Royal Baby Collection. Lynn Raye Harris

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Royal Baby Collection - Lynn Raye Harris Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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you whisked me off to marry you so no one, not even a king, could stop us?”

      She understood. The relief flowed through him in a near-debilitating wave. “Sì. I was going to tell you everything today.”

      “You do not think you should have told her before you married her?” Miguel demanded.

      “Forgive me, please,” he said to Kiki, refusing to acknowledge the Spanish billionaire.

      “Yes, Mich. I love you, and there is nothing to forgive. We both wanted to be loved for who we are, not where we come from. Our future is a little more complicated than I thought, though.”

      “A little.” He smiled down at her, very glad when she returned it.

      “We do need to get back on the plane. The royal family’s PR team is working with ours, but we must face this news with a united front.” Surprisingly, that came from Kiki’s mother.

      “Amber, as always, you are the voice of intelligent reason, mi amor.”

      “I’m going to be a grandmother,” the voice of reason said emotionally to her spouse.

      “They’re kissing. That should give us enough time to shower and dress anyway,” Kiki said drily.

      THE ROYAL PALACE of Isole dei Re impressed Kiki, but it was the royal family, gathered en masse in their private reception room, that intimidated her.

      There were a lot more of them than in her family, and not one person looked particularly welcoming. The prevailing emotion didn’t seem to be anger so much as utter shock. Apparently Mich was the responsible one, the guy everyone counted on to do the right thing.

      He hadn’t left her side though, not even to greet his parents, making it clear where his loyalty lay.

      Her own parents and their top two security men flanked them.

      King Claudio looked a lot like his son, except for the gray at his temples and the chill in his dark eyes as they took Kiki in.

      “So, you are the woman who has convinced my son to disregard his training and obligation to marry you in some elopement.” He made their beach wedding sound so sordid.

      “She is the woman I love,” Mich replied, ungiving steel in his tone.

      Whoa. That was not a voice she’d want directed at her.

      “You love her so much, you did not think enough of her to introduce us?” the queen asked, sounding more upset and confused than angry, her lovely Italian features wreathed with concern.

      Mich’s arms tightened around Kiki as if he was worried she’d take his mother’s words as truth. “I had every intention of introducing you when the time came.”

      If anything, King Claudio’s expression grew darker. “The time would have been before you asked her to marry you.”

      “Because you think you should have a say in who I marry?” Mich demanded, sounding every inch the prince she now knew he was.

      “Your wife has an important role to play in this country. An inappropriate match could do damage to our political and economic standing.”

      Kiki almost snorted. She didn’t think Mich marrying the daughter of Miguel Menendez was such a hardship for Isole dei Re. Her father’s voice said almost those exact words in a frigid tone she’d heard very rarely in her life.

      The king looked nonplussed for a moment, though nowhere near cowed.

      Queen Therese interjected calmly, “The point is, we were not given the opportunity to know her before the deed was done.”

      “The deed can be undone easily enough.” The king glared at both Kiki and Mich. “But not without scandal.”

      “No one is undoing my marriage,” Kiki said with deadly calm.

      King Claudio shook his head. “You did not marry merely a man, young lady. You married a future monarch.”

      “She married me,” Mich argued. “If Kiki is deemed unsuited for the role of queen, or if she ultimately refuses the role, I will abdicate in favor of Adamo.”

      Mich should have sounded overwrought to say something like that, but he didn’t. He sounded absolutely sure of himself.

      The entire room erupted into arguments and exclamations, but Kiki didn’t care how anyone else was taking that announcement.

      She turned and looked up at the man who had married her and claimed their child without hesitation. “You would do that for me?”

      “Sì. T’amu. I love you. That means your happiness is paramount.”

      “Are you sure you are not using my daughter to justify abdicating responsibilities you do not want yourself?” her dad demanded.

      Kiki wanted to kick him. Her mother’s furious admonishment was even better. Especially when she stepped away from her husband and moved to Mich’s other side.

      The look on her dad’s face was worth admission. The expression on the king’s, not so much.

      “You will apologize, Miguel,” Kiki’s mom demanded.

      “It is a legitimate question,” the king said before her dad could decide whether to risk defying the love of his life.

      Kiki giggled. Maybe it was hysterical laugher, but really? The whole situation was taking on farcical proportions. If it were not for the pained expression on her love’s face, she would have burst into real laughter.

      “Invece?” Mich asked.

      Unexpected exhaustion washed over her, but she grinned up at him tiredly. “Our dads are like two peas in a pod. It’s almost scary. Bet you want to kick yours, too.”

      He didn’t share her amusement, his own expression turning concerned. “You look pale, Kiki. Are you all right?”

      “Maybe a little tired.” She leaned heavily into him, suddenly not so steady on her feet.

      “Take Kiki someplace where she can rest,” her mom instructed Mich.

      “We are not finished with this discussion,” the king said.

      “Can you not see the girl needs a break?” Mich’s grandfather admonished.

      Mich had told her on the plane that the former king had abdicated in favor of his eldest son for the sake of his health several years ago.

      “What do you call an ex-king?” Kiki wondered aloud, things going a little sparkly at the edges.

      “Micheli!” Queen Therese barked at Kiki’s husband, sounding very different than the calm woman she’d been only moments before. “Now.”

      “Excuse me—” King Claudio started, only to be interrupted

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