You've Got Game. Patricia Kay

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You've Got Game - Patricia Kay Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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doctor said about the middle of April.”

      “Perfect. You’ll beat the summer heat.”

      “I know. I couldn’t have planned it better if I’d tried.”

      “So you weren’t trying?”

      Claudia laughed. “You know what I mean.”

      Lorna smiled affectionately. “Yes, I do. I was only teasing you.”

      They talked baby plans for a while, then Claudia said, “Telling you about the baby isn’t the only reason I dropped by today.”


      “I wanted to invite you to go out with us Saturday night.”

      “That’s sweet of you, but you and John will want to celebrate your good news by yourselves. I’d just be a fifth wheel.”

      “No, you won’t. Anyway, we’ll be double-dating.”

      Lorna made a face. “Oh, Claudia, not a blind date.”

      “Don’t say it like that.”

      “I can’t help it. I hate blind dates.”

      “Jonah’s great. He’s a cameraman and works for John’s company. He’s a bit younger than you are, but he’s lots of fun and cute, and I think you’ll like him.”

      Lorna grimaced. “Younger?”

      “Not that much. Maybe a couple of years. Anyway, what’s the big deal?”

      “I’m not good with younger guys.”

      Claudia just rolled her eyes.

      Actually, Lorna wasn’t good at dating, period. And she was especially bad at blind dates.

      “Why are you always putting yourself down?”

      “I’m not. I just…oh, you know. I never know what to say when I first meet a guy. I always feel like I’m boring them to death.” Like I bored Keith.

      “Oh, Lorna, that’s ridiculous. You’re smart and beautiful and funny. Why would they be bored?”

      “I might be smart, but I’m certainly not beautiful, and funny is still up for a vote.”

      “See? There you go again. Putting yourself down.”

      “Being honest isn’t putting myself down.”

      “I swear, Keith did a real job on you, didn’t he?”

      “Well, you’ve got to admit that finding out your husband prefers a silicone-breasted cheerleader barely out of high school and who can’t talk about anything more complicated than who’s dating who in Hollywood doesn’t do a lot to build your confidence.”

      “Keith is an idiot.”

      “I won’t argue with you there, but the fact remains he lost interest in me as soon as he realized he would have to work for my money.” Lorna wasn’t bitter. The truth was the truth. She’d misjudged Keith. She’d thought he really loved her, that her money wasn’t a factor in his courtship. She’d been wrong.

      “Like I said, he’s an idiot,” Claudia said. “Anyway, back to Saturday night. We thought we’d go see a movie—maybe that new one with Drew Barrymore—it’s supposed to be hilarious, then go out for dinner. John and I discovered this really good Cajun place, and on Saturday nights they have a zydeco band.”

      “Oh, Claudia, I don’t know….”

      “Lorna, I’m not going to take no for an answer. You’re going, and that’s that. We’ve already told Jonah all about you, and he’s excited about meeting you.”

      “If he’s so great, why does he need a blind date?”

      Claudia shook her head in exasperation. “Honestly, Lorna, sometimes I just want to choke you.”

      Lorna grinned.

      “That’s better. Now say you’ll go.”

      “Oh, okay, I’ll go.”

      “Good. I’ll let you know what time after I talk to John. Now, tell me, have you visited the plant yet?”

      “No, but I thought I’d pop in tomorrow just to say hello and meet the office staff.”

      “You’re starting work on Monday?”


      Lorna had been going to take a couple of weeks off, then had decided one was enough. Besides, she was anxious to get started on her new job.

      Claudia stood. Lorna couldn’t help studying her belly, exposed by her low-riding pants and cropped top. So far, she didn’t look any different than she’d always looked, which was fantastic. She grinned at the glint of silver. “How long are you going to wear that navel ring?”

      Claudia laughed. “John likes it, but I plan to take it out when I start to show.” She slung her handbag over her shoulder. “Walk out with me?”

      Lorna stood on the front stoop and waved goodbye until Claudia’s Jeep disappeared around the corner. Then she slowly walked back inside. Her shoulders sagged. She was happy for Claudia, thrilled for Claudia. But a part of her ached with the knowledge that even her baby sister had passed her by. That it was only she, Lorna, who had failed at marriage and was still childless.

      Would motherhood ever happen for her? she wondered forlornly. Or was she forever doomed to be just an aunt or a godmother to her siblings’ children?

      For the rest of the day, she fought against a rising melancholy. Finally, knowing the only way to stop the negative emotions was to lose herself in something she loved, she headed for the piano. It hadn’t been tuned since the move—something she had planned to take care of immediately—but today she didn’t care.

      Minutes later, she was deep into the lilting waterfall of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto no. 1 in F-sharp Minor and the rest of the world fell away.

      Nick was on the plant floor supervising the installation of a new bagging machine when his secretary paged him. Telling Jim Hennessey, his maintenance manager, he’d be right back, Nick walked out to the distribution center where it wasn’t as noisy.

      “Yeah?” he said when he had Karen on the phone.

      “Miss Hathaway’s here,” she said.

      “What? What the hell is she doing here?” he muttered. “She doesn’t start until Monday.”

      Ignoring his irritated response, she chirped, “Would you like me to show her around? Or do you want to come up and do it yourself?”

      Nick knew Lorna Hathaway was probably close enough to hear what Karen had to say. He swore under his breath. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

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