Home For Christmas. Catherine Lanigan

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Home For Christmas - Catherine Lanigan Mills & Boon Heartwarming

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      Chuck, dressed impeccably in a new black wool suit, brilliant white shirt and gray-and-black designer tie, breezed into the office, his Bluetooth activated as he spoke with a client. Going up to Joy, he kissed her cheek and smiled, not missing a beat of his conversation.

      “Fine. Later,” he said and clicked off. “Joy, you gotta learn to take my calls—especially after hours.”

      She frowned. “Not when I’m working on Nathan Withers’s account for you. And not when the only thing you have to talk about is the client.”

      “Ouch.” He grinned, glancing at Glory. “My bad. But you know how I get around the holidays. Forgive me?”

      He kissed her lightly on the mouth.

      Joy barely had time to pucker her lips before he whirled around, took an incoming call on the Bluetooth and was gone.

      Glory glared at her. “I didn’t say a word.”

      Joy opened her mouth to protest and closed it. She didn’t like how much truth was in what Glory said. Too many times Joy had wondered why there weren’t romantic moments between her and Chuck. He was always like this at the end of the year. Of course, that didn’t explain the lack of romance during the summer. There hadn’t been a weekend where they took the Staten Island Ferry and just “escaped” the city. No trips to an island beach or even the Jersey beach. Even dinner date conversations revolved around their clients. Still, she and Chuck had planned a future together. Solid. Secure. Clearly devoted to family as she was to her grandfather. And one day, they’d get around to romance. Wouldn’t they?

      Glory’s smile was too smug. “That guy makes my case for me.”

      “Forget it. I’m marrying Chuck and that’s it. I’ve got work to do. So do you,” Joy finally said.

      “I do,” Glory replied. “Want a coffee? I need a pot of caffeine myself.”

      “Is that because you didn’t get in till after one last night?”

      Joy’s cell rang. She looked at the caller ID. “Gish. Another Indiana scammer.”

      Glory cranked her head around. “How many of those have you gotten in the last few days? Maybe it’s not a scammer.”

      “Right.” Joy accepted the call. “This is Joy.”

      “Joy, thank heavens I got you!”

      “Mrs. Beabots? Is that you?”

      “You recognize my voice?”

      “Yours I would never forget. So, what’s up?”

      “Oh, Joy, dear. I have the most awful news.”

      Joy felt her scalp crawl, and her knees weakened. She placed one hand on the desk and lowered herself into her chair. “It’s Grandpa.”

      Glory stiffened, her eyes instantly alert. Quickly, she crossed to Joy. She put her hands on Joy’s shoulders.

      Joy felt her support and covered one of Glory’s hands with her own.

      “I’m afraid so.”

      “Is he sick?”

      “He passed away. Last night, dear. Massive heart attack.”

      “But…” Joy tried to make sense of what she was hearing. Frank could not be dead. He was her touchstone. “He was fine last year at Thanksgiving. I mean, I know he took a couple naps. And when I last talked to him, he said he had to cut the call short because his poinsettia supplier was on the other line.” Joy’s eyes were full of tears, but she didn’t feel them. Her face had turned cold. Her hands shook.

      “Frank’s attorney tried to call you last night. He said he left a message…”

      “My phone was off. Then this morning, my fia—my boss called right when I woke up. He’s relentless and he talked to me on the entire subway ride and up until I walked into my office.”

      “I understand, dear. Now, you have to come back here immediately and tend to the funeral details. The attorney wants to go over the will with you. His name is Kyle Evans. I’ll text you his number. Joy, I’ll do all I can to help you with anything you need.”

      “That’s sweet of you. Thank you.”

      “We all loved Frank, dear. This is a shock to all your friends back home. Call me when you arrive.”

      “I will.” Joy hung up.

      Friends? What friends did she have in Indian Lake? None that she knew. There was only her grandpa, and now he was gone and she was alone. She put her phone down and dropped her head into her hands. “I feel sick.”

      Glory rubbed Joy’s shoulders. “I’m so, so sorry, Joy. What can I do?” Glory asked.

      “Nothing. There’s nothing anyone can do. My grandpa is gone. My only family. I…I have no one.”

      “Not true. You have me. And—and Chuck…” Glory’s voice trailed off.

      Joy looked down at the incoming text from Mrs. Beabots with Kyle’s phone number. “I have to go back to Indian Lake. ASAP.”

      “Sure you do, sweetie. But…” Glory glanced out the door.


      “That’ll make your new father-in-law-to-be not so overjoyed.”

      “The firm can live without me. Chuck is very capable. Even though he puts a lot on my shoulders, he’ll be fine,” Joy replied firmly. “Grandpa was all I had. Plus, I need to take care of the funeral arrangements.”

      “How long will all this take?”

      “A week, tops. Besides, I have over a month of accrued vacation. Honestly, I can video chat with our clients, and with text and email, no one will know I’m gone.”

      “Tell me what I can do,” Glory said.

      “Would you mind going to the apartment and packing a bag for me? Casual stuff. And a dress for the funeral? I’ll book my flight now.”

      “Done.” Glory rushed to the door and stopped. “Joy. You know I love you, girl.”

      “Love you, too. And thanks.”

      As Glory whisked out the door, Joy dialed the attorney’s number.

      The call was picked up on the second ring. “Evans and Evans Law. How may I help you?”

      “Hello. This is Joy Boston. I need to speak with Kyle Evans. I just received his message that…my grandfather, Frank Boston…” Joy’s voice was chopped off by the biting burn of sorrow in her throat. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she dropped her forehead to her palm. “…died…”


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