Mojave Rescue. Tanya Stowe

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Mojave Rescue - Tanya Stowe Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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traitor to their country, but he’d risked his life to save her, covering her body with his and returning for her when he could have made his own escape. Right now nothing else mattered. She pressed her face into Norwood’s back and closed her eyes.

      Odd thoughts came to her. The faint scent of lemony aftershave. She’d watched Norwood dive into dirt, run up and down a rocky ravine and scramble for his life, but still he managed to smell good. It seemed a silly thing to think about, especially since he’d betrayed everything Drina tried to accomplish. But somehow, the man made her feel safe. Protected.

      Right now Cal Norwood was the man of steel, larger than life, invincible...but he smelled like lemon sunshine.

      Another silly detail that lodged in her mind: she could wrap her arms around his entire waist and hold tight. How could such a slender torso manhandle this jostling, shimmying vehicle?

      The question faded in her mind as they hit a bump. Drina grasped him tighter and snuggled close, burying her face in his leather jacket.

      Shock. It must be shock bringing all these crazy, mixed-up thoughts to her mind. Joy at being alive must have heightened her senses because Drina was definitely not the type to romanticize. But right now it didn’t matter. They were safe and Norwood was wonderful. That was all that mattered for the moment.

      Drina lost track of time. They drove for what seemed like hours. The stream widened again into a dry riverbed. Above them on the bank, the headlights flashed on a black strip that looked like a paved road. After a while, Norwood slowed the quad to a stop and turned the light toward the bank. The brown crest of a small hut appeared above them. Norwood eased the quad into the V of some boulders along the riverbed and shut down the engine.

      Drina’s ears and body vibrated for a moment more, adjusting to the sudden stillness. The wind had picked up and carried a biting edge. She shivered. Norwood held out his hand again.

      “We need to find shelter so we can rest for a bit.”

      Rest? We need to find help.

      Drina wanted to speak but her teeth started to chatter and her body trembled. Overwhelmed by the sudden shaking, she took his warm, secure hand, and he pulled her up the bank. Her legs were sore from being bound and weak from the long ride on the quad. She could hardly force them to move. By the time they reached the top, she was out of breath.

      The small building was a brown tollbooth in the center of a divided road.

      “Wh-what is this place?” She barely got the words out between shudders.

      “It’s Red Rock Canyon, a state park for ATV riders. It’s been closed for several years. Cutbacks.”

      He hurried across the asphalt road and pushed on the locked door. Gripping her arms tight against her, Drina watched him jam his shoulder into the flimsy door several times.

      “Wh-why don’t you just break the w-window and unlock it?”

      “It wouldn’t give us much shelter from the wind then, would it? Besides, I don’t want to leave too much damage behind. It will make for an easy trail to follow.”

      With that, he gave the door a sturdy kick and it bounced open. He pulled Drina inside and tucked her into a corner.

      “Have a seat and I’ll see if I can’t find a water faucet outside.”

      Nodding, Drina bumped up against the wall and slid to the floor. Inside, out of the cold wind, felt so much better. Slipping her backpack off, she sighed with relief, but the sigh turned into a sob...and the trembling continued. She couldn’t control the shaking and suddenly, a thought jumped into her mind.

      When she’d first met Norwood, she’d mentally made fun of his strict adherence to rules and the impression he gave off that he could save the world. Well...he’d just saved Drina and everything in her world. Hot tears of shame and relief rolled down her cheeks.

      * * *

      Norwood returned to the shed and slipped inside, out of the cold wind. He placed a large rock against the door to hold it shut. “There are faucets outside but all the water is turned off.”

      His only answer was a sob-like sound. He turned. Tears sparkled on Drina’s cheeks.

      “I—I can’t stop.” She seemed barely able to get the words out.

      Cal dropped to the ground beside her. It was her fault she was here. Her own disregard for security had resulted in her kidnapping. Still, her statement sounded so pathetic, he couldn’t stop himself. Reaching across the space, he put an arm around her. His gesture seemed to release a flood of emotion. She spilled into his arms so suddenly, Cal was caught off guard and his arms spread wide as she wrapped hers around his waist.

      He could almost feel Drina’s pent-up emotions washing out of her. It felt awkward, if he sat chest deep in a sea of feelings he didn’t need or understand.

      Then she reached up, wrapped chilly fingers around his neck and buried her cold cheeks and nose in the curve of his neck. Skin to skin. Life to life.

      This he understood. This need he knew well. Basic needs. Men and women. Even her sobs reminded them both that they were alive. He enfolded her in his arms and held her close while hot tears soaked his shirt.

      He’d studied this woman, knew her schedule, her goals. He knew more about her than about any other woman. But he’d never been this close, never held her in his arms. Somehow she felt right. He’d also seen the terror in her eyes as she lay on the floor of the shack. That image flashed through his mind, and a wave of tenderness he couldn’t explain washed over him. He pressed his lips to the top of her head.

      Her breakdown only lasted a minute or two. Then he felt boundaries going up, brick by brick, as she sealed her emotions inside once again. After another moment or so, her hand pulled away. She wiped the dampness from her cheeks.

      Truth be told, Cal was disappointed. Her waiflike figure contained some pretty soft curves. It felt good to hold something real, something soft and gentle. Not just basic instincts but something more. For too long, his life had been all about emptiness and sharp edges. Drina was a sudden reminder that there was more to life. Thankfully, they were both still alive to enjoy it. Cal allowed himself a moment to appreciate the gift.

      But only a moment. The fact remained that they were in this mess thanks to Drina’s willful disregard for security protocols. His mission was destroyed and both their lives were in danger.

      In spite of the fact that she was still trembling, he pushed her away.

      She wiped at wet cheeks again and sniffled. “I’ve soaked your shirt.” Her voice sounded hoarse and rough.

      “It’ll dry.” His tone was brusque. He needed to shake the unexpected effects of her nearness. He didn’t want to but he had to give her credit. “You were incredibly quick thinking back there. I owe you. You saved my life when you drove that car at Carter.”

      Her motions suddenly stilled. “Did I k-kill him?”

      “No. But he did have to jump away quickly and you gave me the pleasure of watching him tumble head over heels down the hill. I’ve wanted to do something like that for two years.”

      She straightened and gazed into his face. Moonlight poured in

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