First Time in Forever. Sarah Morgan

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First Time in Forever - Sarah Morgan Mills & Boon M&B

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know you think that, and I understand your reasons, but you can do this. You have to. Right now you’re all she has.”

      “I shouldn’t be all anyone has. That’s a raw deal. I shouldn’t be looking after a child for five minutes, let alone the whole summer.”

      No matter that in her old life people deferred to her, recognized her expertise and valued her judgment; in this she was incompetent. She had no qualifications that equipped her for this role. Her childhood had been about surviving. About learning to nurture herself and protect herself while she lived with a mother who was mostly absent—sometimes physically, always emotionally. And after she’d left home, her life had been about studying and working long, punishing hours to silence men determined to prove she was less than they were.

      And now here she was, thrown into a life where what she’d learned counted for nothing. A life that required the one set of skills she knew she didn’t possess. She didn’t know how to be this. She didn’t know how to do this. And she’d never had ambitions to do it. It felt like an injustice to find herself in a situation she’d worked hard to avoid all her life.

      Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, and she heard Skylar’s voice through a mist of anxiety.

      “If having her stops you thinking that, this will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you. You weren’t to blame for what happened when you were a child, Em.”

      “I don’t want to talk about it.”

      “Doesn’t change the fact you weren’t to blame. And you don’t need to talk about it because the way you feel is evident in the way you’ve chosen to live your life.”

      Emily glanced back at the child sleeping in the car. “I can’t take care of her. I can’t be what she needs.”

      “You mean you don’t want to be.”

      “My life is adult-focused. I work sixteen-hour days and have business lunches.”

      “Your life sucks. I’ve been telling you that for a long time.”

      “I liked my life! I want it back.”

      “That was the life where you were working like a machine and living with a man with the emotional compass of a rock?”

      “I liked my job. I knew what I was doing. I was competent. And Neil and I may not have had a grand passion, but we shared a lot of interests.”

      “Name one.”

      “I— We liked eating out.”

      “That’s not an interest. That’s an indication that you were both too tired to cook.”

      “We both enjoyed reading.”

      “Wow, that must have made the bedroom an exciting place.”

      Emily struggled to come up with something else and failed. “Why are we talking about Neil? That’s over. My whole life now revolves around a six-year-old girl. There is a pair of fairy wings in her bag. I don’t know anything about fairy wings.”

      Her childhood had been a barren desert, an exercise in endurance rather than growth, with no room for anything as fragile and destructible as gossamer-thin fairy wings.

      “I have a vivid memory of being six. I wanted to be a ballerina.”

      Emily stared straight ahead, remembering how she’d felt at the age of six. Broken. Even after she’d eventually stuck herself back together, she’d known she wasn’t the same.

      “I’m mad at Lana. I’m mad at her for dying and for putting me in this position. How screwed up is that?”

      “It’s not screwed up. It’s human. What do you expect, Em? You haven’t spoken to Lana in over a decade—” Skylar broke off, and Emily heard voices in the background.

      “Do you have company? Did I catch you at a bad time?”

      “Richard and I are off to a fund-raiser at The Plaza, but he can wait.”

      From what she knew of Richard’s ruthless political ambitions and impatient nature, Emily doubted he’d be prepared to wait. She could imagine Skylar, her blond hair secured in an elegant twist on top of her head, her narrow body sheathed in a breathtaking designer creation. She suspected Richard’s attraction to Sky lay in her family’s powerful connections rather than her sunny optimism or her beauty. “I shouldn’t have called you. I tried Brittany, but she’s not answering. She’s still on that archaeological dig in Crete. I guess it’s the middle of the night over there.”

      “She seems to be having a good time. Did you see her Facebook update? She’s up to her elbows in dirt and hot Greek men. She’s working with that lovely ceramics expert, Lily, who gave me all those ideas for my latest collection. And if you hadn’t called me I would have called you. I’ve been so worried. First Neil dumped you, then you had to leave your job, and now this! They say trouble comes in threes.”

      Emily eyed the child, still sleeping in the car. “I wish the third thing had been a broken toaster.”

      “You’re going through a bad time, but you have to remember that everything happens for a reason. For a start, it has stopped you wallowing in bed eating cereal from the box. You needed a focus and now you have one.”

      “I didn’t need a dependent six-year-old who dresses in pink and wears fairy wings.”

      “Wait a minute—” There was a pause and then the sound of a door clicking. “Richard is talking to his campaign manager, and I don’t want them listening. I’m hiding in the bathroom. The things I do in the name of friendship. You still there, Em?”

      “Where would I go? I’m surrounded by water.” She shuddered. “I’m trapped.”

      “Honey, people pay good money to be ‘trapped’ on Puffin Island.”

      “I’m not one of them. What if I can’t keep her safe, Sky?”

      There was a brief silence. “Are we talking about safe from the press or safe from other stuff?”

      Her mouth felt dry. “All of it. I don’t want the responsibility. I don’t want children.”

      “Because you’re afraid to give anything of yourself.”

      There was no point in arguing with the truth.

      “That’s why Neil ended it. He said he was tired of living with a robot.”

      “I guess he used his own antennae to work that out. Bastard. Are you brokenhearted?”

      “No. I’m not as emotional as you and Brittany. I don’t feel deeply.” But she should feel something, shouldn’t she? The truth was that after two years of living with a man, she’d felt no closer to him than she had the day she’d moved in. Love wrecked people, and she didn’t want to be wrecked. And now she had a child. “Why do you think Lana did it?”

      “Made you guardian? God knows. But knowing Lana, it was because there wasn’t anyone else. She’d pissed off half

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