Vanessa's Match. Judy Christenberry

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Vanessa's Match - Judy Christenberry Mills & Boon American Romance

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How’s Lindy?”

      “She’s fine,” the man said heartily.

      “Where is she?”

      “She’s still in the hospital. She’s going to be fine, of course, but they wanted to make sure.”

      “I see. Would you unlock the door?”

      “Yes, of course.”

      The man stepped forward and inserted a key into the lock.

      As he did so, Rick said, “And you visited the condo each month and saw Lindy?”

      “Yes, and she was doing fine. I think it was just the shock of her mother’s death that upset her.”

      “Why was she alone? Didn’t they have a housekeeper?”

      “Yes, I believe they did. I didn’t think to ask—Well, who would I ask, after all? Lindy was in no shape for any conversation.”

      “Of course.” Rick stepped through the door of the condo and saw what Miss Shaw had seen. A beautifully decorated living room. A dining room table and chairs that looked like it had never been used. He walked through to the kitchen and again, as she’d said, there was no table.

      The lawyer followed along silently.

      Next, Rick went to the master bedroom. It, too, was elaborately decorated. Rick opened the large closet and looked at some of the designer labels.

      Joe smiled at him.

      Then Rick turned to the second bedroom. After he walked through the door, he moved aside for the lawyer and folded his arms over his chest.

      Joe gasped and turned to stare at Rick. “I—I don’t know what happened to the furniture in here!”

      “What furniture?”

      “Well, surely there was furniture. It’s Lindy’s bedroom, after all.”

      “Have you ever seen Lindy’s bedroom before?”

      “Well, no, of course not. I mean—it wouldn’t have been proper for me to go into her bedroom.”

      “But you saw Lindy every time you brought over the check?”


      “And you’ve visited her in the hospital?”

      “Of course, every day. I sometimes took my lunch hour and spent it with Lindy.”

      “When was the last day you spent with Lindy in the hospital?”

      “Why…yesterday, of course.”

      Rick pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number he’d been given for Vanessa Shaw. He recognized the housekeeper’s voice when she answered. “May I speak to Vanessa Shaw, please?”

      Joe was frowning.

      “Miss Shaw? Rick Austin. Did you meet my attorney while you were at the hospital with Lindy?” He waited for her response, his gaze on the attorney. “And you were with her all the time?

      “How long did she remain in the hospital? I see. Thank you, Miss Shaw.”

      He hung up and turned to look at his attorney. “Joe, the woman who has been taking care of Lindy says she never saw you at the hospital.” The man started to answer and Rick held up a hand to stop him. “She also said Lindy left the hospital four days ago, so think before you tell any more lies.”

      “I thought—I tried to do as you asked, but Mrs. Austin always said Lindy was out.”

      “What time did you usually come over?”

      “She asked that I come over around two.”

      Rick put his hands on his hips and shook his head. “Joe, I didn’t think you were that dumb. Lindy was in school at two every afternoon, unless you came over on a Saturday.”

      “I’m sorry. I—I made a mistake. It won’t happen again.”

      “And how often have you lied to me in the past nine years?”

      “Never about business, Rick. I swear!”

      “Our relationship, business and otherwise, is over, Joe. I’ll let you know my new attorney’s name so you can send the files to him.”

      “Rick, you can’t do this to me. It will ruin me.”

      “You should’ve thought of that before you lied to me and failed to do what I asked. My little sister has been living in poverty while her mother was leading the high life! That wasn’t what I wanted, and I believe I made myself clear.”

      Rick held out his hand for the key and stood waiting while his ex-attorney struggled to undo his key ring. While Joe did so, he pleaded for another chance, but Rick ignored him.

      Once he had the key in his hand, Rick led him outside the condo, locked the door and pocketed the key. Without a word he walked away, Joe still trying to apologize and regain his trust.

      After getting into his car without waving goodbye, Rick returned to the house where he’d left Vanessa Shaw. He felt he owed her an apology.

      When he rang the doorbell, Betty recognized him at once and invited him in. She was leading the way to the library when another door opened and Vanessa Shaw came out with a young girl.

      Rick stopped and stared. Could this slender blond lady be his half sister? “Lindy?”

      The girl stared at him. Then, without a word, she crumpled to the floor.

      Chapter Two

      “What’s wrong with her?” For an instant Rick was frozen in place, then he rushed over to Lindy, about five yards away. Vanessa, he noticed, had reacted immediately and was cradling the girl in a maternal gesture.

      “She’s been worried about your return. I didn’t tell her about your earlier visit. She wasn’t ready for it.” She pushed Lindy’s hair out of her face with a caring touch. “What are you doing here again?”

      “I needed to talk to you.”

      “You’re not going to take her away, are you?” Vanessa demanded sharply.

      “No, not now.”

      “Then go into the library. I’ll join you when I can.” She called out to Betty, who appeared almost instantly. “Will you help me get her upstairs?”

      “A’course,” Betty agreed. “That poor child.”

      “I could carry her wherever you’re taking her,” Rick suggested.

      Vanessa shook her head. “I’m afraid she’ll wake up and you will frighten her all over again.”


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