Matt's Family. Lynnette Kent

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Matt's Family - Lynnette Kent Mills & Boon Vintage Superromance

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and space, stop when we feel like it, do whatever we want to. How does that sound?”

      “You’re planning to bring the girls?” She couldn’t picture Erin or Jenny at their ages being interested in an old war.

      “Nope. Just you and me this time. While they’re in the mountains.”

      “Oh.” She swung from one kind of dread to another. “Just us.”

      “No beds to make, no dishes, no meals to cook, no laundry. Ten days with nothing to do but relax, kick back, enjoy.”

      “That…that sounds really nice. But it sounds kind of expensive, too. Can we afford a long trip like that?” Could they afford that much time alone? What would they talk about? Would they discover there was nothing between them anymore but…but duty?

      “No problem. Our savings account is pretty fat. I think we can spare the cash.”

      She was running out of excuses. “Can you get off work so soon?”

      “My leave has already been approved.” His grin disappeared. He searched her face, his eyes wary. “You don’t like the idea, Kris? We can do something else if you want. Or we can stay home.”

      “Oh, Matt. No.” Now her heart cramped with guilt. She took his hand with both of hers. “It’s a beautiful idea. I love that part of the country, and it’ll be great to get away from the beach crowds for a while. I’m just…this happened so fast.”

      “That’s because it’s a surprise.” He drew her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles as Erin and Jenny and Buster tumbled into the kitchen.

      “A surprise? What surprise?” Erin grabbed at her half-finished glass of milk. “For me?”

      “For me?” Jenny asked, climbing into Kristin’s lap.

      Buster sat on his haunches and stared expectantly.

      Kristin drew her hand back and managed a laugh. “No, for me. Matt and I are…taking a trip just like the two of you.”

      “You’re coming to the mountains, too, Mommy?” Erin nodded. “That’ll be cool.”

      “No, love. We’re going to visit some historic places in Virginia and Maryland. You’ll still get time with just your dad and Sarah.”

      Jenny tugged on Kristin’s shirt collar. “Where’s that? Can I go?”

      Matt drew a paper out of the brochure stack and unfolded a map. “I can show you, Miss Jenny. See, this is the mountains, where you’ll be. And this green line over here…” He traced a route north from Myrtle Beach through Washington, D.C., and beyond. “That’s where your mom and I will be driving.”

      Jenny stared, her thumb inching toward her pouting mouth. “Is it very far?”

      Erin stood, hands on her hips, studying the map. “What’s at the places with circles?”

      Kristin pulled Jenny in closer. “Battlefields, historic houses, um…museums.”

      “That doesn’t sound like much fun.” Erin frowned.

      “Maybe not when you’re almost eight.” Matt refolded the map. “I like history, though. And these places were really important during the War Between the States.”

      Facts always caught Erin’s attention. “What’s that?”

      “A time when our country was divided into two parts, and the northern part fought a war against the southern part.”


      Kristin smiled at Jenny. “Want to help me clean up while they talk?” As Matt explained the Civil War to Erin, Jenny brought the dishes to the sink and Kristin stacked them in the dishwasher. Both exercises were finished about the same time.

      “Can we go to the beach?” Erin asked.

      Kristin nodded. “Sure, it’s early. Go get your swimsuits on.” She gave a sigh of relief. The girls had adjusted to the idea of their trip without nearly the resistance she’d expected. Now, if she could only adjust to hers!

      SUNDAY MORNING arrived soon enough and went by so fast that Luke and Sarah were at the door before Kristin realized the time had arrived.

      “Daddy!” Erin—followed by Buster, as usual—ran through the hall and into Luke’s arms. “I’m all packed. Let’s go!”

      He laughed and gave her a hug. “I’m ready if you are. Where’s Jen?”

      Jenny came toward them, pulling a wagon loaded with stuffed animals. “These go with me, Daddy.” She extended the handle. “Don’t drop them.”

      The four adults gazed at each other, trying not to laugh. Then Luke squatted down to Jenny’s level. “You really need all these animals, Jenny Penny?”

      She nodded silently, clutching her very favorite bear to her chest.

      Luke looked into her eyes and nodded. “Okay, then. I don’t think we’ve got room for the wagon, but we’ll get these critters in somehow.”

      “Would you like some coffee before you go? Tea?” Kristin tried not to sound desperate, though she was.

      Luke smiled at her. “You know, I think we should just get on the road. That’ll be easiest.”

      She blinked back tears as they all walked out to the car. Maybe she could change her mind…it wasn’t too late…

      But Matt’s arm was firm around her waist, giving her the strength she lacked. She could do this. For the girls’ sake, she had to.

      “Okay, Erin, Jenny. It’s time for you to head off on your adventure. Give me a hug.” She caught Erin from the back, kissed her cheeks and the top of her head. “Be good for your dad and Sarah. Help out, okay?”


      She allowed herself to pick Jenny up. “Say hello to Smokey the Bear for me, love.”

      Jenny’s eyes widened. “I can see Smokey the Bear?”

      “He lives in the mountains. You just might.”

      “Oh, boy!”

      And then the girls were strapped in, with Buster sitting between them. Kristin hugged Sarah, and Luke shook hands with Matt. The brand-new van backed out of the driveway, with all four occupants waving wildly as they drove away.

      Kristin smiled and waved as long as the blue van was in sight. When it disappeared, she took one deep breath in the emptiness they’d left behind. Then she turned, buried her face in Matt’s chest and began to sob.



      Dear Diary

      Mommy gave me this book to remember

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