For His Son's Sake. Ellen Tanner Marsh

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For His Son's Sake - Ellen Tanner Marsh Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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board again, but inspiration had struck just before bedtime and she now had two good drawings to show for the sleepless night.

      How long had she worked anyway? At least until three o’clock. She grimaced ruefully, picturing her mother nagging her for keeping such hours. Good thing she wasn’t living at home anymore. And good thing she hadn’t heeded her mother’s advice by advertising for a roommate. This way she could burn the midnight oil as long as she wished, play the music as loud as she wanted, never worry that she was running afoul of someone else’s privacy, feelings or sleeping habits.

      You were wrong, Mother. You, too, Brent. Living alone definitely has its advantages.

      So did the fact that she and Brent hadn’t gotten married the way they’d planned.

      Had that been the case, “I’d have gone out of my mind by now,” Kenzie muttered aloud. Better to be an artist out here on the isolated cape than surrounded by the people, the press, the staff and obligations that went with marrying someone like senator-to-be Brent Ellis.

      Brent was definitely running for the senate this year, because her mother had told her as much the last time she’d called. Grinning, Kenzie tried to imagine herself as a senator’s wife but couldn’t. In fact, the only thing she knew for sure was that she would have made a lousy one. Not that she wasn’t well schooled in the ways that Washington’s political wheels turned. Heck, she’d practically come of age at Republican party fund-raisers and embassy receptions.

      But she had never embraced the lifestyle her parents preferred, the one that Brent, now that he’d been made a full partner in her father’s prestigious law firm, intended to claim as his birthright. Lord knows she wasn’t cut out to play the obliging Washington hostess at his behest. To stand loyally at Brent’s side while he climbed the political ladder toward—what? A bid for the presidency somewhere down the road?

      A vision of herself as First Lady made Kenzie snicker aloud. And at the same time wince, remembering a presidential campaign that she alone had brought to ruin a little more than a year ago.

      Her heart cramped. No. No way she was going there with her thoughts right now. She’d promised herself during those awful days when the fallout was just beginning that she wasn’t going to dwell on something she couldn’t change, that she wouldn’t have changed even if she’d known in advance about the storm of controversy she was unleashing over her family’s heads.

      As for her father…

      “That’s enough, Kenzie!” No way was she going to let thoughts of her father screw up her morning off. Or drive her to talk aloud to herself the way little old ladies did when they’d been living alone too long.

      She sighed deeply. Forced herself to relax.

      At the moment she wanted nothing more than to lie here soaking up rays. Take a nap. Be left alone like Greta Garbo in—

      “Look out!”

      The warning yell came from right behind her. Startled, Kenzie lifted her head. A sharp, crackling sound came from high above, and in the next second something big and billowy fluttered down on top of her.

      “Hey!” Kenzie flailed at the colorful nylon streamers tangled around her legs, at the brilliant green body of the kite that had crash-landed barely an inch from her head.

      “Oh, no! I’m sorry! Are you all right?”

      The kite’s owner was running toward her, rolling up the string as he went. A boy of no more than seven in bathing trunks that reached to his knees. “I’m only just learning. Did it hit you?”

      Kenzie looked up into his face, preparing to give him an irritable lecture. But that was before she saw that his eyes were bright blue and his hair a thatch of black curls. He was chewing his lip apprehensively, but when their gazes met he grinned at her shyly. Dimples appeared in his cheeks, and his freckled, upturned nose crinkled charmingly.

      Instantly, stupidly, Kenzie felt something inside of her melt. No doubt about it, the word cute had been invented for this little guy.

      “No harm done. It barely touched me.”

      “I thought for sure it was going to hit you on the head. I’m ever so relieved it didn’t.”

      Not only was he cute, but she’d just noticed he had an accent. That, and his choice of words made him adorably grown-up and sophisticated sounding. Was he English?

      Kenzie smiled at him. “I’m fine. Really.”

      His grin widened in response, revealing a missing front tooth. “My name’s Angus. What’s yours?”

      Angus. Even his name was adorable. She resisted the urge to tousle his curly black hair. “Kenzie.”

      His brows drew together. “What sort of name is that?”

      “Short for MacKenzie.”

      He beamed. “Oh, that’s a proper Scottish name!”

      She laughed. “Glad you approve.”

      “I’m Scottish, too. At least my grandfather was. I was born in Norfolk.”

      “Not the one in Virginia, I assume.”

      He nodded approvingly. “Do you know where my Norfolk is?”

      “That would be in East Anglia. Somewhere north of London, I think.”

      Angus’s dimples deepened. “Not many Americans know that.”

      Kenzie felt both flattered and amused by his obvious admiration. “Lucky for me I’ve traveled a bit. Are you renting a house in Avon, Angus?”

      He pointed over his shoulder. “We’re staying in that one there.”

      The rooftops of several beachfront cottages were visible over the dunes, but Kenzie didn’t bother turning to look. They were all pretty much alike: sturdy wooden dwellings built high off the ground to withstand the flood tides and storms that frequently lashed the Outer Banks.

      Angus untangled the kite’s tail and picked it up from her towel. Kenzie saw that it was nearly as big as he was. “First time piloting one of those?”

      Angus looked sheepish. “It’s hard to steer.”

      “Piece of cake once it’s aloft. The trick is getting it airborne.”

      “Do you know how?”

      “Um, it’s been a while….”

      The dimples reappeared, dazzling her. “Oh, please, could you show me?”

      She glanced back toward the houses. “Your folks won’t mind you spending all this time out here alone?”

      “My dad said I could come down, as long as I didn’t go in the water. Please, Kenzie?”

      How could she refuse? “Hand me the string. Let’s give it a try.”

      Ross Calder closed the cover of his laptop with a snap. Annoyed, he sat back on the couch, running his hands through his hair. While the

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