The Borrowed Ring. Gina Wilkins

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The Borrowed Ring - Gina Wilkins Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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an hour to collect the rack and invoice the selections.

      When Heather departed, Daniel removed the cover from the wheeled rack. He motioned toward the colorful garments hanging from the top bar and neatly folded into clear plastic boxes fitted into the bottom part of the display rack. “There you are. A boutique on wheels, with everything in your size.”

      Hands on her hips, she looked from the rack to his decidedly smug expression. “You enjoy snapping your fingers and having people jump to please you, don't you?”

      His eyebrows lifted, as if he was surprised that she had even to ask. “Of course.”

      “Just what have you been up to for the past thirteen years, Daniel?”

      Displaying that annoyingly selective hearing again, he turned toward the clothing rack and plucked a hanger from the rod. “This would look good on you.”

      The yellow cotton sundress clipped to the hanger was strapless and short and tailored to fit very snugly. “That's not really my style.”

      “Yes, but remember, you're playing a new role here. You're wealthy, stylish and accustomed to designer fashions.”

      “According to your backstory, I'm depressed and too self-absorbed to even notice that you're frittering away my money. Would a person like that really wear skimpy, brightly colored dresses?”

      “Ah, but you also adore the husband who treats you like delicate and valuable glass. You would certainly want to dress to please him.”

      She scowled, wondering if he was always so quick at coming up with counterarguments. Just once she would like to win one of their verbal skirmishes. “I don't like yellow.”

      “In that case…” He replaced the sundress and pulled out a similar one in deep fuchsia. “Is this better?”

      “Maybe I should just select a couple of things for myself,” she said, moving toward the rack.

      “Since it's important that you present the image Drake is expecting, I feel compelled to assist you in your selections.”

      “And when did you start talking like that? That isn't the way you used to talk when I knew you before. Back when you were Daniel Castillo,” she couldn't resist adding.

      She hadn't been surprised to learn from a reliable source that he was now using his mother's maiden name, but she wanted him to know that this masquerade hadn't erased from her mind the reality of who he had once been.

      For just a moment his self-satisfied smile faded. She could almost see a few painful old memories swirl in his dark eyes before he hid again behind the bland mask he donned so easily. “Yes, well, you aren't the only one playing a role.”

      Changing the subject then, he pulled several garments from the rack, piling them into B.J.'s arms. “These look as though they would work for you. Why don't you take them into the bedroom and let's see how well they fit.”

      She peered at him over the huge pile of clothing. “You expect a fashion show?”

      His faint smile back in place, he dropped onto the sofa and draped an arm over its curvy back. “I think I'd enjoy that.”

      She was strongly tempted to give him a suggestion he would not enjoy quite so much, but she bit her tongue to hold it back. For one thing, she wasn't one to use such language easily. For another, she had a glum suspicion that Daniel was right.

      Given her own tastes in clothing, she would probably never pass for a wealthy socialite. Her poor mother had tried for years to talk her into dressing with more of an eye for fashion than comfort.

      She sighed heavily. “When this is over, you are going to owe me big-time for saving your butt.”

      “Technically you're saving both our butts,” he pointed out equably. “But when this is over, I will definitely owe you whatever penalty you choose to make me pay.”

      “I'm glad you agree. Thinking about that penalty will help me get through this ordeal.”

      He grimaced slightly, as though well aware of the punishments her imagination could conjure up. “Try on some clothes,” he said. “You have less than an hour before Heather will be back.”

      Turning on one heel, she stamped into the bedroom, which wasn't easy when she could barely see over the pile of clothing she carried. Daniel didn't offer to assist her. He probably knew she would have snarled at him had he tried.

      Daniel turned out to be surprisingly difficult to please. While B.J. would have just grabbed the first things that fit, he seemed to have a shrewd eye for what suited her best, rejecting the outfits that hung too loosely on her slender frame or were less than flattering to her skin tone. She was beginning to feel like a mannequin by the time he finally approved a couple of sun-dresses—including the fuchsia one—several summery capri-pants-and-top sets and one classic black sheath.

      “This is too much,” she protested. “We aren't going to be here that long.”

      “You never know,” he replied with a shrug. “Besides, the clothes look good on you. You should keep them.”

      “And who's paying for them?” she asked tartly.

      “That needn't concern you.”

      “And yet it does.”

      “Just try on the bathing suits, B.J.”

      “No way am I modeling bathing suits for you.”

      He heaved a long-suffering sigh. “Then pick a couple for yourself. You can't stay at an oceanside resort without a bathing suit or two. And be sure you keep enough nightclothes and lingerie for several days.”

      She started to snap at him that she was perfectly capable of providing herself with lingerie, but she bit the words back. She just couldn't discuss underwear with Daniel, even if it was in defiance. Besides which, she did need some clean undergarments if she was going to stay here even for just two or three days.

      Turning silently, she closed herself in the bedroom to complete her shopping without any further input from Daniel.

      Heather had just left with the garment rack later when someone else knocked on the sitting room door. Since the dishes from their meal had already been cleared away, B.J. looked curiously at Daniel. “Now what?”

      He shrugged and crossed the room to answer. She found herself thinking that he moved like a man braced for trouble, as if he half expected danger to lurk on the other side of the door.

      She couldn't help wondering again just what he had been up to for the past thirteen years. She'd been able to find out very little about him through the usual sources.

      He glanced through the peephole, relaxed visibly and opened the door. A moment later he closed the door again and turned back to face her. His arms were filled with a gigantic gift basket covered in cellophane and topped with a glittering golden bow. “It's for you.”

      “For me?” Frowning, she moved toward him as he set the basket on a table.

      Through the clear covering she could see that the basket was filled with beauty products. Body

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