Carrying The Lost Heir's Child. Jules Bennett

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Carrying The Lost Heir's Child - Jules Bennett The Barrington Trilogy

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with the bed.

      He lay her down and stood over her, whipping his belt through the loops of his jeans. Lily didn’t know what on earth they were doing. Okay, she knew what they were doing, but wasn’t this a mistake? Shouldn’t they be discussing the baby? What their plans were for the future?

      But when his weight settled over her, pushing her deeper into the thick comforter, Lily relished in the feel of his hard body molding perfectly with hers. Right here, this was the feeling she’d come to crave—the heaviness of him pressing into her in a protective, all-consuming manner.

      Nash was right. Passion was such a simple word for the intensity of what they shared. But what label did it have? The impulse with which they’d jumped into an affair had overwhelmed them both. They’d never given anything beyond sex another thought.

      The truth was, she had feelings for Nash, feelings she didn’t think she’d have again for another man. Could she trust her feelings to stand up to public scrutiny? Could she rely on anything she felt that stemmed from a hidden affair?

      Giving up her mental volley of trying to have this all make sense, Lily raked her fingers up his back and over his shoulders as he settled between her thighs. Nash had a way to make her forget everything around her, make her want to lock away the moments in time she shared with him. As he entered her, his mouth claimed hers and Lily had no choice but to surrender. Why did every moment with this man make her feel things she’d never felt before?

      Nash’s hands slid up her sides and over her breasts as her body arched into his. In no time her core responded, tightening as Nash continued to move with her.

      After he followed her lead and their bodies stopped trembling, he lifted her in his arms, tucked her beneath the covers and climbed in beside her.

      “Rest, Lily.” He reached over and shut off the light. “Tomorrow we’ll work this out.”

      Did he mean he’d still try to get her to move into his house? Although his dominance was a turn-on, she wouldn’t let him just start taking charge simply because of the baby. She was still in charge of her own life. Besides, being intimate with a man and living with him were two very different things.

      As much as Nash was coming to mean to her, she still had to face reality. She was going to be done filming in about a week and she had a life in LA to get back to.

      So where did that leave them?

      * * *

      Well, what a surprise. They’d ended up with their clothes off again and nothing was discussed or planned.

      On the upside, she wasn’t nauseous this morning...yet.

      As she headed toward the makeup trailer, her new agent Ian Schaffer stepped out of one of the cottages on the Barrington estate. Ian had initially come out to the movie set in hopes of getting Lily to sign with his agency, and she did, but then he had gone and fallen in love with one of the beautiful Barrington sisters.

      Sweet Cassie, the gentle trainer, and her precious girl, Emily, were both part of Ian’s life now and family had never looked so adorable. Ian caught her eye and waved as he headed her way. At some point she’d have to discuss her own family situation with Ian and what this meant for upcoming films...especially since he was already getting several scripts for her to look over.

      Too bad none of those movies called for a pukey pregnant heroine. She’d so nail that audition with her pasty complexion and random bouts of profuse sweating.

      “You have a second?” he asked.

      “Sure.” Lily shifted so Ian’s height blocked the morning sun. “We’re heading into town today to shoot a scene near the flower shop, but I’m not due in wardrobe for a few more minutes. What’s up?”

      “I have a really good script that came through yesterday I’d like you to look at it.” Ian rested his hands on his hips and smiled. “I know we’ve only worked together for a few weeks, but you had indicated that you’d like to try something different, maybe break away from the softer, family-style roles and into something more edgy. Are you still up for that?”

      Lily tilted her head and shrugged. “Depends on the role and the producer. What do you have for me?”

      “How would you feel about playing a showgirl who is a struggling single mother?”

      Lily froze. “Um...yeah, that’s quite the opposite of anything I’ve done before.”

      Oh the irony. Showgirl? By the time the movie started filming Lily figured her waistline would be nonexistent. As far as the single mom aspect? She honestly had no clue. Nash claimed he wouldn’t leave her, but he’d only been aware of the baby for less than twenty-four hours. Once reality set in would he still feel the same?

      “Lily?” Ian eased his head down until his gaze caught hers. “You all right? You don’t have to look at the script if that’s too far outside your comfort level, but I will say the producers are amazing and the script is actually very well plotted. Aiden O’Neil was just cast as the opposite lead.”

      Aiden was a great guy, an awesome actor and would be a joy to work with again. But how could she accept this role knowing she couldn’t commit to the grueling hours of exercise and perfecting her body that, no doubt, Hollywood would require in order to portray a showgirl?

      Lily’s eyes drifted over Ian’s shoulder and landed on Nash. Now that was a leading man...and he’d sneaked out of her trailer without her noticing. He’d promised to be gone by morning, and he was, but still she’d been a little disappointed not to be able to wake up next to him. Yes, she was quickly losing control over her feelings for Nash and she feared she’d have a hard time keeping them tucked against her heart.

      Ian swiveled, glanced across the estate and turned back to Lily. “I’m not sure why you keep hiding what you two have going on.”

      Lily jerked her attention back to Ian. “Excuse me?”

      Shrugging, Ian smiled. “I won’t say anything, and honestly I doubt anyone else has picked up on the vibes you two are sending out.”

      Lily wasn’t sure if she was relieved or afraid that someone else knew about her and Nash. Old images of a video she’d thought private played through her mind. That was another time, another man. Nash was trustworthy...wasn’t he?

      “What is it you think you know?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

      “I caught you two in a rather...comfortable embrace about a month ago. I was looking for Cassie and you and Nash were in the stables. I didn’t say anything because I know you value your privacy and it was nobody’s business what you two do in your downtime.”

      Lily had thought for sure no one would’ve spotted them at night and after hours. Thankfully it was only Ian who most definitely had her best interest at heart. As her agent, he didn’t want any bad press surrounding her, either. The limelight would stay directed elsewhere, for now.

      Blowing out a sigh, Lily nodded. “I don’t know what is going on between Nash and me, to be honest. But just keep this between us, okay?”

      Ian smiled. “You’re my client, and I’d like to think, friend. We all have secrets, Lily. I won’t say a word.”

      Speaking of

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