Tough Justice: Trapped (Part 4 Of 8). Gail Barrett

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Tough Justice: Trapped (Part 4 Of 8) - Gail Barrett Harlequin

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      “I’m still working on that ransom note,” Cass said. “I’m also trying to trace those anonymous texts.”

      “Good. Lara? How about you and Nick?”

      Lara looked across the table at her partner, unable to miss the suspicion still lingering in his brown eyes. And she knew his interrogation about the clue would resume the minute he got her alone. “I think we should focus on the sniper and see if we can get some leads.”

      “I’ve been thinking about that,” Nick said, turning his gaze to their boss. “There can’t be that many snipers around, not of that caliber. His shots have been impossible, and he hasn’t missed. I wonder if he was in the military. Most of our SWAT team snipers were.”

      “That’s a good thought,” Victoria agreed. “Cass, you can look up ex-military snipers. Xander can help you when he has time. They should have that in a database somewhere. Lara, talk over your plan with Nick and let me know what you decide to do.”

      “All right.”

      “Ty, you’ll go with Mei to Chinatown.”

      “I’d be better off alone,” Mei argued. “Some of those people won’t talk to anyone who’s not Chinese.”

      “Tough. We don’t know who you might find around there. Until we know what Moretti’s threat means, I don’t want anyone taking chances. Make sure you carry your weapons. Stick to public places as much as you can. Situational awareness, people. We can’t let him catch us off guard.” She made eye contact with every team member, making sure they understood. “Another thing. I want you all to check in every few hours. Cass can field the calls. We need to know everyone’s whereabouts at all times.”

      “Got it.” Cass picked up her tablet and started pecking out notes.

      “I’ll send out a memo to everyone at all our bureaus to take extra precautions,” Victoria added. “We can’t minimize the danger on this.” She tapped her papers on the table and rose. “All right. Get to work, everyone. Let’s nail this bastard before he hurts anyone else.” Moving briskly, she left the room.

      The rest of the team quickly followed. Lara stayed in her seat, her belly tensing as she waited to talk to Nick.

      The door clicked shut. Silence enveloped the room. He instantly shifted toward her, his eyes drilling into hers.

      “All right,” he said, the roughness in his voice indicating he’d had enough. “Let’s cut the bullshit. What the hell is really going on?”

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