The Maverick's Christmas To Remember. Christy Jeffries

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The Maverick's Christmas To Remember - Christy Jeffries Montana Mavericks: The Lonelyhearts Ranch

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What kind of appointment?”

      “I’m a wedding planner.”

      The physician looked over to Josselyn, who nodded in agreement. The questions must be part of some kind of test and Caroline hoped she was passing.

      Dr. Robinson lifted a finger in front of Caroline’s nose. “Do you know where you live?”

      Caroline’s eyes followed the finger as she rattled off the address for the tiny guest house she’d rented in the heart of Rust Creek Falls several months ago. The sooner she answered everything and proved she was perfectly fine, the sooner she could get something to eat.

      “What’s the last thing you remember before coming to the hospital?”

      “I was talking to Josselyn about her wedding and I climbed up on a chair to get the binder with a brochure for a venue when...” Caroline trailed off as she couldn’t recall what had occurred after that. Lifting her fingers to stroke her forehead, she asked, “Is that how I fell?”

      “Yes,” Josselyn said, sighing as though she’d been holding her breath up until this point. “You went face-first into one of the shelves on your way down and were out cold. We didn’t want to wait for an ambulance, so we brought you straight to the ER.”

      “We?” Caroline asked and looked around the room. There was another man near the partitioned curtain of the exam room, but he’d been talking to a nurse outside and she’d assumed he was another doctor.

      “That’s—” Josselyn started, but Dr. Robinson cut her off.

      “Do you know the name of this man?”

      “No idea,” Caroline replied, hoping her honesty wouldn’t mean that she couldn’t get a snack soon. When she’d been ten years old, her dad had to be rushed to the hospital near the faculty housing at Berkeley. He’d insisted that it was only heartburn and asked Caroline to go to the cafeteria and get him some vanilla soft serve to soothe the acid. Turned out it was a perforated gallbladder and because he’d eaten the ice cream, the anesthesiologist delayed the surgery until his stomach was empty. It had been a long ten hours of her dad doing his awful Oliver Twist impression by begging for more food and insisting he was starving.

      “Technically, she hadn’t met me prior to her fall.” The man the doctor had just asked about stepped forward and placed an arm around Josselyn’s waist. “I’m Drew Strickland, by the way. You’re planning our wedding. We had just walked in the door and you’d turned to look at us. That’s when you got your foot twisted in the chair and fell.”

      “We?” Caroline asked again, feeling like a parrot. Her eyelids were getting heavy again and all she wanted was a hot breakfast sandwich and a nap. “Who’s we?”

      “Me and—” Drew was cut off by Dr. Robinson holding up a hand like a stop sign.

      “Do you remember them walking in the door before you fell?” the emergency room physician asked.

      Caroline focused on a bright red electric outlet on the wall in an effort to concentrate, trying to form an image in her mind. But nothing was coming to her. She replayed the events of the morning over and over again, and the weight of the silence in the room suggested that everyone else knew what two plus two equaled and were desperately waiting for her to shout out, “Four!”

      However, she was drawing a complete blank. In fact, she was positive that there wasn’t anything else that happened after that. She was getting tired again, probably from concentrating so hard, and just wanted to fall asleep. Couldn’t they simply tell her what had happened and let her take a nap?

      “Sorry, I don’t.” Caroline shrugged, then yawned. “The last thing I remember was reaching for that binder on the top shelf.”

      It was then that a second man walked into the room and Caroline’s breath caught as he took off his cowboy hat and ran a golden hand through his black, close-cropped hair.

      Her entire body eased back onto the bed and she smiled in relief, everything finally making sense. “Oh, there you are.”

      “So you know him?” the doctor asked, jerking a thumb to the newcomer.

      “Of course,” Caroline said, then blinked slowly as the pillow cradled her head. “That’s my fiancé.”

      * * *

      Her fiancé?

      Craig’s head whipped around to the hallway behind him. But nobody else was there. He opened his mouth to tell the doctor that he’d never even met this woman, but nothing came out. The air had been sucked out of his lungs, and probably out of the entire room, judging by the equally confused expressions on everyone else’s faces.

      Caroline’s head injury must be more serious than they’d originally thought if she was babbling incoherent randomness. Scratch that. Her statement had been clear and articulate, but it made absolutely no sense. Nor did the way she was looking at him, her doe-shaped brown eyes all dreamy and her wide lips parted in a hazy smile as though he was the only one in the room, or at least the only person who mattered. It was the same look Tina had given him before she’d died, and the comparison made his blood go cold.

      Caroline looked nothing like his high school sweetheart, but Craig’s memory had already been triggered, and that rush of helplessness filled his veins the same way it had all those years ago when they’d been trapped on the highway, waiting for the rescue workers to pry them out of the wreckage. He would’ve looked to Drew or Josselyn for an answer, but he couldn’t tear his gaze away from Caroline.

      Logically, he knew he wasn’t reliving that awful night nearly fifteen years ago, but when Caroline’s eyes finally drifted closed, Craig raced to her bedside and grabbed her hand as though he alone could will her back to consciousness.

      “She’ll be fine,” the ER doctor told him with a gentle pat on the shoulder, a move likely designed to reassure loved ones. No doubt, it had worked for the doc countless times in the past. The only difference in this situation was that Craig didn’t know the current patient, let alone love her.

      “But I’m not—” Craig started and Dr. Robinson interrupted him.

      “Let’s step into the hallway where we can talk.” The physician’s reassuring pat turned into a firm nudge as she steered him toward the nurses’ station.

      Craig turned back toward his friends, who were slowly following them. Josselyn’s mouth was slightly open and there were a few squiggly creases between her eyebrows while Drew simply stared in concern as though Craig had been the one to hit his head and get the sense knocked out of him.

      Not that Craig could blame the guy. There might be plenty of reasons why Caroline accidentally called him her fiancé, but there was absolutely no explanation for his intense emotional reaction to someone who was a total stranger.

      While it was already embarrassing that the others saw him respond like that, it would be even more confusing and downright mortifying to explain what prompted him to run to her side and clutch her hand as though she was dying.

      Despite the couple approaching, Dr. Robinson faced Craig and directed most of the information his way. Something about a concussion and needing consent for a CT scan to rule out any long-term damage. “My recommendation is to run a few more tests and then have her stay overnight

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