And Babies Make Four. Marie Ferrarella

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And Babies Make Four - Marie Ferrarella Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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The Mindy Conway he remembered was the last word in confidence, in vibrancy.

      But she wasn’t Mindy Conway anymore, she was Mindy Richards, he reminded himself.

      Looking at her now, it seemed as if someone had put out her light, and she was struggling to strike at least a small match again.

      What had happened to her? he wondered.

      Mindy cleared her throat. The last time she’d felt this awkward, she’d accidentally put on two different-colored shoes and hadn’t realized it until she was halfway to class.

      “Um, it’s five o’clock and I was going to…”

      The words didn’t feel right even as she said them. They felt stilted on her tongue. Everything since she’d walked in on Brad, in his plush insurance office, body wrestling with his secretary, had felt stilted to her. As though she was walking around in someone else’s dream.

      Or someone else’s nightmare. It certainly wasn’t hers.

      Mindy bit her lower lip and tried again. The words still didn’t feel right. Or maybe it was just the situation. Here she was, playing office with someone she’d once envisioned dressed only in a loincloth. She’d heard from someone in high school that Jason had a killer body. She had a feeling he still did.

      “I was wondering, will there be anything else before I go home, um, Mr. Mallory?”

      She saw him frown. Had she said something wrong? When he’d given her instructions today he’d been even more reserved than she’d remembered. At least back in high school she’d caught him looking her way occasionally. Enough times to set her heart racing. This time he was acting as if she was some kind of annoyance he was forced to deal with because of circumstances.

      Jason’s frowned deepened at her use of his last name. The chasm between them felt even wider than before. “Don’t call me that.”

      She pressed her lips together. “What should I call you?”

      “Jason.” He fairly snapped out his own name.

      She tilted her head slightly as if considering the directive. And then she shook it. “But you’re my boss, it doesn’t seem right.”

      He laughed shortly, the words escaping before he could think them through. “It doesn’t seem right me being your boss.”

      “Are you going to fire me?” Her breath made a pit stop in her throat and stayed there.

      He looked as her as if she’d just suggested his alter ego was Spiderman. “What gave you that idea?”

      Was it going to be like this every day? Was she going to feel horribly uncomfortable every time she was in his presence? She’d tried her damnedest today to be bright and cheery and eager, hoping to win him over, but he’d just seemed to become progressively worse every time he talked to her.

      Mindy felt as if she was digging a deeper hole for herself with every word she uttered. But she had no choice but to respond. “Well, for one thing, you’re frowning.”

      “He always frowns.”

      Mindy almost sighed with relief as she heard Nathalie’s voice behind her. Turning, she saw the woman pausing in the doorway, obviously on her way out.

      Nathalie’s eyes were smiling as she turned them toward her. “You know how when you were a kid and your mother warned you not to make funny faces because it would freeze that way? Jason didn’t listen.” With a throaty laugh at her own joke, Nathalie patted her on the shoulder. “Just wanted to tell you you did a great job today, Mindy. Keep it up.” She looked significantly at Jason. “Well, I have to go. I’ve got a date,” she announced.

      Jason glanced at his calendar, as if to assure himself that this was Monday, the beginning of a work week. “A date?”

      “Yes, a date.”

      Nathalie leaned into the office, her eyes on Jason. She tossed her hair, obviously knowing the lighting would catch some of the red highlights her hairdresser had slaved to put in.

      “Some of us have a social life.” She winked at her partner. “See you tomorrow, smiley.”

      Nodding at Mindy, she sailed out of the room and out of the suite of offices.

      Nathalie left silence in her wake. Jason shifted in his seat. He and Nathalie needed to have a long talk soon about her less-than-subtle hints.

      “Well, you’re probably in a hurry to get to your husband, so I’ll see you tomorrow.” He was already looking down at the report he couldn’t seem to read.

      She was being dismissed, Mindy thought. A lot better than being fired. Still, something wouldn’t allow her to leave this way. “That won’t be possible.”

      Jason raised his eyes from his reading material and caused a tidal wave in her stomach. She hoped the twins were able to grab on to something stable to weather the storm out.

      “I won’t see you tomorrow?”

      “No, I mean it won’t be possible for me to hurry to my husband.”

      Having gone through the trauma himself, the first thing that occurred to Jason was that her spouse was dead. And he’d just told her to hurry off home to him. Quickly he tried to make amends.

      “Hey, I’m sorry—”

      She had no idea why he felt he had to apologize. “Nothing for you to be sorry about.” Unable to stop it, the mental image of Brad’s limbs tangled around that two-bit, anorexic flake he’d supposedly hired to take dictation flashed across her brain. “Brad, of course, is another story.”

      Damn, why had she just said that? Mindy upbraided herself. Jason certainly didn’t want to hear about her life and she certainly didn’t want to talk about it. From the way he was acting, Jason didn’t want to hear about anything that had to do with anything that was outside of the company he ran.

      He surprised her by leaning forward. “What do you mean?”

      Panic nibbled away at her, followed by a wave of shame. Her husband had cheated on her. Not once, but a number of times. This after she’d tried so hard to please him. Had given up so much to make him happy. That meant there had to be something lacking in her. She didn’t want Jason to think that, didn’t want to see pity in his eyes. “You don’t want to hear.”

      “I wouldn’t have asked the question if I didn’t want to hear an answer.” He leaned back in his chair, allowing himself to study Mindy for the first time. Along with the beauty, there were signs of stress that artful applications of makeup didn’t completely manage to hide. What did she have to be stressed about? What had happened to her since the years they walked the same halls together? “What are you doing here, Mindy?”

      She raised her chin ever so slightly. Defensiveness rose in her chest. “Working.”

      “Besides that.”

      She glanced toward the doorway that Nathalie had just vacated. “Trying to go home.”

      Jason sighed. What had come

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