Anywhere With You. Debbi Rawlins

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Anywhere With You - Debbi Rawlins Made in Montana

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watch it. She’s taken.”

      “Matt Gunderson.” Ben smiled at her new husband and shook his hand. “Good to see you.”

      “Yeah, it’s been a while.” Matt yanked his tie loose with a relieved sigh.

      Rachel smacked his wrist. “Stop it. We haven’t finished taking pictures.”

      “Oh, yes, we have.”

      “Please.” Rachel leaned into Matt. “When will I ever get you in a tux again?”



      Matt slumped in defeat. “So this is married life, huh?” he muttered while letting Rachel redo his tie. “Stay single, Ben. Do yourself a favor and just stay single.”

      “Way ahead of you on that one, bro.” Ben grinned at Rachel’s eye roll.

      He liked women. He liked sex even more. Fortunately, he rarely went without. But give a woman that much power over him? Wouldn’t happen.

      “Have you seen your mom yet?” Rachel asked.

      Ben shook his head and looked at Matt. Time to change the subject. “I read somewhere you’re going to quit rodeoing.”

      “I’m done. I rode in Vegas for the last time.”

      “Why? You were earning big.” Ben glanced at Rachel. Would she miss the big prize money, or had she put the screws to him?

      Matt shrugged. “I had enough.”

      “Matt’s father died last year and left him the ranch,” Rachel said. “So he’s running the Lone Wolf and raising rodeo stock.”

      “We’re running the Lone Wolf,” Matt corrected her, slipping an arm around her.

      “Not really. I’m not much help yet. The Sundance guests keep me hopping.”

      Ben frowned. “Guests?”

      “Cole didn’t mention it when he saw you in LA,” Rachel said with a wry smile. “I’m not surprised. My poor brothers...” She sighed. “We’re now part dude ranch.”

      Ben couldn’t have been more shocked. He thought again of the patched roofs and warped wood siding on the barn. The McAllisters had been proud, wealthy cattlemen going back several generations. “Since when?”

      “About a year and a half now.” She shrugged. “Between the poor economy and drought, all the ranches around here have been suffering. We needed to generate income.”

      “A dude ranch,” Ben murmured. No, he didn’t figure Cole would’ve volunteered that information.

      “It was Rachel’s idea,” Matt said, his tone defensive. “If not for her, they would’ve had to lay off half the men. Not to mention she had to put her career on hold.”

      “It’s okay, Matt,” Rachel said softly. “Ben didn’t mean anything. You were just as shocked when you found out, remember?”

      “Hey.” Ben spread his hands. “I’m surprised, that’s all. I’m in the process of buying a ranch myself, out in California. But now you’ve got me nervous.”

      Rachel and Matt both frowned. “What, and give up working in Hollywood?” Matt asked. “Dating hot women and walking the red carpet?”

      Ben laughed. “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.”

      Matt inclined his head at Rachel. “It’s not my fault. She looks up everybody.”

      “I do not.” She lifted her chin, sending Ben back fifteen years. She’d always been an independent kid. “So you’re buying a ranch and giving up stunt work?”

      “Eventually. But I’d still be in the business, so to speak. I plan to raise stock that I can supply to films and TV shoots. I’d train the animals, horses in particular, and work with them on the sets. Even commercial ads pay well. In Hollywood, it’s all about who you know, and I’m lucky in that department.”

      “Snag a Super Bowl Ad. That’s got to be—” Rachel’s gaze shifted to something behind him. “You’re about to meet my friend Katy.”

      “What took her so long?” Matt murmured, then responded to Rachel’s stink eye with an innocent look. “What?”

      “Be nice,” Rachel muttered under her breath and then said to Ben, “I want to hear more later. Hey, Katy.”

      Ben smiled at the tall, striking brunette who’d joined them, her strapless red dress held up by generous breasts.

      “Katy,” Rachel said, “this is Ben. I’ve told you about him. Ben’s like another brother to me.”

      “Yes, I remember.” Katy leaned forward to shake his hand, her breasts plumping over the top of the dress, her smile sultry. “I believe you mentioned he wasn’t as bad as Trace.”

      “Thanks.” Rachel laughed. “Thanks for that.” She looked at Ben. “I meant when I was a kid. You both teased me unmercifully and don’t deny it.”

      Ben forced a smile. His memories weren’t quite that benign. “Where is Trace, anyway?” He looked past Katy to do a quick sweep of the crowd, but stopped at a familiar face. Whoa.

      Deputy Hendrix had let her hair down in loose waves that skimmed her shoulders. The sunglasses were gone, and she’d traded her uniform for tan slacks and a tailored white blouse that showed off her fit, toned body.

      Nice. Very nice.

      He wondered if she had her ticket book with her. Maybe after a little champagne, she’d have second thoughts about the one she had written him.

      Rachel glanced around, frowning. “I don’t see Jesse or Cole, either. They know the photographer wants to take more shots of the wedding party.”

      “We could go look for them,” Katy said, and Ben knew the “we” included him.

      He wasn’t in the mood for company. Maybe later. “I’ll be heading to the house soon,” he said. “If I see the guys, I’ll send them over. Or drag them out of their rooms if I have to.”

      “Perfect.” Rachel’s smile lasted only a second. “Wait. Knock before you go in. Girlfriends may be involved. Or in Cole’s case, his wife.”

      “Cole’s married?” He’d never said anything about taking the plunge.

      “He and Jamie eloped a month ago to avoid having a big hoopla.” She lowered her voice. “Not common knowledge. Just the family knows.” She gestured inclusively to Ben. “And now you, too, Katy. But don’t say anything.”

      A group approached to congratulate the newlyweds, and Ben used the opportunity to slip away. He could feel Katy’s eyes on his back. He might have played that better, but he’d lost sight of the deputy.


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