familiar a reaction it was as if her body was training itself to seek pleasure from his very first touch.

      His mouth found the lobe of her ear.

      She moaned softly then turned her face to find his lips. ‘If we only have limited time,’ she breathed, ‘I suggest we make the most of it.’

      ‘You do?’ he murmured, his hand squeezing her sensitised breast lightly before dipping lower to her thigh and bunching the material of her dress between his fingers.

      ‘Oh, yes. I do. In fact, as a princess of Monte Cleure, I demand it.’

      His other hand unzipped his trousers and freed his large erection. It brushed against her thigh, sending another pulsation racketing through her. ‘What do you demand, Your Highness?’

      She raised her bottom to allow him to tug her black lacy underwear down. ‘I demand you.’

      With little effort on her part, her underwear slid down her legs and fell to the floor.

      ‘Then you shall have me.’ Then, without ceremony, he plunged inside her, groaning loudly as he filled her in one motion.

      Holding her tightly with his hands on her hips, Nathaniel moved inside her with short, hard thrusts that were carnal and utterly erotic. He didn’t kiss her, just stared into her eyes with an intensity that penetrated her as deeply as his thrusts.

      Until this moment, they’d always taken their time making love. They’d explored every inch of each other and the few inhibitions she’d ever had around him had been shorn away in their time together. Every coupling had stripped her back a little more and now she was putty in his hands.

      He was everything she wanted and everything she needed. She knew now she’d been in love with him for years and couldn’t imagine her life without him.

      But she would have to imagine it because that day would come. Until then...

      Grabbing his buttocks to drive him deeper inside her, she felt the pulsations in her grow quickly. He knew the exact amount of pressure and the precise amount of friction needed to bring her to a peak. He knew her body as well as she did.

      She buried her face in the curve of his neck as she came, her cries of pleasure muffled by the warmth of his musky skin. With the tremors still rippling through her, Nathaniel threw back his head and shuddered, his fingers biting into her flesh until the pulsing abated. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to him.

      She could feel the strength of his heartbeat, the touch of his fingers through the fabric of her dress as he made little swirls on her back.

      She pressed her palms to his cheeks and brought her lips to his, then pulled away a little to look at him.

      Despite her best laid plans, she really had fallen in love with him.

      She’d learned from her mother that loving someone wasn’t a choice but Catalina had been arrogant enough to think she was different, that she could make herself immune to the emotion and prevent it from happening by sheer willpower alone.

      Was this what her mother had felt for her lover? Had she fought the attraction? She must have done. She’d known the dangers better than anyone. She’d known it could never be.

      But love didn’t care for danger or willpower. It crept up on you so subtly that it was burrowed into your skin before you knew it was there.

      Once lodged in the heart, love was impossible to remove.

      And now that it was there she would care for it with everything she had. If, to protect Nathaniel and their baby, she had to submit her life to the will of her father and brother for ever, then that was what she would do.

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