A Bachelor At The Wedding. Kate Little

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A Bachelor At The Wedding - Kate Little Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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to know more about her. For instance…was her romance with the accountant serious?

      “What about your boyfriend? How does he feel about it?” he asked quietly.

      Stephanie looked surprised again and he suddenly realized he’d given himself away, at least his knowledge about her private life. He’d asked around about her. He couldn’t help it.

      “I’m not seeing anyone special right now.”

      He pulled his gaze from hers and stared out the window. “Oh, you’re not? I thought you had mentioned something about a boyfriend at some point?” he said vaguely.

      “I don’t think so. I just broke up with someone. It was a long relationship. We knew each other from grade school. But I don’t think I ever mentioned it….”

      Her voice trailed off on a puzzled note.

      He cleared his throat. “Maybe not…I guess I confused you with someone else.” He sat up in his high-backed leather chair. “Well, these things happen. Usually, it’s all for the best.”

      “Yes, I’m sure of it.” Her tone was very definite, he noticed, and she didn’t look the least bit unhappy. Looked like she was the one who had ended the relationship. Even better, from his perspective.

      So, the accountant was out of the picture. He felt a happy jolt and struggled to hide it. Okay, so she’s not in a relationship. She’s still off limits, pal. Just remember that.

      Yet, when Matt looked up again, it was as if a huge flashing sign had popped up over her head: AVAILABLE!!! AVAILABLE!!

      “Is there anything else?” Stephanie asked, completely back to business.

      “I think that covers it,” he replied quickly. “See you Monday.”

      He waved at her in a dismissing motion, suddenly knowing he had to get her out of his office, out of his sight. Or something would happen. Something momentarily wonderful, he was sure…but definitely regrettable in the long run.

      She said good-night, then turned and walked to the door. He loved the way she moved. She was so graceful and elegant, her slim figure almost entirely camouflaged today in a sleek blue suit, a slit in the back of the straight skirt revealing a length of long, slim legs.

      He heard the sound of the heavy door closing behind her and was suddenly alone in his office. He released a long harsh breath. One he had not even noticed he’d been holding.

      This…thing he had about Stephanie Rossi was insane. If he didn’t watch out, he’d end up embarrassing himself…embarrassing both of them. And maybe with a lawsuit on his hands for harassment as well, he reminded himself.

      He ran his hand through his hair, picking up the subtle trace of Stephanie’s perfume that still hung in the air.

      He shook his head. “Harding, get a grip!”

      Stephanie escaped Matthew Harding’s office on wobbly legs. She entered her own office and quickly shut the door.

      Thank goodness for Nana Bella. She normally got annoyed when her family interrupted her at work with one of their crazy “emergencies,” but this time her dear grandmother had displayed perfect timing. Nana Bella always claimed to be a little psychic—as Italian grandmothers often do, just to keep their children in line—but this episode proved it.

      Matt Harding unnerved her enough under normal circumstances—curtly delivering his orders, shouting his displeasure, showing no positive reaction to the many miracles she pulled off. But when he slipped into a personal mode…asking her about her family, her social life—or lack thereof—and praised her work to the sky, she couldn’t take it. She’d nearly melted into a puddle of goo, right there on the Persian rug.

      What in the world had come over him? Maybe the kitchen had slipped something into his afternoon coffee, she mused.

      Sometimes she hated this job. Not her real job, as assistant manager of hotel operations, which she’d started at the Harding Plaza about two months ago. She loved that job. Landing it had been a big step in her career. But this special, temporary assignment. She was never going to make it. She would lose her mind before it was all over.

      Why her, of all people? She’d been so happy here at first. Then, just as she was getting her feet wet in the new spot, the buzz spread around the office: Matt Harding needed a temporary replacement for his personal assistant. For some mysterious reason, Stephanie was tapped for the assignment. She couldn’t understand it. So many others who were possible choices had been at the hotel far longer. Some of the female managers especially were more than willing—jealously wondering what Stephanie had done to deserve the honor.

      But what choice did she have? She couldn’t very well refuse. Her boss had presented the call as a real perk—a chance to show off her talents to the top man.

      “Do a good job for Mr. Harding and you’ll really advance in this organization,” her boss had advised her.

      Stephanie had a far different view. She’d already heard the lowdown on Matt Harding. For one thing, the dynamic founder of Harding Hotels was reputed to be demanding and temperamental, totally charming one minute, then biting someone’s head off the next.

      So far she’d barely glimpsed the charming side. The past few weeks had been mostly snarling, barking and a few nips here and there—or totally ignoring her. Which she found most unnerving of all.

      Then there was this other problem. Matt Harding himself, an undisputable hunk. With enough masculine magnetism to light up Times Square. When her friends found out she’d been called upon to babysit “His Royal Hotness” they’d had a field day teasing her and giggling endlessly over silly, adolescent fantasies. Stephanie either ignored them, or denied that she felt any attraction.

      Nobody believed her. Why would they? He was just that good-looking…or something. Stephanie could never quite figure out what it was about Matt Harding that set him apart—she just knew, whatever it was, he had plenty of it.

      Yes, secretly she was attracted to him, though she’d never admit it in a million years, not even to her closest friends.

      Insanely attracted.

      It was insane, Stephanie often reminded herself. And pointless. Like yearning after a movie star or sports figure, some guy so distant and unattainable, he didn’t even know you were alive.

      Besides, Stephanie knew by now a good relationship was more than a physical attraction. Matthew Harding had his shortcomings. To begin with, he was arrogant, a total egotist, and extremely insensitive. Not the type of man she admired and respected at all. Therefore, no problem. Right?

      The kind of man she envisioned settling down with would be solid, sensitive and warm. He would share her values and background. He was not a self-centered playboy, running around with models and actresses half his age. He wanted a wife and family, a real life—and he’d want to make a real and lasting commitment.

      The description of her ideal brought to mind her former fiancé, Tommy Torelli. They’d grown up in the same neighborhood of Brooklyn, homey Carroll Gardens. They’d gone to the same schools and had known each other forever. Their parents were friends and Tommy was almost like family.

      Stephanie’s father had always predicted that one of

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