The Sheikh Who Married Her. Lynn Raye Harris

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The Sheikh Who Married Her - Lynn Raye Harris Mills & Boon M&B

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her chest. A ray of sunlight beamed in through the cathedral-like narrow windows and warmed her back.

      ‘I’ve been walking in the garden, getting some air. I cannot stay confined to my bed for twenty-four hours a day just because I took a couple of small flesh wounds. Jamal told me I would find you here. What do you think of my library?’

      ‘It’s truly magnificent. A person could spend a lifetime in here and barely get through the books on even one shelf.’

      Her comment drew the hint of a smile to his lips. Moving towards her, he moved his hand briefly to his side.

      ‘Are you hurting?’ she asked. The distressed catch in her voice sounded loud to her own ears.

      ‘That question is a double-edged sword. The truth is that my pride is stinging just as much as my physical wounds.’

      ‘Why’s that?’

      ‘I …’ He seemed to swiftly reconsider what he’d been going to say and lightly jerked his head towards the book Gina pressed to the white silk of her blouse. ‘What have you got there?’

      ‘It’s a history of the Byzantine empire.’ She sent up a silent prayer of thanks that he hadn’t discovered her with an incriminating family journal, but she still couldn’t help colouring guiltily.

      ‘A little light reading, eh?’ he joked, brown eyes twinkling.

      Her insides melted like butter over a hot stove. Staring back at him, she fell into a hypnotic semi-trance.

      ‘I am sorry I treated you as I did last night,’ he murmured, ‘my behaviour was reprehensible.’

      Now he was tipping up Gina’s chin, gazing at her as though he, too, was hypnotised.

      ‘You were hurt and angry … I understand, Zahir. I understand and I forgive you. But right now you clearly should be resting—not up and about like this, putting a strain on your wounds.’

      She held her breath as his fingers moved across her cheek and into her hair. ‘Could any man blame me for wanting you so much?’ he said, and his usually strong voice sounded distinctly unsteady.


      THE spell he cast was so profound, so intense, it was as if the rest of the world suddenly ceased to exist. There were no boundaries or walls any more—just Zahir and her, suspended in a weightless loving universe where who you were and the roles you assumed in life—whether antiquities expert or sheikh—ceased to matter. All there was were two souls recognising each other and silently rejoicing.

      Her eyelids drifted closed as every cell vibrated with anticipation, waiting for the kiss that was bound to come.

      It felt as though everything in his life had been teetering on the brink of disaster for a long time. Now, studying the entrancing beautiful features before him, Zahir thought that here was one thing that was right … that made him feel good … after talking to his sister even hopeful.

      From his head to his feet his body yearned for this woman. He could scarcely think of anything else but losing himself inside her. His longing overrode even the unholy biting sting of his gunshot wounds. And then he saw it … A slightly raised scarlet abrasion on the plump pink flesh of her lower lip. Her mouth was naked this morning—free from make-up—so it was plain to see. Instantly he recoiled—the memory of the savage kiss that had been his parting shot last night dousing the heat that enveloped him like ice-water.

      ‘I did this?’ He winced as he stroked the pad of his thumb over the lightly swollen wound.

      The incandescent long-lashed eyes appeared startled. Realising what he meant, she coiled her slender fingers gently round his wrist. ‘You didn’t mean to.’ Her tone was warm and whisper-soft. ‘It’s nothing to be concerned about.’

      ‘I meant to make you pay for my frustration, and that is not the action of a man who is honourable. A thousand apologies, Dr Collins … it will not happen again.’

      He made himself withdraw in every way—physically, psychologically, mentally. It was agony, but Zahir had to do it.

      Her face was a picture of confusion. ‘It’s nothing to feel guilty about. It happened in the heat of the moment.’

      ‘Even so …’ Inside, he was thinking, I do not deserve her forgiveness. I acted like an arrogant fool. ‘The reason I came to find you,’ he continued, ‘is to ask something of you that will mean a lot to me.’

      ‘Tell me.’

      ‘My sister Farida informs me that you have already bumped into each other. It appears she has taken a great liking to you. It’s the first time she has shown an interest in anyone or anything outside of the palace since she lost Azhar, so naturally I want to encourage it. She wants me to ask if she can help you with your inventory of some of the more important palace artefacts. I know I have not officially asked you to undertake such a project, but I am asking you now. Will you do it? Both conduct an inventory and allow Farida to assist you?’

      She stroked her palm down over her hip in the pearl-coloured silk harem pants she’d matched with a tunic in the same delicate hue. Her troubled glance told him she was mentally regrouping—trying to make sense of his request.

      ‘There must be countless important artefacts in a palace this size. Such a project could take months and months. What about my job at the auction house back home?’

      ‘I have no doubt your employers would see it as an honour for one of their staff to undertake this task. There is no doubt in my mind that they will jump at my offer. If you are in agreement with the plan, I will make sure the remuneration you receive is generous.’

      ‘It’s not a question of money. What about Jake—I mean Dr Rivers? Do you want to employ him, too?’

      A flash of annoyance assailed Zahir that she should mention her colleague. Mockingly he raised his eyebrow. ‘No. It is you who is the antiquities expert, is it not?’

      ‘I also told you that my father isn’t well. I can’t just disappear for months on end with no contact.’

      Biting back a jealous retort at yet another show of consideration for her father rather than him, Zahir breathed in deeply. Such a response was beneath him.

      ‘You can telephone him and talk to him all you want. I perfectly understand that you need to do that. If he needs a nurse, go ahead and hire one. The palace will foot the bill. As far as Farida is concerned, would you be willing to utilise her help?’

      Looking torn, Gina lightly shrugged her shoulders. ‘If I undertake to do the inventory, I’m sure her help would be invaluable. Her knowledge of your family treasures must be considerable, having lived with them all her life.’

      ‘Good. Then you agree to do this?’

      Zahir could hardly contain his impatience as he waited for her answer. His sister’s enthusiasm for Gina’s presence had unwittingly given him a legitimate reason to keep her there longer. Now that reason had entered his head he refused to entertain the possibility that his request might be denied.

      The big blue eyes still mirrored doubt, but at last she nodded

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