The Girl from Honeysuckle Farm / One Dance with the Cowboy. Jessica Steele

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The Girl from Honeysuckle Farm / One Dance with the Cowboy - Jessica Steele Mills & Boon Romance

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that annoyed her. ‘Well, if you must know, I think he thinks we’re starting some sort of romantic attachment.’ There—it was out. She waited for him to look totally astounded at the idea. But to her astonishment he actually started to grin. She stared at him, her heart going all fluttery for no good reason.

      Then Ty was sobering, and to her amazement he was confessing, ‘My fault entirely, I’m afraid.’

      ‘Your fault?’

      ‘Forgive me, Phinn?’ he requested, not for a moment looking sorry about anything. ‘I could tell the way his mind was working when I told him I’d asked you to stay with us for a while.’

      Phinn stared at him. ‘But you didn’t tell him—?’ she gasped.

      ‘I thought it better not to disabuse him of the notion,’ Ty cut in.

      ‘Why on earth not?’ she bridled.

      ‘Now, don’t get cross,’ Ty admonished. ‘You know quite well the real reason why you’re here.’

      ‘To be Ash’s companion.’

      ‘Right,’ Ty agreed. ‘You’re here to keep him company—but he’s not to know about it. From where I’m viewing it, Ash has got enough to handle without having the added weight of feeling under too much of an obligation for what you did for him yesterday. He’s indebted to you—of course he is. We both are,’ Ty went on. ‘The alternative—what could have happened had you not been around and had the guts to do what you did—just doesn’t bear thinking about. But he’s under enough emotional pressure. I just thought it might take some of the pressure from him if he could more cheerfully think that, while things might be going wrong for him in his personal life, I—his big brother—was having a better time of it and had invited you here more because I was smitten than because of what we both owe you.’

      Despite herself, Phinn could see the logic of what Ty had just said. She remembered how down Ash had seemed when she had come across him on the bank today. She recalled that bleak expression on his face and had to agree. Ty’s brother did not need any extra burden just now.

      ‘As long as you don’t expect me to give you a cuddle every now and then,’ she retorted sniffily at last.

      She saw his lips twitch and turned away, and, feeling funny inside, showed an interest in Ruby.

      ‘As pleasant as one of your cuddles would surely be, I’ll try to hold down my expectations,’ Ty replied smoothly, and for a minute she did not like him again, because again he was making her feel a fool. All too plainly the sky would fall in before he would want to be anywhere near cuddling distance with her.

      ‘Are you home tomorrow?’ she turned to enquire, thinking that as it was Saturday he might well be.

      ‘Want to take me to Pixie End Wood too?’

      She gave him a hostile look, bit down on a reply of Yes, and leave you there, and settled for, ‘You intimated you’d neglected your work in London. I merely wondered if you’d be going back to catch up.’

      ‘You don’t like me, do you?’

      At this moment, no. She shrugged her shoulders. ‘I can take you or leave you,’ she replied, to let him know that she was not bothered about him one way or the other. But flicking a glance to him, she saw she had amused him. Not in the least offended, he looked more likely to laugh than to be heartbroken.

      ‘How’s the…Ruby?’ He made one of his lightning switches of conversation.

      Ah, that was different. Taking the talk away from herself and on to Ruby was far preferable. ‘She’s happy—really settled in well. She’s eaten more today than she has in a while. And this stable, the paddock—they’re a dream for her.’

      ‘Good,’ Ty commented, and then, dipping his hand into his trouser pocket, he pulled out a wrist-watch and handed it to her. ‘You’ll need one of these until your own dries out,’ he remarked.

      Having taken it from him, Phinn stared at the handsome gentleman’s watch in her hand. ‘I can’t…’ she began, trying to give it back to him.

      ‘It’s a spare.’ He refused to take it. ‘And only a loan.’

      She looked at him, feeling stumped. The phrase ‘hoist with her own petard’ came to mind. She had told him her watch would be all right again once it had dried out—but he knew that, no matter how dry it was, it would never be serviceable again.

      ‘I’ll let you have it back in due time.’ She accepted it with what dignity she could muster, and was glad when, with a kind pat to Ruby’s flank, Ty Allardyce bade her, ‘Adieu,’ and went.

      Phinn stayed with Ruby, wondering what it was about the man that disturbed her so. In truth, she had never met any man who could make her so annoyed with him one second and yet on the point of laughter the next.

      Eventually she said goodnight to Ruby and returned to the house, musing that it had been thoughtful of Ty to loan her a watch. How many times that day had she automatically checked her left wrist in vain?

      The evidence of just how thoughtful he was was again there when, having gone up the stairs and into her room, Phinn discovered that someone had been in there.

      She stood stock still and just stared. The small round table that had been by the antique gold chaise longue had been removed. In its place, and looking every bit as if it belonged there, was the small round table that had been in the drawing room when last she had seen it.

      ‘Grandmother Hawkins’ table,’ she said softly, and felt a warm glow wash over her. Welcome home, it seemed to be saying. She did not have to guess who had so thoughtfully made the exchange. She knew that it had been Ty Allardyce.

      Phinn went to bed liking him again.

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