Coming Home to Texas. Victoria Chancellor

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Coming Home to Texas - Victoria Chancellor Mills & Boon American Romance

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wished she could make the past five weeks go away as easily as she could shut her eyes and block out the gray Texas day. Or change just that one moment when she’d decided to step into the shower with Travis. She hadn’t given a thought to protection and apparently neither had he. And now they were both paying the price.

      No, she shouldn’t think that. The baby was completely innocent. And Jodie realized she was already starting to have feelings for the tiny life, even though it was bad timing for a pregnancy.

      In all honesty, she didn’t wish she’d never met Travis. Or fallen into his bed so easily. Or anything about that weekend—but she did wish they had been more careful. A baby hadn’t been part of her plans for the near future, despite the fact that she was getting to the age where she had to start seriously considering having children…or not. No, this wasn’t great timing, but then, Travis certainly had good genes to give to a child. He was tall, fit, muscular and intelligent, never mind gorgeous, and had a terrific personality. Otherwise she wouldn’t have fallen for him so quickly and completely.

      He’d been a great guy, a fantastic lover. She’d seriously regretting leaving him on Monday to return home. He’d seemed equally sad that they’d had to part so soon.

      But did he call? She shook her head. Not once. Of course, she hadn’t called him, either, despite the fact he’d left her with a card. Just in case, he’d said. They’d both agreed they weren’t looking for a relationship, just a brief fling. They’d known their lives weren’t compatible. He was Texas; she was California. He was laid-back in his established profession; she was hard-charging about her rising career.

      Apparently her egg and his sperm hadn’t realized how incompatible they were outside the bedroom. The little critters had teamed up at the first chance to make a baby.

      Jodie let her hand drift to her stomach. Somewhere inside a tiny life nestled, completely unconcerned about the problems of the two irresponsible adults. She couldn’t let her baby down. She’d make a darn good single mother. Of course, she’d allow Travis to have visitation if he wanted to be part of the child’s life. She wasn’t unreasonable. On the other hand, she wouldn’t push for money or anything else.

      Her mother had provided a good home for her. Jodie planned to do the same for her baby. Her father hadn’t wanted to be part of their family and they hadn’t needed him—financially, emotionally or in any other way. Jodie had always believed that independence was the key to happiness.

      A soft knock interrupted her thoughts. It took a moment for her to remember where she was—Travis’s guest bedroom. Because, as he’d explained, Ranger Springs had only a two-room bed-and-breakfast, which was probably full for the weekend. She’d never been in a town without several hotels and motels—and had certainly never thought about staying in one for a couple of days while Travis digested the fact that he was going to be a father.


      She swung her legs off the bed, feeling a little light-headed when she stood. She steadied herself with a hand on the nightstand just as the door swung open.

      “What’s wrong?” Travis’s voice showed his genuine concern and, for a moment, she wanted to once again have him hold her. She heard him stride quickly across the room, but didn’t risk looking up. She didn’t want to make herself any more dizzy than she already felt.

      “I got up too quickly. Nothing to worry about.”

      “Are you sure? Have you been to the doctor yet?”

      “Yes and yes. I’m sure I just need to eat a bite.” She probably had been overdoing it a bit, flying from coast to coast, then stopping in Texas. Not to mention the stress of facing Travis and breaking the news so abruptly.

      “Good, because I came to tell you that dinner’s ready. It’s not fancy, but maybe that’s best on your first day here. You can get some more rest after we eat.”

      “I’m not that fragile, Travis,” she claimed, rising to her full five-foot-eleven height. Even then, she wasn’t eye level with him. She liked a big, tall man. She didn’t like to think she was superficial, but she didn’t date shorter, slightly built men because they made her look huge in comparison. With her height and generally “sturdy” and athletic build, she preferred a man she could look up to.

      “Yes, but you are pregnant. And based on what you told me last month, I’m sure your schedule has been a little hectic lately. A few days in the Texas Hill Country is just what you need to relax.”

      What she needed was a husband, but she didn’t say that out loud. She was certain Travis would come to the same conclusion…hopefully very soon.

      “I am hungry, and I’m glad we’re not going out. I’ve eaten every meal in a restaurant with my agent, publicist or executives for potential endorsement deals for the past five days, and I could really use a night off.”

      “Good. Well, I’ll leave you to freshen up. Come down to the kitchen whenever you’re ready.”

      Jodie nodded, then added, “Thanks for understanding about my schedule, Travis, but just so you’re clear, I don’t have days to lie around the Hill Country. I have decisions to make.”

      “You’ve already decided to have this baby, right?”

      “Yes. That isn’t up for discussion.”

      “Good, because I don’t want to argue about that.”

      She nodded again. At least Travis wasn’t the type to suggest she make this “little problem” go away.

      Within a few minutes she’d splashed water on her face, brushed her hair and dabbed on a little lip gloss. There was no reason to appear glamorous when she didn’t need to pose for the cameras. Besides, Travis had seen her many times over their one weekend together without makeup. Or without clothes, for that matter.

      He’d just never seen her pregnant and desperate enough to ask a man she’d known for only three days to marry her.

      What if he didn’t say yes?

      Chapter Two

      “So I hear you have a very attractive lady visitor,” Hank McCauley taunted on the phone line.

      Travis ground his teeth and silently wished his friend a slow and painful injury.

      “Not that it’s any of your business,” he replied, glancing toward the second-floor hallway that wrapped around the great room like a balcony. He hoped Jodie didn’t walk in on him having this conversation. “She’s my guest, so butt out.”

      “Hey, I heard she came into the Four Square Café looking for directions to your ranch. It’s not my fault most of your friends and neighbors were there to gawk.”

      “I’ll bet you were gawking most of all.”

      “I don’t gawk at other women much since Lady Wendy and I tied the knot.”

      “Too bad she didn’t put a zipper on your mouth.”

      Hank chuckled. “She likes my mouth way too much to mess with any modifications.”

      Travis rolled his eyes. Hank could be completely outrageous.

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