The Way He Moves. Marcia King-Gamble

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The Way He Moves - Marcia King-Gamble Mills & Boon M&B

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but we’d like help with ironing our dresses later,” Serena said, speaking for both of them.

      “As you wish. If you do not need anything else, I will leave you ladies to relax.”

      Bowing, the attendant backed out of the room.

      When she was gone, Serena poured two glasses of champagne from the bottle chilling in the ice bucket. Next to it was a large gift basket. She handed Pia her wine.

      “To a much needed vacation,” she said, clinking her glass against her friend’s.

      Pia waved the embarkation brochure at Serena. “I’ll drink to that. Let’s hope there are some classy men aboard that we’ll enjoy dancing with. Have you looked at the workshop and competitive dancing schedules? They’re inserted in the brochure.”

      “Yes, just briefly. I can’t believe we found this themed dance cruise. I’ve had this fantasy since I was a little girl about being a professional ballroom dancer. I love my publishing career, but the stress of deadlines is wearing me down.”

      Kicking off her shoes, Serena joined Pia on the bed.

      “Being a psychiatrist is no picnic either, querida,” her friend confided. “There are times I just have to bite my tongue. I’m paid to listen and not to judge.”

      “You’re a wonderful doctor, Pia, and an incredible friend. We’ll use these next two weeks to recharge our batteries.”

      “I’ll definitely drink to that.”

      Serena poured more champagne. For the next half hour, the friends perused the workshop schedule, circling the names of dance instructors they wanted to take lessons from. Although Serena didn’t think she was good enough to enter the competitive dancing heats, she was willing to give it a try.

      The alcohol went down easily, making her relax. She’d been edgy and jet lagged from the long plane trip from Buenos Aires. “Did you see there’s a treasure hunt as part of the cruise?” Pia asked, flipping over the brochure. “It’s based on a legend about the moon goddess and her lover. Whoever finds the hidden pendant is supposed to be lucky in love. Now that’s something we could both use.”

      Serena set down her glass. Love was something she was unwilling to engage in anymore.

      “I was thinking that the story of the moon goddess and this lowly shepherd might make a good young adult’s book,” she mused. “Maybe I should write it myself instead of assigning it.”

      “Why don’t you? You’ve got fourteen days to do whatever you want, querida.”

      Selena, Serena’s twin, had been a hopeless romantic and would have jumped all over the idea. Maybe Serena would dedicate the book to her twin sister’s memory.

      Still toying with that thought, she opened the brochure, found the insert, and quickly reread the legend. It was a charming story and had lots of possibilities. Serena headed up the young adult division of her parents’ publishing house, so it would be easy to get a book published.

      “I wouldn’t mind the perks that come with finding the pendant,” Serena said dreamily. “Massages, beauty treatments, invitations to the ship’s bridge. It all sounds wonderful to me.”

      “Don’t forget the romance bit,” Pia reminded her. “We could both use a good man in our lives.”

      Carlos had been Pia’s great love. They’d dated for several years, and were engaged. Then with no explanation he had changed his mind and called things off. Later Pia had found out he’d taken up with a young woman almost half his age, and had no problem marrying her.

      Serena thought about her own romantic woes. Six months ago she’d had a two week fling, but nothing had come of that either. He’d chosen the coward’s way out, disappearing without so much as an explanation. As a result she was starting to develop serious trust issues with men.

      Pia clapped her hands.

      “Bastante! I’m starving. There must be something to eat in that gift basket?”

      The huge basket wrapped in cellophane and topped with a jaunty yellow bow sat on the coffee table. Serena poked a hole in the wrapping with a manicured nail. She removed oranges, a pineapple, and mangos and laid them on the dresser along with peanuts, wedges of cheese and crackers. At the very bottom of the basket she spotted a velvet pouch.

      “What’s this?” she said, swishing her wavy black hair off her face and balancing the pouch in the palm of one hand.

      “Open it,” Pia urged.

      Alexandra’s Dream listed slightly as Serena removed a silver teardrop pendant from the pouch and tossed it to Pia, who deftly caught it with one hand.

      “Caramba! I think this is the treasure,” Pia cried.

      Simultaneously a male voice boomed over the intercom.

      “Our mandatory lifeboat drill will commence in exactly ten minutes. All passengers are requested to make their way to their assigned muster stations.”

      Both women quickly found their life jackets and headed out.

      “Take the pendant with you,” Pia urged, giving Serena a little nudge and folding it into her hand. “We’ll stop at the Guest Relations Desk after the drill and tell them the treasure has been found.”

      On the way downstairs, the women put on their life jackets and were directed to their muster stations. Forty five minutes later, after each passenger had been accounted for, and several tedious announcements made, the boat drill ended.

      Braving a good-sized crowd on the stairwell, they made their way to the Guest Relations Desk and stood in line awaiting their turn. Finally, an attractive Indonesian purser with a name badge that read Kali looked up from her computer monitor.

      “Can I help you?”

      “You have a winner,” Serena said, handing the velvet pouch to the woman.

      “May I have your name and cabin number please?”

      “Serena d’Andrea. I’m in a penthouse on Zeus.” She patiently waited for further instructions.

      Kali dangled the tear-shaped pendant from her index finger and called to some unseen person in a back room. “The treasure’s been found.” She handed Serena back the piece. “You’re a winner, all right, but I don’t think finding love on board will be a problem for you. There are quite a few hotties that are part of our Rhythm Dancers theme cruise.”

      “I guess we’ll find that out at the Bon Voyage party,” Pia interjected, “It should be starting any minute. Can you confirm where it is?”

      A piece of paper that looked like a newspaper was slid across the counter at them. It listed all of the onboard events.

      “Do you have the time now to be interviewed?” Kali asked. “I can get a photographer and video crew here if you do.”

      Serena shook her head and glanced at the clock on the back wall. “No way.”

      “Okay. We’ll find you at the party. Whatever

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