Delicious Do-Over. Debbi Rawlins

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Delicious Do-Over - Debbi Rawlins Mills & Boon Blaze

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style="font-size:15px;">      Shelby made a face at Mia, then ignored her completely. “We know what university they went to, so we use Facebook.”

      “Huh.” Mia looked as if she were mulling it over. “We could send a message to the alumni group. It couldn’t hurt.”

      “But they’ll have to have signed up as alumni in order to get the message.” Lindsey clung to the hope that this crazy idea would fall apart. She couldn’t see Rick again. Her friends didn’t understand. She hadn’t told them everything about that night.

      Shelby shrugged. “Lots of people do. I have, haven’t you?”

      Mia shook her head. “Look, they answer, they don’t, so what? It’s Waikiki. We’re bound to meet some gorgeous surfers who’ll be ready to party.”

      “I like it.” Shelby dug in her purse and produced a pen. “Anybody have a piece of paper or a dry napkin?”

      Mia pulled her day planner out of her leather tote and tore off a used page. “Here.”

      “Oh, my God, they still have those things around? Why don’t you use your BlackBerry?” Shelby found a clean spot on the table and started writing.

      “I do both,” Mia said, and glanced meaningfully at Lindsey, who Mia knew would normally appreciate the caution.

      Right now, all Lindsey could think about was what it would be like to see Rick again, to feel his talented hands all over her body.

      “Okay, how about something like this…” Shelby squinted as if she were having trouble reading her own writing. “Here we go… ‘Remember spring break? Mia, Lindsey and Shelby will be at the Sea Breeze Hotel during the week of March whatever. Come if you dare. You know who you are.’”

      “Not bad, but we’ll have to be more specific.” Mia did a quick mental calculation. “Remember spring break 2004.”

      “Right.” Shelby scribbled in the correction. “Lindsey, what do you think?”

      She shoved a hand through her hair and exhaled a shaky breath. It was dim in the bar. Maybe they couldn’t see her blush all the way to her blond roots. “I think you’ll have to change Lindsey to Jill.”

      Shelby blinked. “You didn’t give him your real name?”

      Lindsey slowly shook her head, and ignored the eruption of laughter. She was too busy panicking over seeing him again.


      LINDSEY STEPPED OUT on the tiny balcony and let the clean fresh air bathe her skin. Like magic the tension melted from her body, and she strained over the railing, trying to get a glimpse of the ocean. They’d booked two adjoining mountain-view rooms, which meant they could see a small wedge of green mountain and lots of other hotels that crowded Waikiki. The price was right, though, and as nice as the ocean-view rooms would have been, Lindsey had insisted on sticking to their budget. How much time would they be spending there, anyway?

      She gave up any hope of seeing the water, and gazed down at the profusion of pink, yellow and white plumerias that covered the trees around the hotel grounds. Inhaling deeply, she swore the flowers’ perfume wafted all the way up to the seventh floor. Or maybe her senses had misfired, and what she remembered was the night on the beach when Rick had tucked one behind her right ear.

      “Hey, Linds,” Shelby called from the other room through the open connecting door. “Where did you go?”

      Sighing, Lindsey left the balcony, closing the sliding glass door behind her. “What’s up?”

      Shelby, wrapped in a white hotel towel, ducked into the room, her long hair damp from her shower. “I thought maybe you went down to the bar with Mia.”

      “Nope. I was checking out the view.”

      “View?” Shelby’s brows went up. “We have a view?” She grinned, her gaze taking in Mia’s suitcase, which was sitting on the luggage rack, and then Lindsey’s bag, which was stowed in the open closet. “How are we divvying up the bathrooms?”

      “We’re going to be adults and not hog either of them.” Shoving aside a pile of Shelby’s shorts, Lindsey found her brown leather purse. “I’m going to the gift shop to look for a pair of sunglasses.”

      “I saw one of those ABC stores on the corner. I bet they’re cheaper there.”

      Lindsey eyed her friend. She wasn’t the kind who normally thought about anything as pedestrian as price. “I’m so proud.”

      “Damn straight. I’ll have you know I didn’t go a penny over my clothes budget.”

      Lindsey sighed. It wouldn’t have occurred to Shelby to make do with what she had, just as Lindsey and Mia had done. Okay, so Lindsey had splurged on a new sundress, but only because she could wear it to work once they opened Anything Goes. She wouldn’t need her suits anymore. At least not for the next two years. That’s how long she’d given herself to make a go of the business before she’d consider returning to her old company.

      “You need anything from the store?” Lindsey asked, refusing to feel guilty for having a bailout plan. She’d be crazy not to protect her future in the event the business failed. Naturally she had faith they would kick butt, but just in case, it was good to have a backup. Which she did, thanks to her former boss, who said she would always be welcomed back.

      “No, I’m good. I think I packed everything.”

      Lindsey snorted. “Uh, yeah, I think you did.”

      “Just wait until you need to borrow something because you forgot to pack it.”

      They’d been checked in for less than an hour and Shelby already had spread out, scattering heaps of clothes on the beds and dresser. It didn’t matter. With any luck, none of them would be in the room much anyway.

      Naturally that thought led to Rick. Was he here? Had he even seen the Facebook shout-out? Even if he had, why would he have given it a second thought? They’d known each other for eight measly hours. A guy like him probably met women on the beach all the time. Making love to them under the moon and stars was no big deal.

      That night had meant everything to her. He’d been the second guy she’d been with, and he’d shown her what the fuss was all about. Jeez, she could still remember how she’d come apart at the seams. In all the years since, she hadn’t felt anything like it. “I’m gonna go,” she said. “Are you meeting Mia in the bar?”

      “I’ve got to put away my stuff and dry my hair.” Shelby shook out a blue halter top. “What about you?”

      “I don’t know yet. Eventually we’ll meet up.” She wanted to be alone when she saw Rick. If she saw him. Please, God, let her see him. She slipped her purse strap onto her shoulder and headed for the door. “See you later.”

      “Oh, Linds—”

      “I won’t forget the bronzing lotion.” Without a backward glance, Lindsey smiled and checked the outside pocket of her purse for her key card before shutting the door behind her.

      She had the elevator to herself

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