Sarah And The Secret Sheikh. Michelle Douglas

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Sarah And The Secret Sheikh - Michelle Douglas Mills & Boon Cherish

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better than a constantly critical boyfriend. And he’d been right—she did deserve better. And so did he. The way he was going, he’d work himself into an early grave.

      She pursed her lips. That might be an exaggeration. She was rubbish at the work side of things but she could make up for it on the play side of the equation. ‘Do you ever drink?’ she asked.

      He straightened. ‘I’ll be back.’

      He moved away to serve a customer. When he returned he folded himself down into the same eye-level position. Did he know how sexy that was? Did he know she’d only have to close the space with a small forward movement to kiss him? If she did...

      ‘You have very speaking eyes.’

      His grin was full of temptation. It was all she could do not to swoon—or kiss him. She settled for grinning back at him instead. ‘I’m feeling happy, free...and in the mood for some fun.’

      She’d never been this bold before, but she couldn’t find it in herself to regret it. She’d made a fool of herself over far less worthy things.

      She shrugged but she doubted it was one of those confident, nonchalant gestures all the cool girls managed. Something in the gesture, though, made Majed’s face soften. ‘What can I say, Majed? I like you.’

      He was quiet for a long moment and just when she’d started readying herself for a hot squirm of embarrassment, and the shame of a kindly worded rejection, he said, ‘Brandy. Sometimes, late at night when I’m home alone, I’ll indulge in a small glass of brandy.’

      Her heart grew so big it blocked her throat, leaving her temporarily unable to speak. Finally she swallowed. Air flooded her lungs and her blood danced. ‘Maybe you’d like to have a brandy with me tonight? When you’re done here?’

      He reached out to wind his finger around a lock of her hair. ‘There’s no maybe about it. I’d like it very much.’

      Ooh! Ooh! She found it impossible to form a coherent thought.

      He gestured towards the far end of the bar to the waiting customers. ‘Don’t go anywhere.’

      ‘I’m not going anywhere.’ She couldn’t believe how strongly her voice emerged when the rest of her felt as weak and shapeless as smoke. felt weak until his smile sent her floating up towards the ceiling.

      * * *

      Sarah stretched and encountered a warm male body.

      She opened one eye to find Majed sending her a low, sexy smile that warmed her blood. Her other eye flew open as the events of the previous night flooded her. Their love-making had... Wow! She gulped She hadn’t known it could be like that.

      ‘Good morning.’

      She couldn’t contain a grin. ‘From where I’m lying, it’s a very good morning.’

      She lifted a hand to trace the firm contours of his bare chest. Majed sucked in a breath. And then three loud knocks pounded on her front door. Her hand stilled. Majed raised an eyebrow.

      She lifted a finger to her lips. ‘If we’re quiet they might go away.’

      The knocking started up again.

      And again.

      Majed’s lips twitched. ‘They don’t seem to want to give up.’

      She bit back a sigh before pointing a finger at him. ‘Don’t go anywhere.’

      He brought her finger to his lips and kissed it. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’

      She slipped on a robe and belted it at her waist. ‘I’ll be back. Very soon.’ She’d get rid of whoever it was in double-quick time.

      And then maybe they could resume last night’s...delights.

      Majed shucked up the bed, resting his hands behind his head. The sheet threatened to slip beyond his waist. All she had to do was grab the sheet in one hand, tug, and...

      If it were possible, Majed’s smile grew wider and sexier. ‘Answer the door, Sarah.’

      Oh, yes! The sooner she got rid of her unwelcome visitor the sooner she could get back to bed...and Majed.

      It was all she could do to contain a shimmy when she flung open the door.

      ‘What the hell took you so long?’ Sebastian barrelled into the room.

      Her jaw dropped and then she pointed back the way he’d come. ‘Leave, Sebastian. Right this moment. We’ve nothing to say. We’re done, so just please go.’

      ‘Hey, baby, don’t be so hasty.’

      He tried to take her in his arms, but she side-stepped him. Majed had been so right about Sebastian. Why hadn’t she realised that sooner?

      Because you wanted to annoy your mother.

      ‘Aw, Cuddles...’

      ‘Don’t call me baby and do not call me Cuddles!’ God, how she loathed that nickname. It made her sound like an over-fed cat. A neutered over-fed cat. ‘We have nothing—’

      ‘I’m sorry, baby. I know I was awful yesterday. I’d had a terrible day at work. I didn’t mean what I said, and I don’t want to break up with you.’

      Had she honestly fallen for this tripe in the past? ‘I don’t want you to want me back, Sebastian. What I want is for you to leave. Now.’

      He frowned evidently baffled. Shame, hot and queasy, made her stomach churn. When had she let herself become such a pushover? When had she decided to settle for so little?

      He straightened and moved towards her, determination glinting in the hard twist of his mouth. Good God, did he mean to kiss her into submission? If he tried it he’d find himself on the floor clutching his groin. Her mother had taught her about men like him.

      ‘If you touch the lady, I’ll be forced to take action.’

      Majed leaned against the doorway to the bedroom, wearing nothing but a pair of snug cotton trunks—royal blue—that did nothing to hide his...impressiveness. Her mouth dried at the sheer magnificence of six feet of honed muscle lounging in the doorway, waiting for her to come back to bed. A sigh of pure appreciation rose through her.

      Sebastian stared from Majed to Sarah and back again. It would’ve been almost comical if his surprise hadn’t been so darned offensive. Finally he swung around and called her a one-word name that made her flinch.

      With the casual elegance she envied, Majed strode across and landed a right hook to Sebastian’s jaw. Hauling him off the floor, he dragged him to the door and flung him out into the hallway before closing the door on him.

      He did it efficiently. Like a trained warrior. And Sarah had no hope of getting her pulse back under control. ‘Um...thank you.’

      ‘You’re welcome.’

      Her heart thundered in her ears. Would it be really poor form to push Majed

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