Home For Christmas. Catherine Lanigan

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Home For Christmas - Catherine Lanigan Mills & Boon Heartwarming

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nearly burned his fingers as he turned the tenders. “And what did Sarah say?”

      “That you guys worked together for Mr. Boston when you were in high school.”

      “We did.”

      “And you thought you were going to marry her.”

      Adam coughed. He put his fist to his mouth. “Sarah said a lot, huh?”

      “Dad! Think about it. I coulda been her son!”

      “Not exactly.” Adam put the angel hair in the boiling water. “But things have a way of working out all for the best. What I want to know is why Sarah told you all this.”

      Titus hemmed a bit and glanced away.

      Adam stopped stirring the pesto. “Titus…”

      “She didn’t exactly say all that.”

      “What?” Adam put his hand on his hip. “What’s going on here?”

      “You know how it is. I asked a few questions. Put some things together. Like you asking Joy to marry you.”

      “So, this is something you deduced all by yourself.”

      “Deduced? What does that mean?”

      “Figured out.” Adam turned another tender, knowing fully that Titus had used the word deduced over a month ago. His son was stalling. Adam had him on the run and the idea pleased him. But only a little.

      “I did.” Titus smiled sheepishly. “But I needed confirmation.”

      “Which I gave you.”

      “Yes.” Titus lifted his chin proudly.

      “You know, Titus, I don’t think you should be a playwright.”


      “Clearly, you have the makings of a lawyer.”

      “Hmm.” Titus went to the sink, stepped onto his step stool so that he could reach the faucet and washed his hands. Then he rinsed the lettuce. “I have to think about that. But about Miss Joy—”

      “Son,” Adam began, taking a deep breath. “Joy is leaving soon. She’s not going to be part of our lives. Okay?”

      Titus wiped his hands on a paper towel. “Okay, Dad.”

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      AFTER DINNER, ADAM helped Titus make pinecone turkeys, which he wanted to gift to all his friends. After gluing and glittering feathers to the pinecones, Adam watched as Titus nearly fell asleep at the kitchen table.

      “C’mon, sport. Let’s brush your teeth and wash up for bed.”

      Titus yawned. “Okay. But I want the Star Wars pj’s tonight.”

      “I would never have guessed,” Adam said as they walked down the hall, Angel at their heels. Adam went into the bedroom, with its slate-gray walls and white trim and Star Wars, Star Trek and Avengers posters covering every inch of the space. From the dresser, Adam pulled out the desired pair of pajamas as he heard Titus in the bathroom using his spin brush.

      Adam sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the stainless-steel reading lamp and the overflowing bedside bookshelf. Titus had been only four when he joined a reading group at the library. The kids declared how many books they would read over summer vacation. Titus always set high goals, so when he announced he’d read one hundred books, Adam hadn’t doubted him. Most kids’ books were only twenty pages long, after all. But Titus sailed through the picture books meant for early readers. Titus liked to read chapter books. He didn’t reach one hundred, but he did read over twenty chapter books. His kindergarten teacher told Adam that Titus had the reading comprehension of a sixth grader.

      “Yeah. Sixth grade going on high school,” he muttered to himself. “Mozart was six when he started composing. Young prodigies aren’t unheard of.”

      “What’s unheard of?” Titus asked, coming into the room, yanking his shirt over his head.

      “Genius showing itself at a young age,” Adam said proudly, holding out the pajama top. Titus pulled it on.

      “Were you a genius?”

      “Hardly. Some thought I was a failure. I couldn’t make things work.”

      “You do now,” Titus said as he put on the pajama bottoms and climbed into bed. “You just needed education.”

      “I did. How did you know?”

      “Mrs. Cook tells us that all the time.”

      “Ah! Wise woman.” Adam chuckled. “So, what do you want me to read tonight? War and Peace?” Titus screwed up his face. “Sorry. Just a joke.”

      “I’m too tired. Tomorrow. Okay?”

      “Sure.” Adam leaned down to kiss Titus on the forehead. Titus lifted his arms and hugged him.

      “I love you, Dad.”

      “I love you, Titus. You sleep with the angels.”

      Angel jumped up on the bed. Titus hugged her neck. “I always sleep with my Angel.” Titus smiled. “So, Dad, when Angel has her pups, can I help?”

      “I’m hoping the vet will take care of that.”

      Titus propped himself up on his elbow. “You think we’ll have warning?”

      “I hope so. Usually, dogs try to make a nest and find a warm place.”

      “Like her doggy bed?”

      “Not necessarily. She might like it in front of the fireplace on her rug.”

      “Yeah. I could see that,” Titus agreed and lay back down. “It’s gonna be a great Christmas present to have puppies.”

      “Remember what I told you. Puppies are a lot of work in the beginning. I have to get a pen ready for them in the basement.”

      “And buy more space heaters and blankets and collect newspapers for their pee.”

      Adam laughed. “We need to do all that.”

      “Okay,” Titus said as he lowered his sleepy eyes. “I’ll help.”

      “Night, son.”

      “Night, Dad.”

      Adam walked to the door, turned off the light, and the glow-in-the-dark planets and constellations on the ceiling shone.

      He walked down the hall and past the living room of his 1920s refurbished bungalow. Five years ago, the house had been a steal. He’d put a lot of work and money into it, and the

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