Capturing the Crown Bundle. Nina Bruhns

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Capturing the Crown Bundle - Nina  Bruhns Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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time, Sydney. One step at a time.”

      Ever-helpful William leaned forward. “Chase thought, in view of the situation, it’d be best to keep you hidden here in Carringtonshire for a little while.”

      “Situation? Hidden?”

      The other men exchanged a look as she stared at them. Chase touched her arm. She was so angry she jerked away, glaring at him. “I think you’d better explain.”

      “You know someone is trying to kill you. Until we learn who and why, better safe than sorry.”

      She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “That’s not your problem.”

      “But it is,” he said smoothly. “You are carrying the prince’s baby. Our employer, the Duke of Carrington, has asked us keep you safe.”

      “Are we back to that again? You were taking me home when—” She inhaled sharply as a horrible thought occurred to her. “You don’t think the plane crash—?”

      “We’re looking into that, ma’am.” William didn’t even glance at her as he spoke. He was too preoccupied downloading information into the smallest, sleekest laptop she’d ever seen.

      “If they caused the jet to crash, they killed those two pilots.”

      “True.” Chase touched her arm lightly. “But I’m thinking hail brought it on. It was an accident.”

      William looked up from his screen. “Do you seriously believe that? It seems awfully convenient.”

      “I was there.” Chase’s sharp voice contained a rebuke. “Besides, no one could have known Sydney would be on that jet.”

      “You filed a flight plan.” One of the other men spoke up, earning a sharp glance from William.

      “True.” Chase gave the other man a thoughtful look. “But if the jet was sabotaged, that would mean it’s someone on the inside.”

      All three men shifted uneasily. Chase folded his arms. “Any thoughts?”

      The more these men talked, the less they sounded like public relations workers. She could easily picture any of them in Silvershire’s secret service.

      None of the others had any answers. But they all agreed Sydney was still in grave danger.

      “Right now,” Chase said, his gaze intense, “whoever they are, they’re probably searching frantically for you.”

      “Not to mention the press. They’ve been going wild since the princess disappeared. No one knows about the crash. We’ve managed to keep a lid on that.” William’s wry smile and quick shake of his head told her he had his doubts as to the truth of that statement.

      “The press?” Sydney fought the urge to rub her aching lower back. The sooner she could talk to that doctor, the better. “Why would the press care what I do? Since they publicized Reginald’s and my breakup, they’ve left me alone.”

      “You’re in the news again.” William swallowed, looking from her to Chase. “Reporters are scouring the streets trying to hunt you down. In the meantime, they’ve dug up every detail about you they could find.”

      “Why?” Chase’s voice was cold. “Because she was Reginald’s last lover before he died? I wouldn’t think that’s newsworthy now.”

      “That’s only part of it. Someone leaked information to them about the pregnancy. We know it wasn’t you—” he jabbed a finger in Sydney’s direction “—since you were on Chawder Island when the story broke.”

      They all looked at Sydney.

      She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “I didn’t do it. I avoid the press like the plague.”

      “Then who?” Chase barked, glaring at his employees. “If there’s a leak at the palace, I want it found, now!”

      “Understood, sir. We’re looking into it.”

      “Who’s in charge of damage control?”

      William shrugged. “I’m not sure. Melody has been running the department in your absence.”

      “Damage control?” Sydney crossed her arms and resisted the urge to tap her feet. “Why would you even need such a thing? So I’m pregnant, and Reginald and I weren’t married. Things like that happen occasionally, even in Silvershire. What’s the big deal?”

      “For one, you are Prince Kerwin’s daughter.” Chase bit out the words.

      William cleared his throat, looking nervous. “There’s more, and it’s worse. The press is reporting you and Reginald were wed and that the child you carry is heir to the throne. They’re citing a reliable source.”

      “What?” Both Chase and Sydney erupted at the same time. “It’s only been four days since Reginald died.”

      “The papers claim you and Reginald married in a secret ceremony last month. One of them even says they have explicit photos.”

      Chase narrowed his gaze. “Is that so?”

      Sydney gave in and rubbed her throbbing temples, then moved her hands to her lower back. “Well, they’re lying. Reginald and I were never married. The only truth in all that is that I am pregnant. And—” she leaned forward, looking from one man to the other “—I really don’t care what the reporters say. It doesn’t matter to me. I’m pregnant, I want to rest. I just want to see a doctor and then go home.”

      Chase shook his head. “It’s not safe.”

      “I don’t think these people, whoever they are, will follow me back to Naessa.”

      “They will.”

      “Fine.” She gave up and let herself sink back into the plush leather seat. “We’ll talk about this later, after my examination.”

      When Chase didn’t reply, she turned her attention to the scenery. Lined by granite boulders and an occasional cliff, the winding road curved through massive oaks and towering pines. Finally, Lake Lodan came into view, sunlight glinting off the water.

      “It’s beautiful,” she said.

      “The royal family’s lodge is on the western side of the lake.” Chase watched her intently, as though he expected her to bolt as soon as the car stopped. Not a bad idea, but hardly likely. He must have forgotten she’d seen how fast he could run.

      One more sweeping curve brought them close to the lake. The wind stirred the sparkling water into choppy waves, sending them crashing against the stone cliffs. Sydney sighed, thinking of Chawder Island. Though their stay there had been brief, she’d felt as though they’d existed in another world, a cocoon filled only with her and Chase. Surreal. No wonder she felt different.

      “Are we climbing?”

      Chase answered with a short nod.

      William looked up from his laptop. “We’re nearly there.”


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